Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 390 That Is The Battleship We Produced

Sure enough, after receiving the eldest son's request, the two younger brothers were reluctant, but there was nothing they could do.

This is a good thing for the family, and the two can only follow. If you sing the opposite, what will the family think of you. Once the other party succeeds and does not help himself, the trouble will be even greater.

Although the two have been talking about the need to be cautious, this may be a trap, but they both come.

The eldest son broke everything out at once. Not only the two younger brothers knew the news, but also some senior members of the family, but not all of them.

I was worried that someone in the family would betray or have other ideas, so only a few people knew the news.

As a big family, know the consequences of something important being leaked.

So even if there is no sign and possibility of the family's rebellion, they will do everything well. Especially when facing a powerful enemy.

Other high-level clan members also know this rule, and in the face of this kind of thing, they all cooperate fully.

"Well, we didn't find the problem. We can't make bigger moves, so what should we do if someone finds out."

Three people sat on a small boat and secretly explored the target sea area.

"But there are too many algae underwater here. You know that the underwater power of Kuisha Island doesn't seem to be weak." Although it is not very clear, they still have some understanding of some of the arms of Kuisha Island.

For some unknown arms, they all have some related records and guesses.

Even a lot of things were bought from other big forces. The Kerry family has developed for so many years, and their relationship network is not something that anyone can imagine.

"This is originally a seaweed bay. Isn't it normal to have a lot of algae underwater?"

That's right, the reason why Qin Lan and Anya changed to this area is because there is a lot of algae here. Even if it is discovered, it will not be surprising.

If a large amount of algae suddenly appeared in other normal waters, it would be really conspicuous.

"Don't look for trouble, whether you are on the water or underwater, you have checked it out. If you don't want to participate, you can leave now." The eldest son said directly to the two younger brothers.

The two looked at each other, there was nothing else they could do, this time they didn't dare to leave like this.

In order to find what the eldest brother might have missed, the two of them conducted a precise investigation here. This didn't find any problems, and they really had nothing to do.

"Okay, then I will listen to you, eldest brother, and do whatever you say. Seeing the two younger brothers compromise, the eldest son shows a smug look on his face.

The two younger brothers were annoyed in their hearts. It was a bonus for him to perform so well this time.

If you want to surpass him in the future, you must find a better way.

Before the mission started, the two had already started to think about how to find better opportunities.

The sky gradually darkened, and it didn't take long before evening entered. In an underground space, a ray of light flashed, and Fang Jie's figure appeared in this place.

"What's going on outside, is their investigation still going on?"

That's right, Fang Jie set it up on the island. It's just that this arrangement is hidden underground, and it is impossible to find it by ordinary means. It was not until Fang Jie appeared that they removed some disguised objects on the ground.

These things will block your own line of sight, and they will also block the sight of the enemy's prying eyes.

"It's gone. They were probing at first, but only on the surface."

"Don't worry, this is a mountain, they can't have the intention to dig it all over again." Qin Lan also came, this place was chosen by himself, and it was very secret.

Anya nodded lightly, in front of Fang Jie, Anya still couldn't let go completely.

Looking at Qin Lan's performance, Anya was very envious. Just thinking of her slave status, Anya felt a little sad.

"During the day, they explored the island very carefully. Not only did they search everywhere, but they also attacked some big trees, and even some bones on the ground were smashed into pieces."

Anywhere, there will be bones left, which is very normal, especially this kind of desert island.

In order to avoid those corpses being undead disguised, that's why they do this. This time, Fang Jie did not use the undead disguise, so their exploration was in vain, and they found nothing at all.

And because Kuisha Island is an undead force, it could have made such a layout.

So Anya thinks that other people will definitely take precautions in this regard, so she simply does not make arrangements in this regard. As long as it doesn't arouse their suspicion, the real arrangement is actually in the sea.

In addition, the skeleton birds that are not known to the outside world are also arranged in a small amount.

With these, they can understand some of the conditions up and down the island.

Fang Jie nodded, then released the death crow. The death crow itself has a strong ability to hide, and it is difficult for the other party to find it without flying directly in front of the other party.

And in order to prevent being discovered by the transport team, they are also well hidden.

If it wasn't for some undead being observed underwater, it would not be easy to find them.

"I didn't expect that their troops are so strong, and there are our ships." The Kerry family bought a lot of ships, many of which were produced by Fang Jie, and this time they were used against themselves.

Fortunately, Fang Jie does not sell gold-level ships to the outside world, after all, this is a top-level weapon.

However, among the ships purchased by the Kerry family, there are more than 500 heavy warships alone. If this wealth is used to create a gold-rank army, it will be in the thousands.

Speaking of which, the Kerry family is really rich, but unfortunately they don't have their own territory.

"When our ship was sold, we could have imagined the current situation. But this is also convenient for camouflage. Now this kind of ship is owned by every major force."

Qin Lan's meaning and Fang Jie are very clear, that is, if he does something with these ships, no one will suspect him. Even if it is suspected, the evidence is absolutely impossible.

Even many pirates have ships produced by Fang Jie, which is a very widespread sea power.

"Wait, it's still a while before we start, we can rest for a while." Fang Jie sat on the chair and took out a book. Anya next to her hurriedly ran over to pour water, which was a good learning.

Qin Lan rolled his eyelids, this guy has become a wicked landlord class.

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