Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 396 Choose To Challenge Kapala Island

Anyway, Hirsis had to manage it, so Fang Jie called him here directly.

"Here is the distribution map of the maritime alliance. Take a look at it. First, occupy a deserted island, and then go to seek other large islands after it develops and grows. In the future, it will be handed over to you to manage it, and you can choose the place yourself."

Fang Jie directly handed the right of choice to Hirsis, and also sent the trouble out.

Hirsis looked excited, watching the map for continuous analysis.

Although he was once the king of the New Moon Kingdom, that was in the past tense. The joy of being lost and found made Hirsis' mood inevitably fluctuate.

Thinking of those who had split up and wanted to fight against Fang Jie, Hirsis was full of regrets.

Look, they think they are powerful, but in fact Fang Jie doesn't care about them at all. Even Qin Lan, the lord of the New Moon Kingdom's homeland, didn't care about it.

If it wasn't for joining in this time, Sirses still didn't know that the backer they found, the Night Elf Kingdom, was actually Fang Jie's own subordinate power.

Originally, some of them just guessed that the night elf kingdom was related to those undead, that's all. But many people simply don't want to believe it, otherwise there wouldn't be so many rebellious people.

Now they know, it turned out that it was Fang Jie's trick to confuse the Sea Alliance.

Although I don't know if it is useful, it is always right to layout first, which is Fang Jie's idea.

But even if he develops in the future, Hircis will not care about those who split off. After all, they are all traitors, and they have no position to bring them back.

And once you bring it back, what if it arouses Fang Jie's disgust, it will be his future boss.

The strength of the opponent is far from what he can compare.

Even the affiliated territories that he is responsible for managing in the future, no matter how powerful that power is, it belongs to Fang Jie himself. In that kind of territory, as long as the resources are sufficient, a lord or a proxy lord will lead the development.

I am afraid that in a short period of time, it will be able to far surpass the original New Moon Kingdom in terms of military power.

Everything about Fang Jie, Hirsis didn't dare to explore, it's good to keep it like this.

And when Anya saw her father came here and joined the plan, she looked at Fang Jie with gratitude. The direct performance is that loyalty has increased to 96.

It looks like this loyalty will continue to grow as it develops.

I just don't know if it can be raised to the full value, Fang Jie thought silently in his heart.

Hircis did not make up his mind immediately, but kept checking the information and asking a lot of questions. After thinking about it for two days, fortunately Fang Jie is not very anxious about this kind of thing.

In the past two days, Anya has been very busy, and she needs to adjust everything in the Sea Alliance as soon as possible.

Not only for the future road of his father, but also for the development of the business and the penetration of other big islands.

Two days later, Hirsis found Fang Jie, then pointed to a location and said, "As far as this place is concerned, I choose Worm Island." Hirsis finally made his choice.

Fang Jie looked at this position, frowning slightly, thoughtfully.

"The location you chose is this place, then your target is Kapala Island?"

Hearing Fang Jie's question, Hirsis nodded slightly: "Yes, it is Kapala Island. This place happens to be a large island controlled by humans, which is the most suitable for my future development. Of course, if you don't want to, you can also It can be replaced here."

Fang Jie shook his head: "That's not necessary, but if this island is to be conquered, I'm afraid it will take some time."

"I know." Hirsis' attitude was very correct.

Kapala Island is the largest of the three large islands controlled by humans. Among all the islands, the strength ranking can definitely reach the top five, and there is at least one legendary level powerhouse.

The area of ​​this island is very large, more than five times that of the original Crescent Kingdom, and it is rich in products.

Including other surrounding islands, the property is very rich, once it develops, it is absolutely prosperous and has huge potential. If this place can develop well, he will get a higher ceiling than New Moon Kingdom.

In the past, New Moon Kingdom was not something that I could absolutely control.

It doesn't matter if there are legendary powerhouses to suppress, there are still many big nobles in the country, and some powerful ones are not so obedient to orders. There are also vampires in the north, which also caused them a lot of trouble.

There is even a dark forest and a kingdom of blue sand next to it, which have been fighting against the kingdom and weakening its own strength.

But there are no such enemies here. Once Fang Jie has completely occupied the surrounding area, all battles will not continue to break out here. And there are not a lot of constraints, and even I don't have to set up so many lower-level nobles.

As long as you want, you can centralize power and communicate and manage through Ping An Material Firm.

Thinking of the development without any constraints at all, even Sirses was very satisfied.

It's a pity that the old opponent of the Lansha Kingdom actually rebelled on his own initiative. It was really courting death. Otherwise, maybe this guy can become his opponent in the future, but there is no such thing now.

The reason why Fang Jie said that it will take some time is because the development of the subordinate territories of the human camp takes time.

On the other hand, it is also because there are no legendary powerhouses in the arms of human beings.

These need to be cultivated. Although Fang Jie has begun to cultivate legends of other races, it will take time. And if the loyalty is not enough, Fang Jie can't train them, and he is also worried that the people he trains will defect in the future.

Not everyone is as loyal as the undead.

For Fang Jie, the lord of the undead camp, it is not impossible for legendary powerhouses from other camps to defect.

Hirsis looked at his daughter with a feeling of disappointment in his heart. It's been so long, and it's still in a perfect state, so why haven't I found a chance.

Obviously you can control such great power, can't you dedicate yourself?

You know, the better Anya does, the better their lineage will develop in the future. More than half of the family has betrayed, but there are many people who have been born, and they are all close to themselves. They are still a big family.

It seems that Anya's mother needs to teach her these things.

Originally, teaching her daughter these things was one of her duties as a queen.

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