Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 652 The Emerald Dragon King Comes Out

"It's time to start, let's act." Fang Jie gave the order after making sure everything was fine again.

The next moment, many bone dragon legions appeared in the air, mainly bone dragons and poison bone dragons.

The two bone-type Yalongs directly entered the edge of the dragon's territory, and then began to circle, even attacking some dragon beasts and Yalongs that left the territory. With their great strength, the target they are eyeing can't escape at all.

The poisonous bone dragon is poisoned in the sea, although this poison will be eliminated after leaving a certain range.

But this kind of provocation still made the Yalongs very annoyed.

There are also some fish in the sea, which are the food of those dragon beasts. Now that it's poisoned, it can't be eaten. Not all Yalongs are poisonous and have the ability to resist poison.

There is no way to get rid of the toxins in these fish, because they themselves become a highly toxic.

So many Yalongs and dragon beasts ran out one after another, and those who couldn't fly also waved their flags and shouted below.

Those who can fly are in a ball with the bone dragons in the air, but the difference in strength is too much, and they will soon be defeated. In the end, even some bone dragons flew within their territory.

"Damn, these abominable undead dare to attack us."

"Yes, these undead must be eyeing our flesh, and they must be destroyed."

The method originally used for provocation was that they created a bone dragon. Although they later learned that those were not made of Yalong's corpses, they were also very annoyed by making them look like this.

So the next provocation will continue, but they never thought that the other party would actually provoke them in turn.

Dragon-type creatures are not good tempered, how can they not fight back when they are provoked.

But in the process of counterattack, they were still not opponents, what to do with heavy casualties, so they began to constantly recruit friends and companions, and a large number of Yalongs flew out from different places around.

Originally came here, if those bone dragons recede, this matter is over.

At most, the provocation between the two sides became more intense, and the spies of the two nearby empires also thought so.

But what they never expected was that these bone dragons had no intention of retreating at all. In some places on the ground, a large number of potholes suddenly appeared, and a large number of bone dragons and poison bone dragons flew out of them.

A steady stream of legions joined, increasing the number of legions.

Some ground troops also appeared one after another, and the Yalongs and dragon beasts on the ground also had a chance to fight.

However, they soon discovered that although there were more on the ground, their strength was not strong enough. And those undead are not easy to deal with, so they lose even more.

The ground is different from the air. The mobility in the air is very good, and it can come to support in a short time, but it is not easy to support these on the ground. So it didn't take long for their numbers to decrease drastically.

"These damn undead, they are not provocative at all, this is war, it is war."

When several Yalong leaders saw this scene, their eyes suddenly changed.

"I'll try it, you guys keep an eye on it, and report it if something goes wrong."

Although they can't disturb the dragons casually, they also have various means to involve the dragons. The dragon's temper is even worse, and this place is also the domain of the dragon in name. If the territory is violated, I am not afraid that the dragon will not come.

But they underestimated the determination of the undead. When a legendary-level Yalong joined the battle, there were even more legendary-level bone dragons on the opposite side.

In the case of several sieges, the Yalong was completely torn apart before he could escape.

This time, things are going to be big, and the legendary level is not an ordinary existence. Even Yalongs, when they reach the legendary level, will be recognized by the dragons for their strength.

After all, even if it is a giant dragon, not all can reach the legendary level.

Only individuals who can grow to adulthood and have a relatively high talent can reach the level of legend.

In the Dragon Valley, legendary-level Yalongs are basically half-blooded dragons, and they are also foreign members.

Seeing this scene, the Yalongs in the back knew that the matter could not be suppressed and must be reported as soon as possible.

And the speed of reporting this news is also fast, because those giant dragons also discovered the situation here. If they can't see such a big movement, then there is not much difference between these giant dragons and blind people.

In the cave, a huge figure raised his head: "It's the breath of the undead, but it's not that kind of evil undead breath. When did this plane have such a powerful undead territory."

"However, these undead dare to provoke our giant dragon family, they must be cleaned up."

However, the shadow has not moved, and suddenly stopped. The head of the huge black shadow looked outside. "Sure enough, he has already started. That guy's temper is still so hot, but it's nothing if he comes forward."

At the same time, in another cave, there was also a huge figure lying down slowly and continuing to sleep.

At this moment, within a cave, an equally huge figure suddenly rushed out. The length of this figure reached more than 300 meters, and this head alone gave people the feeling of a natural disaster.

The huge dragon's body is emerald green, and it shimmers softly in the sun.

This is an emerald dragon, an emerald dragon that has reached the level of a demigod.

This is the emerald dragon king, one of the three dragon kings of Longgu. However, under normal circumstances, the Jade Dragon's temper is very gentle, but this Jade Dragon King is different. His temper is very violent, and he is the most violent of the three dragon kings.

So the first time he felt the enemy's invasion, the Emerald Dragon King rushed out.

Because he felt that those undead were simply not something his dragons could deal with.

Some giant dragons had already appeared on the battlefield at this time. But their presence only made the battle even more anxious. Because at this time, the enemy has increased the strength again, and there are more and more enemies of the legendary level.

Even if it was a giant dragon, there were heavy casualties at this time, but this was a real pure-blooded giant dragon.

A pure-blooded dragon with very poor reproductive ability, every death is a big thing.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the Dragon King to come out in person.

"It has been brought out, and the retreat will start as planned." Fang Jie received the news and issued an order immediately. The army in the air began to withdraw towards the rear. The army on the ground also began to move to the cave.

However, there is no legendary level on the ground, and the legendary level is all in the air.

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