Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 388 Anya Is Not Simple

Originally wanted to deal with those people, but suddenly Fang Jie thought of a better idea.

"Leave those people first, I'll go back and plan, this time I will get a big one, and after I draw those people out, I'll kill them all." Anyway, if someone did it, wouldn't it make him seem weak and incompetent if he didn't fight back.

Simply put the count on the count, and find a way to get rid of them.

Fang Hao did not object, just let his subordinates continue to collect a large amount of information and send it to Fang Jie.

In the next few days, the material business will still maintain its original appearance. Although there is still a loss for the time being, this loss is nothing to Fang Jie.

After all, the main development of his subordinates is still the undead, and other territories are managed by the lords themselves.

The materials earned by oneself do not need to be distributed to them, they are enough for themselves. Fang Jie is researching the intelligence and summarizing the design at the same time. It is absolutely impossible not to teach them a lesson this time.

On this day, Anya suddenly walked in front of Fang Jie. Speaking of which, it was the first time that Anya took the initiative to go to Fang Jie's study. In the past, it was the two little foxes, An Fei and Luo Qier, who took the initiative.

"Anya, what's the matter?" Fang Jie asked curiously.

"Well, I, I heard that there are people in the Sea Alliance targeting the material business in the past few days, so I want to help."

Fang Jie smiled, if only his subordinates could have this kind of initiative. Although the undead are loyal, they are not so sensitive to things other than war.

Therefore, the undead itself is not suitable for developing this kind of power. For so many years, the undead has not been able to become the mainstream, and has been suppressed by other creatures, which is also an important reason.

"How do you know what's going on overseas, and how can you help?"

"I, I heard the things you said, Master, and some other things, and I analyzed them."

Analysis, this ability is not simple, ordinary people hear such a little information and want to analyze it is not easy. Although you can hear some things when you are by your side, you can't say all of them.

"Then tell me what you think."

Anya brought a stack of white papers to Fang Jie's table, then lowered her head and looked at her toes.

"Well, here are some ideas I've sorted out in the past few days. It should be of some use."

Fang Jie took the document and looked at it, but looking at it, Fang Jie's face changed from casual to serious. In stark contrast to Anya's bunny-like expression, this document is not simple.

If this place hadn't been under his absolute control all the time, Fang Jie would have thought it was someone else's help.

The various methods on this document are very old-fashioned. Although some inappropriate places can be seen, this should not be because Anya's layout ability is not enough, but because there is too little information.

"How do you know these things?" Fang Jie said in surprise.

Anya became even more nervous: "I, I have been learning from it since I was a child, so I know a little bit."

Well, Fang Jie understands now, Anya is indeed the pearl of the New Moon Kingdom. A princess is a princess. Even a princess who looks like a vase has actually been systematically learned.

As long as their ability is not too poor, the level of these people is not low.

Don't look at Anya's age, but from this information alone, Anya's ability is probably not much worse than Qin Lan's. Perhaps the biggest difference is only experience and vision.

After all, Qin Lan is from Earth, and he has seen more of such tricks.

And because Qin Lan has been practicing under his own hands, he has more experience.

"Then tell me, why are you doing this here." Fang Jie pointed to a place that was different from what he planned.

"This, I don't think you can do too much at once. Although too many things will make them more greedy, it will also arouse their vigilance. After all, this is too much."

"So I spread out so many things and shipped them from different places at different times. It seems like a coincidence that when they gather in this area, there is only so much time."

"If you analyze it carefully, you will find this problem, but this time is too short, and it seems that it is not intentional at all. If you give them too little time, then they will definitely take risks at this time."

Fang Jie nodded, this layout is indeed better than what he planned before.

Fang Jie had planned to use a lot of materials to attract people, but now it seems a bit blunt.

It's just that Fang Jie has never been able to solve it. Now that he sees Anya's methods, Fang Jie finds that he can't even compare to a little girl. Speaking of which, it's really frustrating.

If they were given the same starting point, Fang Jie found that maybe he really wasn't as good as Anya.

Of course, if luck is also a kind of strength, then his own strength is really too strong.

"Not bad, let's talk about this place, and here and here."

Fang Jie continued to point to some things that he didn't quite understand and asked Anya to explain. With the explanation, Anya's mood gradually calmed down and entered a special state, full of confidence.

This kind of aura makes Fang Jie feel a little familiar, isn't it somewhat similar to Qin Lan.

But it's not exactly the same, after all, the two people have different experiences, and they can't be completely similar.

"Yes, it's really good. I didn't expect you to have this ability. I'll leave it to you to plan this time."

"That, I, I can't do it, I'm just a slave..." Anya was at a loss.

"Even if they are slaves, they are mine. My slaves are inherently nobler than others." Fang Jie's words left Anya speechless. How could this confidence and attitude be different from what she knew before.

"Well, this time things are done, and I will do some overseas things for you. If you do well, I will take out a large island overseas and hand it over to your family to manage."

Anya's eyes were filled with joy. The large islands were very large, and each of them was no smaller than the original Crescent Moon Kingdom, or even bigger, and had more abundant resources. If it can be completed, the family will rise again, and its purpose will be achieved.

Then Anya said: "Well, Anya doesn't have a family, and Anya belongs to the master alone. But if the master asks me to do it, then I will do it well."

Fang Jie is very satisfied, these words show Anya's attitude and her thoughts.

As for a big island, Fang Jie doesn't really care.

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