Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 650 The Power Of Bone Tentacles

So far, all four of Fang Jie's buds are full, and the rest is smooth.

He is able to bear the four natal laws, which is innate, and has more potential than other gods. Once a demigod is achieved, the fragments of his godhead are not suitable for others.

The higher gods of the same type of law can absorb them, but they have little effect on themselves.

Other people, let alone legends, even if they are demigods, don't even think about absorbing them. Forced absorption can only explode on the spot.

At this moment, Fang Jie's strength is close to the peak, but the germination of the law is far from perfect.

Fang Jie is not in a hurry. Every time he improves, he must lay a very solid foundation. The more you can break through quickly, the more you can't be in a hurry. This is the experience summed up by Fang Jie.

Anyway, even if this is the case, in a few months at most, you will be able to break through.

On this day, Fang Jie was preparing to continue practicing when he suddenly felt a sway under his feet.

"Earthquake? No, how could there be an earthquake if the territory is suppressed. This force seems to be the vibration of the territory itself."

Fang Jie felt it, but found that the vibration never stopped. But after Fang Jie came out, he found that no one had any strange behavior, as if only himself could feel the shock.

"That is... so that's it, the construction is complete."

Fang Jie looked at the huge altar-like thing not far away. That is the white bone tentacles of the plane artifact. The construction time of three months has been completed, and this thing is shaking.

And this kind of feeling can only be felt by the lord of the territory himself, other people can't feel it.

Fang Jie walked over to the altar, the altar was empty, only the bones could be seen, but not the tentacles. But Fang Jie knew that that thing existed, it just didn't exist on the surface.

Walking to the altar, Fang Jie put his hand on it, and a picture of an artifact suddenly appeared in Fang Jie's eyes.

A huge plane emerged, and that was the plane where Fang Jie was. Part of it is very clear, part of it is very dim, in that dim place, nothing can be seen, hazy.

"Isn't this my territory." Fang Jie looked at it for a while, and finally saw something.

This clear place is one's own territory, and the unseen place is an area that does not belong to one's own. The northern area is very large, almost equal to its own territory.

You must know that this is a territory that he has expanded many times, which means that he still has more than half of this plane not occupied. But there is no way, who let so many powerful beings block him.

I don't have enough strength, so I still have to endure it.

Then, Fang Jie saw to the south of that plane, a tentacle stretched out in the void.

This tentacle is all white, and it looks translucent from a distance, as if it is a work of art.

When you look closer, you can see that it is made of a piece of bone. The mighty and close connection of the bones gives people a very weird feeling. After watching it for a long time, Fang Jie has a feeling of nausea.

He knows that this is because his realm is not enough to explore something in depth.

If it wasn't for this facial artifact belonging to me, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to stand it when I first saw it.

Then, the huge tentacle began to explore, moving back and forth in the void, and the outline of a plane appeared. Fang Jie smiled, this is the plane he just occupied.

That plane already belongs to him completely, so it basically lights up.

Some that haven't been lit up yet are just corners, not threatening.

Although there are still people who resist him on this plane, but these are small problems, the kind that will not have any effect on him. Therefore, the ability of the bone tentacles to attack the plane was not shown.

Fang Jie could feel it right away, and he could control it, but he didn't control it.

He let the bone tentacles act on his own instincts, and gradually, the bone tentacles touched the opposite plane. Because of the issue of plane ownership, the plane itself has no intention of resisting.

It didn't take long for the tentacles to lengthen, and even a large number of forks appeared.

These bifurcations tightly wrap the opposite plane, as if a large net is used to cover a plane. It's just that people in that plane can't feel anything at all.

"What's the situation? It needs to be swallowed, do you want to swallow the entire plane."

Fang Jie frowned, thinking of the ability of the bone tentacles to devour the plane. But after thinking about it, you can stop it at any time anyway, so let's experiment.

Fang Jie allowed the bone tentacles to devour, but the next moment, Fang Jie found that he wanted to go wrong.

Because this kind of swallowing does not directly extract the source power of the opposite plane, nor does it swallow the opposite plane bit by bit, these overbearing means have not appeared.

Thinking about it, it is also the plane of the hunting grounds of the heavens, and the blueprints are also evolved from the power of the hunting grounds of the heavens.

Since they are all their own things, then the hunting grounds of the heavens can't hurt themselves, can they?

This devouring is actually a kind of fusion, slowly merging the opposite plane into one's own plane. Even the fusion is very gentle, not that domineering style.

If he was a little more domineering, he might dismember the opposite side directly and divide it into small pieces for fusion.

The fusion speed will be very fast in that way, but the loss on the opposite side will be large. The bone tentacles drag the two planes, get closer little by little, and then refine and fuse the opposite plane.

There is one more refining step, not just forcibly splicing them together.

Because the splicing is still two planes, but they just collided together. After refining, the origin of the two planes has become one, which can improve the strength and height of the plane in disguise.

Even in the hunting grounds of the heavens, the levels of different planes are different.

Of course, because it is made of white bone tentacles, it is not an equal fusion, but is based on the plane on your own side as the main body. The only problem is that the plane on his side is not completely controlled by Fang Jie.

Therefore, the fusion speed is very slow, which requires Fang Jie to complete the control.

"It seems that there is one more addition. This kind of fusion is not weak for my side. No, it's too bad, it's much more." Suddenly, Fang Jie thought of something, and his face changed suddenly.

Not afraid, but distressed, Fang Jie found that he had given too much.

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