Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 387 The Kerry Family's Counterattack

Regarding matters in the north, Fang Jie won't make much noise for a while.

After all, it is an empire, no matter how many demigods the other party has or what state they are in, it is not something he can deal with now. Therefore, Fang Jie turned his attention to the Sea Alliance.

The extra time is used to study and research again, or play with your foxes.

After this period of time together, Anya is no longer the timid and fearful look she used to be, but every time she is with Fang Jie, she is still very nervous, like a little rabbit.

Fang Jie didn't plan to do anything, but was very interested in teasing such a little girl.

Especially when the loyalty has exceeded 90, Fang Jie is not worried that the other party will rebel or something.

Perhaps it is because there is a family behind it, so loyalty has basically reached its limit. This kind of person who has other things in mind, it is basically difficult for the loyalty to reach more than 95, let alone the full value.

As time passed, the power over the night elf realm grew steadily.

But before Fang Jie did anything to the Sea Alliance, the Sea Alliance had problems first.

On this day, Fang Jie received news and found that the sea alliance had suffered a lot of losses from his material business. Seeing this situation, Fang Jie simply passed through the material warehouse and teleported to Kuisha Island.

At this time, Kuisha Island is completely different from before. On the surface, it is a natural scenery.

In short, the previous situation where the dead were full of plagues was completely invisible.

At first glance, there are flowers and meadows everywhere, and those who don't know it think this is the territory set up by elves. Undead do not have this aesthetic, but are friendly to other races.

Further afield, Fang Jie can also see members of some other races in action.

These are not Fang Jie's subordinates, so they must be people from other forces in the Sea Alliance.

"Lord Lord." Seeing Fang Jie, the undead immediately saluted, and it didn't take long for Fang Hao to come to this place. Since the last battle, Fang Hao has returned to Kuisha Island again to preside over the overall situation here.

"What is the reason, why is there still a loss in our material business, and it is so big."

Fang Jie is very surprised, after all, the material business is based on material warehouses. Because the gold-level material warehouse can transfer various materials inside at will, it is all internally mobilized.

As long as there is a material warehouse as a stronghold, there is no need to move things out.

Even if someone attacks and destroys the material warehouse, the contents can be transferred to other places in an instant.

In order to be able to store a lot, Fang Jie has also established a large number of material warehouses in the northern plateau, just to ship excess materials. As long as there is a problem anywhere, things will be sent away as soon as possible.

Even those managers who control the material warehouse, Fang Jie used the undead under his own.

Because they are all elite-level undead, Fang Jie is not worried about any accidents.

"Lord Lord, this time it's not the material warehouse itself, but some things outside. Many materials are not approved by the material warehouse, so they cannot be transferred through the warehouse."

Fang Jie nodded: "I know this, I have already mentioned this issue before."

Fang Jie does know that some materials that are not recognized by the material warehouse still need to be mobilized in the traditional way.

It's just Fang Jie's habit of hiding, so the armed airship was not sent to this place to carry out the mission. Most of the special items were transported by heavy warships, which were transported by the power of the sea.

It is precisely because of this reason that although the port on the Sea Alliance side is depressed, it has not been completely abandoned.

And those things, because of the slow transportation, lead to rising prices.

Major ports have also increased tariffs on these materials that must be transported by ports. Because of the slow delivery of these things, the value is getting higher and higher.

"During this time, many pirate gangs suddenly appeared at sea. The materials we transported before were attacked by pirate gangs, resulting in great losses."

For Fang Jie's losses, they all have to be compensated, and they have to pay twice as much.

It is because of this that the Ping An Materials Firm is almost on the verge of robbing the original local delivery business. It is for this reason that this problem has arisen.

"I think there are problems in this area. It seems that they are all in the same area. Since this area has been attacked all the time, why are there more supplies being transported here?"

"It's basically to earn compensation, after all, there are benefits."

"It's not just that, if it's just for compensation, what if it doesn't get it, what if it's shipped. If there's no other use, if it's shipped like this, it will cause them a loss."

Fang Jie knows that for those who really need it, they may not be willing to pay twice as much.

Because of delaying their time, or even delaying their own affairs, double compensation may not really be able to make up for their losses. So there seems to be a problem with this.

"I have already investigated, and most of these lost things are tasks sent by some specific people. Our investigation found that these people seem to be related to the Kerry family."

There is a Rory who knows the Kerry family very well, and he can easily analyze a lot of these things.

Relying on these techniques and understanding, Rory easily investigated the real source of these losses.

"That is to say, this is the Kerry family's counterattack against us, and this method is still used. Because of their own mission, they knew the route and hired someone to rob them."

Fang Hao nodded lightly: "We think so too, but Rory thinks that we may have spies inside."

"Spy? How to say this, don't we all use our own subordinates?"

"Not all of them. In order to adapt to the environment on the Sea Alliance side, we also hired a lot of people. Some people have good abilities, so they can enter some high-level places."

Fang Jie knew, it turned out that he hired someone else. "If that's the case, then do you know who has the problem?"

Fang Jie is still very confident in his internal control, that is his foundation.

"There has been some news, and it is roughly possible to determine who did it. Do you want to deal with these people?"

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