Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 395 The Red Lotus Knight And The Dog King

The overnight battle is over, but there are still many things to be resolved in the future.

After all, the Kerry family is the largest merchant family in the Sea Alliance, and their family is more than that. Although the main body has been destroyed, there are still many family branches and subordinates.

These people will definitely run out and make trouble. It is possible to compete with each other for the wealth left by the family, or to avenge the Kerry family, etc. In short, there are still many troubles.

Fang Jie had to appease the top leaders of the alliance to get rid of this matter.

In addition, those small families did not have any major problems. As long as the problem of the Kerry family is solved, it will be fine, there is no other problem.

"Lord Lord, Miss Rory wants to thank her in person."

"In person? Didn't you ask Fang Hao to thank you?"

"Thanks already, but she said she wanted to meet the real lord in person."

After all, Rory is not a fool. It has long been seen that Fang Hao is not the real master behind Kuisha Island. It was just that before, there was no explanation, but now this time is different.

The Kerry family was destroyed, and all of them were sent to Rory, who had to take this grace.

"Okay, let her come over." Fang Jie said after thinking about it. Next, let Rory know some things, it will be more beneficial for the next development, and some things don't have to be so concealed.

As long as Rory is not exposed, then Kuisha Island will not arouse the vigilance of those high-level officials for the time being.

It didn't take long for Rory to arrive in front of Fang Jie. Seeing Fang Jie, Rory was also a little surprised. Unexpectedly, behind such a huge army of undead, there is actually a human being, and he is so young.

It seems that this age is probably about the same age as himself, or even younger.

Because of Fang Jie's meditation, Fang Jie now looks much younger than his real age. I don't know, I thought that because of cultivation, I was rejuvenated.

"Thank you for your kindness, Lord, for being able to spare the lives of those in the Kerry family. I will definitely control everything in the Kerry family and deliver it to you, Lord."

For Rory, the lives of those people are more important.

Although the relationship is not good, they are still family after all. Rory was content to keep them now.

As for whether they will or not, that doesn't matter. In this world, the strong prey on the weak. Since you are weak and want to deal with other people, isn't it normal to be wiped out?

Fang Jie waved his hand: "It's okay, it was originally planned, and killing these people is of no use. As for the Kerry family's things, they can be kept if they are useful, but they don't have to be so serious."

What Fang Jie wants is to conquer the entire maritime alliance, so that his plans will not be disrupted because of such a little thing.

Although the Kerry family is rich, it does not help Fang Jie much. Fang Jie, who has formed a whole set of cycles, the development of the undead faction itself has a very low demand for foreign objects.

"If you don't have anything to do, then you can go to work first. In the future, I will ask Fang Hao and Anya to assist you in the affairs of the Sea Alliance." Fang Jie also placed Anya in this place.

"Follow your orders." Rory was still anxious to go back to settle his family, so he didn't stay too long.

Fang Jie took a look, Rory's loyalty can already be seen now, and it has reached a height of 88 all at once.

It seems that his actions like this really moved the other party very much. But then Fang Jie also discovered that Anya's loyalty has risen to a height of 94, which is also very high.

Ever since she knew that she wanted him to cooperate with Fang Hao, Anya has become like this.

After all, in Anya's view, this is also her trust. And being able to let oneself exert some abilities is much better than being confined at home all day long. In the past, the nature was suppressed, but now it has been released.

When it was near noon, many things in the outside world had basically been straightened out.

Most of the small families who joined the Kerry family alliance have perished. A few bigger ones can still exist, but a small number of family heirs are ready to fight.

They won't be able to stop for a while, and it's uncertain whether they can continue to grow in the future.

Even after these people were discovered, I believe that Rory and Anya would not let them go easily.

But what makes Fang Jie happy is that there are a lot of valuable things in the things that the Kerry family dug up. It turns out that the Rory family has been planning and planning the development of the family.

It's just that they haven't gotten their own territory, so there's no movement.

Once they get the territory, they plan to get a big island. They themselves have prepared a lot of drawings of special buildings and special units of the human camp, all of which have now made their own wedding dresses.

What Fang Jie values ​​most is the Red Lotus Knight and the Dog King.

Go back to develop a human territory, and you will soon be able to develop these powers.

These two arms are the only ones that have reached the gold level among all arms. The red lotus knight is a kind of knight, and it has the magic power of fire attribute.

This is a kind of magic warrior that releases some spells that assist in combat.

And this kind of spell will form a very high-temperature flame pattern, like a blossoming red lotus.

This is based on the introduction and pictures, and the specifics will not be seen until it is manufactured.

From the introduction, the dog king is a kind of summoning troops. In other words, from the perspective of skills and equipment, it should be similar to hunters, but the real method is to summon dogs.

As for being evaluated to the gold level, how strong it is, it can only be seen when it is manufactured.

After Fang Jie got these things, he also started planning in his heart.

"Let's get a medium-sized island first. There are quite a few deserted islands anyway. When the time comes, we will directly attack the large island and knock it down. Even if the original medium-sized island is thrown away, no one should want to occupy it."

According to the rules of the Sea Alliance, although there will be no small losses, there is no way.

Who makes it impossible for them to fight against the Sea Alliance as a whole now, they have a lot of legends, and their strength is not weak. After a period of time, when your own strength increases, you will be able to break all the rules.

"Then, let's choose this deserted island first. As a manager, Hirsis seems to be good."

Fang Jie is going to re-establish the king of the surrounding Crescent Kingdom, and he is also a member of the native lord.

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