Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 389 The Trap Set For The Kerry Family

"We want to, and we also want to help the master share some things."

At this time, two little foxes, An Fei and Luo Qier, also ran in. When the two of them found Anya here, they were eavesdropping outside. Although Fang Jie knew about it, he ignored it.

After all, it is full of loyalty, so there is no need to worry.

You don't even have to worry about being told by others, because the two little foxes have always been within their own territory. In their own territory, basically no other creatures will appear.

Even if some people from other places came to report and deliver, they came and went in a hurry.

"Are you two going to take care of this too? Come and have a look."

Fang Jie greeted two people over, and then handed the information to them. But looking at it, the two of them were dumbfounded. Although their talent in cultivation is good, their talent in this area is not very good.

Don't talk about analysis and discussion of these things, even if you look at them, you can't understand much.

"Well, we don't seem to know much about it." An Fei was at a loss.

Originally, it was instinctive to want to compete for favor, but I didn't expect these to be understood by myself. Having followed Fang Jie for so long, the two little foxes don't have this ability either.

"Okay, this thing is not what you are good at in the first place, you can play what you are good at."

The two little foxes got into Fang Jie's arms at once, writhing constantly. "Master is the best."

The two foxes made grunting noises, and Fang Jie was mad at him. Fang Jie simply put his arms around the waists of the two little foxes: "Then use what you are good at and serve your master well."

Fang Jie carried the two little foxes and walked towards the lounge next to the study, leaving Anya with a flushed face.

It didn't take long for the lounge to make a burst of suppressed sounds, and Anya quickly covered her little face and ran towards the door. The more I ran, the more I felt my heart pounding.

What's going on, wasn't the father and emperor sent him here for this?

Why did he back off now that he had the opportunity now?

It's just that Anya now doesn't dare to look back at all. Every time she thinks of what happened just now, she can't help but want to run away.

Fang Jie didn't care about her. After all, Anya was too young, and she didn't want to be closed by Fang Jie of 404 one day before entering the room. So even if Anya wanted to go in, it was impossible.

The next day, Anya was arranged by Fang Jie to go to Kuisha Island.

Fang Hao went all out to help, although Fang Hao didn't understand, but Fang Hao knew that he should learn.

At the same time, Qin Lan also put down what he was doing and ran over to assist Anya.

"It's really good, you have found a treasure now, this little princess is really capable." Qin Lan said to Fang Jie, and I have to say that now Qin Lan has recognized Anya's ability.

Maybe he is still a little more immature than himself, but he is not bad, and he lacks some experience.

However, because the two people are quite similar, Qin Lan doesn't like Anya very much, and even has the feeling that she is an opponent. This is an instinct.

Of course, even if it is an opponent, it is only a benign follow-up, not the kind that wants you to die.

Everyone was in the same camp, Qin Lan instinctively wanted to suppress Anya in terms of ability. And Anya didn't know why, but she also felt something faintly, so the two of them always had a special smell of gunpowder when they were together.

It's just that Fang Jie couldn't figure it out, but seeing that the two were not really hostile, he simply didn't care.

With the cooperation of the two, the plan gradually improved. At this time, the preparation stage has been reached, and some special changes have begun to take place in the unremarkable sea area.

On this day, at different ports and at different times, some materials began to be shipped.

Just before they started shipping, the news reached the Kerry family. At this time, the eldest son of the Kerry family looked at these things and gradually frowned.

"It seems that there seems to be some problem with these materials."

"Eldest son, I have found the problem. These materials will pass through this location at 8 o'clock in the evening the day after tomorrow. This is the middle of the angle between the two islands. It seems to be very large, but it is actually very small."

"Did they all pass through here? How much are their total supplies and how much time they have been in contact with?"

"According to our analysis, they will pass through this place from different angles within ten minutes, and it is very likely that they will be handed over. The total number of materials, I will make a list here."

The eldest son lit up when he looked at this unfinished list.

This material is really too big and the value is very high. If this sum is done well, it will be equivalent to almost half a year's income of the family. This is half a year at the peak of the family, not the current one.

According to the current family income, this amount is equivalent to several years of income.

Eating all of them will not only allow the family to grow and develop, but also make Ping An Materials Company lose a lot of money. And without taking multiple risks, this time is enough.

"Very good, since that's the case, then we will wait here the day after tomorrow and intercept them all."

"But the eldest son, is this a bit too coincidental, and with so many fleets, we may not be able to eat their defense strength." Each fleet has its own defense strength.

Because there have always been accidents in the recent period, the defense force of the material business has also increased a lot.

If they all gather together, this power is really not something they can easily deal with.

The eldest son frowned, and then said: "According to our investigation, this is a coincidence, and it is not a problem at all. On the safe route, all materials were not negotiated before, and we discovered this loophole only by coincidence."

"As for the issue of combat power, let the second and third join in. This time the plan must be made by us, and we will lead. Although they have a share of the credit, it is mainly mine."

In order to be safe, the eldest son had to let his younger brother join in.

This situation made the eldest son not think that this was a trap set up by the other party. As long as it succeeds this time, it will be a great achievement. As the person who presided over this matter, his own credit is the greatest.

In the future, the possibility of inheriting the family will also increase a lot. As for the two younger brothers making trouble, the eldest son never thought about it. If they dare to make trouble in this kind of matter, it is because they have no overall view, and they will definitely lose their inheritance rights in the future.

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