Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 681: Peeling Off The Godhead Fragments

"Someone is coming." Suddenly, Fang Jie said, and almost at the same time everyone stopped.

Fang Jie winked, and then quietly hid beside him. The two demigods were left fighting, but they were fake fights. The power of the two demigods easily covered up other auras around them.

But after a while, two demigods quickly approached the place in the distance.

Farther away, there is a legendary level person hiding, which should also come to hunt.

"The two demigods are ordinary types, not very powerful ones."

Ordinary kinds of demigods are those under their own, and they are also what most demigods look like. The special thing is that he has the combat power far beyond the normal demigod.

Either he has a special spell skill, his own Attribute is strong, or he has a strong foundation before breakthrough.

This kind of special demigod can be compared to some old-fashioned demigods just after entering. Not only is he powerful, but he has a higher chance of becoming a god in the future. Those demigods are the best seedlings under the gods.

If there is that kind of demigod protection, it means that the identity of the person here is not simple.

In front of him, although there are two demigods helping to hunt and kill, they are all ordinary types.

This shows that this person is not a special identity. Besides, as long as he doesn't kill him, the two demigods can stay. Fang Jie's heart moved, and the people around him quietly surrounded him.

"I didn't expect to meet such two people here. They have already consumed a lot of fighting. Let's take it."

"Wait, I feel something is wrong, it seems that these two are both types of arms."

"Type of arms? No way, why is it so unlucky."

The two of them finally recognized what the demigod was in front of them. The demigods of the military type had different laws in their bodies from those of normal people. That kind of godhead fragments could not be fused by anyone.

Because a large part of the power of the arms is directly bestowed by the world, it is incompatible with other people.

The hunting grounds of the heavens are very domineering, how can they allow others to grab their own power?

But they were destined to have no way to leave. Before the two left, they found that the two undead on the opposite side had stopped. And he didn't know when, there were already many demigods surrounding him.

"Oops, this is a trap." The expressions of the two people changed.

They also know that although they cooperate to hunt other demigods here, they are in fact the prey of others too.

But this is what the gods explained, and there are many benefits that can be obtained after success, so they will bite the bullet and take this task.

Now that there is no chance to regret, the two looked at each other, and then broke through in different directions.

"I want to leave, it's too late." Fang Jie snorted coldly, and the surrounding bones immediately grew out and attacked the two.

The power carried by this kind of bone is too strong, and the two of them were injured in an instant before they could use their own killer. One of them was seriously injured on the spot, and now there is no way to resist.

The ten demigods around them attacked both of them at the same time, so what kind of resistance can they have after being injured.

"Leave the head, don't break it."

The life force of a demigod is very powerful, and he will not die if he leaves his head for a while. Fang Jie was going to experiment with his own ability, that's why he said that. The next moment, the various attacks reversed the direction of the attack.

In the case of being Beat Up, the two undead demigods were left with only broken bodies within a short time.

"Wait a minute, I have a very important news, save my life, I can join you."

Fang Jie glanced at it and walked over to a zombie head without saying a word. "Seize Soul." Fang Jie silently displayed this skill that had followed his Ascension to the level of a demigod.

A special force circulated in Fang Jie's hands, and a strong suction enveloped this head.

Although the suction is not very strong, there is no way to control the zombies that are seriously injured at this level. He can only watch helplessly as this power completely absorbs his own soul.

At this moment, Fang Jie suddenly felt something. With a move in my heart, the suction force was slightly increased. Along with the soul, a special light group inside was also extracted.

"Sure enough, as I thought, the law is essentially a product of a special rule, and the place where it is stored is really the soul. Although there are also stored in the body, but those are rare cases, and it is normal to store in the soul."

Fang Jie Assist's soul acts as a traction, directly extracting the opponent's law.

Then under the control of Fang Jie, the soul power quickly dissipated, and at the same time, under the influence of the surrounding environment, some evil things in it were purified and cleaned, leaving a crystal clear.

This is the law fragment, and it is still very pure, and it is easier to absorb and fuse.

Even after absorbing it, the impact on oneself is not as great as other godhead fragments. At least, his own potential can be slightly Ascension.

But the most important value of this thing is the godhead fragment itself.

"Yes, yes, in this case, it is possible to harvest godhead fragments through hunting and killing."

Fang Jie nodded, and then took out the other one. At this moment, the person hidden in the distance had already escaped. Fang Jie didn't care either, this guy was no threat to him anyway.

As for the matter that the person Assisting the gods is looking for trouble for him, there is no need to worry.

After entering this hunting ground, everyone is like raising Gu. This is a tacit agreement and rule between gods and no one can break it. Even if it is killed, it is just bad luck.

Not to mention, if that important person didn't kill himself, it's nothing.

It is impossible for the other party to know who they are at such a distance.

As for the future Retaliate, Fang Jie is really not worried. When they can come to Retaliate, maybe he will become a god already.

"A law of ashes type and a law of blood bone type are the directions of the law of white bones, but I can learn from it. Put it away first, and see if you can use it later."

Fang Jie himself has the rule of white bones, so these two rules of the same type can be used for reference.

Of course, it can't be absorbed directly, that will make the own law impure and affect the way to advance in the future. But just for reference, the benefits are very large, and it will not affect the value of fragments.

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