Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 651 Miscalculation, Give Too Much

Fang Jie just thought about the issue of the territory, but it was too late to regret it.

When he checked the information, he found that the 10,000 territories over there had been divided. If you want to re-plan, then you have to add a larger workload to others.

Fang Jie is not the kind of person who likes to squeeze employees, so forget it.

"Forget it, that's it, there's a lot left anyway, just save it for later use."

Originally, Fang Jie believed that the territory on one plane could not be transferred to another plane, and could only be used on this plane.

That plane has already acquired nearly 100,000 territories and turned it into its own subsidiary territory. Although Fang Jie feels that he has gained less, but that is because too many have been destroyed by others, and he does not think he can use it.

But now Fang Jie found that he was wrong, because as the two planes gradually merged, Fang Jie felt that those territories could be used on his own plane.

After all, after the fusion, the two planes will become one, and the rules will naturally be the same.

Although it needs to wait for the source to be completely integrated, Fang Jie can see the signs.

In this way, the role of these territories will be even greater. Even integrating more planes in the future will definitely be able to play a greater role. Thinking of this, Fang Jie felt distressed for a while.

He doesn't believe that there will be so many territories for him to harvest in other planes in the future.

Even on some planes, there is no such thing as an earthling falling, and it is not impossible. Fang Jie couldn't even imagine how big the hunting grounds of the heavens had developed for an unknown number of years.

Even if the number of planes in the hunting grounds of the heavens is greater than the total population of the earth, Fang Jie does not find it strange.

"No, although the previous division has been completed, it must be changed later."

Fang Jie hurriedly started planning. "Well, some ways to reward territories can raise the threshold, and you can't reward them casually. There are 10,000 territories, and some territories are more remote and special, so you don't need to add the territory itself."

Fang Jie stared at the map and finally figured out some places that didn't need to be added to the territory.

"The other is the situation of the territory and the proxy lord. The proxy lord can get the land first, but whether this special territory can be obtained or not needs to be separated and given greater credit."

Fortunately, some things have not been announced before, so there is still a chance to change.

Doing this will add a lot of work to other people, but it's better than doing it all over again.

As a result, in Qin Lan's resentful eyes, Fang Jie could only bite the bullet and assign these tasks. In a large plane, there are too many things to deal with. Didn't you see that Qin Lan didn't come back for a while?

But speaking of it, that plane over there has indeed been completely controlled. Then next, it's on your own side.

Although I don't know what the use of complete control will be, whether it is to continue to upgrade the territory or to accelerate the fusion of planes, it is necessary to control the territory here.

"Let me see, the number of demigods has just exceeded ten. It's not enough. According to this number, it is no problem to deal with an empire. Two are not opponents at all."

Fang Jie thought for a while: "The next batch is about to start, so the two empires can be put aside for a while, but the Dragons can be dealt with first. After all, the Dragons have conflicts with everyone, even if they are resolved, There will be no problem."

Fang Jie is very reassured about this, although it may cause the fear of the two empires.

But Fang Jie believes that by eliminating the dragon clan, he will definitely gain some benefits in this battle, and at least reduce some enemies.

The gap between the normal power of this world and itself is narrowing, and it will be much easier to solve the two empires in the next step.

Only the first shot can avoid the opponent's block. If it is to attack two empires, the status of their mutual monitoring is enough for them to react immediately.

But if it's a giant dragon, it's different. They don't monitor the giant dragon so deeply.

Although the two empires have been provoking giant dragons and guiding them towards them, the real giant dragon has not appeared. There are only some ordinary Yalongs who are not dealing with the sea territory now.

Perhaps in their opinion, it would take at least several years of layout to really make the dragon race conflict with themselves.

"That's right, it's them. They must never have imagined that we would directly attack the giant dragon family."

Fang Jie determined the next step. There are only three demigods in the dragon clan in total. This is the information that he has determined, but the relationship between the three demigods is not very good, but they are very powerful.

But even though he is a demigod, Fang Jie is not incapable of solving it.

If it really doesn't work, taking the risk of summoning a three-headed giant snake can easily solve it. It was just the last incident that made Fang Jie very vigilant about the three-headed giant snake, and didn't trust him as much as he used to.

Following Fang Jie's order, some shadows quietly sneaked into the dragon's territory.

Next, you need to confirm the location and detailed information of those dragons.

Without the knowledge of the two empires, Fang Jie secretly moved some troops to the edge of the dragon. These are directly transferred from underwater to underground space, and people on the ground cannot detect it.

Even the local dragon beasts can't feel it, let alone those outsiders.

Everything in the outside world was still calm, and the biggest change was when Li Mingshu wiped out the three human nations in the northern part of the grassland. But that is to change the owner, that's all.

There is no direct border with the Black Flame Empire, so the Black Flame Empire didn't say anything.

That is, the bordering territory over there has been constantly protesting and sending troops to harass. Come to think of it, this kind of thing should have been instructed by the Black Flame Empire, otherwise they would not dare to be so provocative.

There is no large-scale attack over there for the time being, it is just blocked at the border.

It seems that, like harassment in other places, it is just to express an attitude.

On this day, Fang Jie quietly came to the north of the sea, a place controlled by dragons. At this time, there were already thirteen demigod-level powerhouses around Fang Jie.

These people are carefully selected by Fang Jie, and they all have loyalty.

As long as they are not deliberately sent to death, they are very loyal. "Do you all understand the next plan, you must ensure your own safety, remember?"

"Don't worry, Lord, we all know." Fang Hao said indifferently.

It was the first time they fought with the dragon demigods, and they were still a little excited.

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