Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 397 Two Brothers From The Worm Camp

Fang Jie looked at Anya strangely, wondering what happened to this little princess.

Anya has been a little strange these few days. After she had exerted her own abilities, Anya has gradually let go. The temperament of the body has also evolved towards self-confidence.

But these days, I don't know what happened, Anya seems to be like the beginning again.

Every time I see myself, I feel like a frightened rabbit, and my loyalty goes up and down.

Although it's not that the decline is too serious, but it has been fluctuating between 95 and 97, what the hell is going on. Even if you want to betray, it can't be above 95 all the time.

Fang Jie couldn't figure it out, but didn't care, because he was now making the next layout.

To deal with Kapala Island, you must first take down Worm Island. Worm Island is some distance away from Kapala Island, but there are no other islands in the middle.

According to the information, Worm Island originally had no name, but last year someone found a large number of worms on it, and even some large worms, which looked very disgusting, so it has its own name here.

Worm Island, which was originally a small island, is now even more unwilling to go.

One of the reasons why Hirsis chose this place is because the island is relatively close to Kapala Island, and military operations will be easier in the future. Another reason is that no one wants to come here because it is desolate.

Worm Island itself is relatively large among the small islands, and its area is close to that of a medium-sized island.

Materials can be transferred directly through the material warehouse, so there is no shortage of things. In this place, it is completely possible for people to develop and grow before they discover it, and then start to attack Kapala Island.

It's just a transfer station, and Hirsis didn't plan to build it well in this place.

After all, no matter how many buildings are built, they must be abandoned when the affiliated territories are transferred in the future. For this reason, these functional buildings have to be destroyed.

Even in Hircis' plan, some of his functional buildings are to be built on the sea fortress.

In this way, as long as the sea fortress is embedded on Kapala Island in the future, it is equivalent to directly transferring the functional building by itself, which is not a waste. The subsidiary territory is also Fang Jie's territory, and buildings can be built on sea fortresses.

Of course, this customized fortress cannot be exposed in a short period of time, it is not for sale.

If it is exposed, it means that they have a relationship with themselves, and Kuisha Island will also face a lot of trouble.

In this way, a group of people secretly flew towards Worm Island, and the armed airships took a large circle to avoid being discovered. Several islands on the way, directly use the ghost ship to release the fog.

As long as they don't attack, they won't find out what's special about these mists.

These mists, the only purpose of existence is to hide the armed airship, so that the people below cannot see the airship flying in the air. Fang Jie is also the number one who can use the fog like this.

"Come on, this is Worm Island, and there are indeed a lot of worms. Wait a minute, isn't there something wrong with this area?" Fang Jie suddenly had a very strange feeling.

It seems that this area is different from the data.

Fang Jie took a closer look, and this shape also seemed to be different from the shape of Worm Island.

"There is a problem with this map, or we have found the wrong place." Fang Jie said to the person next to him.

The driver immediately shook his head: "If the coordinates are correct, we didn't find the wrong place, so this must be Worm Island." Although these blood servants are Fang Jie's diehard loyalists, they also have their own perseverance.

"Lord Lord, there are a lot of worms found on the island below. It should be right. Among the islands here, only here will there be such large worms." The sharp-eyed person looked down.

Fang Jie nodded. With so much evidence to explain the problem, there is probably no problem. However, the size and shape of this island have changed so much.

"Go down some people, see what's going on first, be careful."

Fang Jie gave an order, and several armed airships next to him landed first.

As soon as the airship landed, a large number of undead powerhouses ran out, and some skeletal dragons could finally spread their wings and fly high. But at the same time, the whole island seemed to be boiling.

It didn't take long for a large number of worms to appear around, and they all gathered here.

These thick bugs crawl on the ground very fast, but they look very disgusting.

Some of the worms have already started their attack, some spraying venom, some spitting acid, and some spinning silk to lay traps. Anyway, there are quite a few functions, and there are even some that can spray psychedelic powder.

The first batch of black worms, which looked very soft, were actually extremely tough, and should be used as meat shields.

"This configuration is really perfect." A strange look flashed across Fang Jie's face.

It should be known that this configuration is generally impossible under natural circumstances. If it weren't for the strength of the worms, it would not be easy for ordinary people to win this place.

The most powerful of these worms are only bronze rank, and the number is very small.

"That, wouldn't it be a hero unit." Suddenly, Fang Jie found that there was a worm behind him that was a bit special. There has been no attack or talk, and it is always swaying, and some of the people next to it seem to be protecting this worm.

What Fang Jie didn't know was that at this moment, there were two people on the island. That's right, human beings, not some other race.

The two people looked at the movement that broke out in the distance, and their faces were a little wrong.

"What should I do, brother, it seems that someone has started to attack us. We have already arranged it like this, why are there still people coming to attack."

"Who knows, but even if it is a bug, there is always something to like. I would say that the insect territory cannot be fully developed."

"Also, isn't the worm territory yours? I have already given up on my own territory development. If it wasn't for an island here, there wouldn't be too many opportunities for development, and it wouldn't be like this until now."

"Yeah, I really don't know how those big guys developed. They all look so powerful."

Yes, these two brothers are from the earth, but when choosing, the boss's territory became the worm camp. Later, the two brothers summed up, and simply developed the territory of this worm camp.

In their opinion, with so many big bugs so disgusting and dangerous, no one should provoke them.

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