Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 682: Celestic Affiliated God

After searching for the things left by the two demigods, Fang Jie chose to dispose of the corpses of the two demigods and use them as materials. This hunt was completely different from the last time.

Last time Fang Jie was worried about something and killed a legend, so he was so careful.

But after this time, Fang Jie has also collected some news here. Others may not know anything without that heart, but Fang Jie can understand a lot of things by collecting consciously.

Although they basically stay in the base, their subordinates can do a lot of things.

There are always some people who pass by here and can get some news from them.

If it weren't for these news, Fang Jie wouldn't be able to hunt so recklessly. This was originally agreed by the gods. If those important people were killed, they might be targeted.

But the people Normal sent to carry out this kind of thing could not be an important person.

Demigods with talent will not come to such a place, and younger generations with talent will not accept this way of breakthrough.

So as long as it wasn't a large-scale hunt that caused public anger, there would be no gods to take care of this kind of thing. But even so, Fang Jie didn't plan to attack some legends.

On the one hand, there is no benefit, and on the other hand, who knows if they will really cause any trouble behind them.

After all, it is not easy to be involved in such a thing at least. Maybe some are pampered, but there is no Talent's waste, which Fang Jie still understands.

"Interesting, is it still carrying something that can help the godhead fragments condense?"

Fang Jie looked at something like Feng Shui compass and said.

"Let's go, let's go back, it's God's time to accept you next."

This was originally what Fang Jie planned to do, but it was delayed for a while when he encountered such a thing in the middle. Originally, there was an introduction in the panel. Owning arms to reach demigods and loyalty is the best material for gods.

Originally, Fang Jie didn't understand it, but after breakthrough, his own territory gave him something special.

These things may have only existed in real gods.

Demigods also have a word for gods, and they are actually a kind of gods themselves, but they are not complete.

The Celestic subordinate gods are different, and the subordinate deities are the ones that are attached to themselves. In fact, this can be regarded as an unequal partnership, a cooperative relationship.

Basically, it is the attachment that the other party wants to get from himself, or that he wants to seek protection.

Give them what they want, and they give back by giving.

This partnership is maintained by contract, or even just a verbal commitment. It can be said that it is possible to cancel the cooperation at any time, even direct betrayal is possible.

Anyone would be very wary of this kind of subordinate god.

After all, they didn't know if this was a spy that was deliberately arranged by their own enemy, or when they would backstab themselves. But the gods sometimes need to hold a group, and there must be these affiliated gods.

The core of them is God, and God is not an ordinary title.

The direct subordinates of the gods who belong to the gods, belong to the absolute direct line. This is not maintained by a contract, but by a special legal relationship, and it is both prosperous and detrimental to itself.

If you are not absolutely loyal to yourself, it is basically impossible to accept it as a god.

After becoming a god, you can decide the life and death of the other party with just one thought, and you can use it with confidence and boldness. And becoming a man of God can also be cultivated with the full power of his own Lord.

There are gods who are not good to gods, but they are very rare.

After all, belonging to God is not something that can be obtained casually, and there is a limit to the quantity.

Every god will cause a kind of pressure on himself, and this pressure will lead to the limit of the gods he accepts, regardless of strength or quantity.

However, there is a special case in this, that is, it is cultivated by the territory.

If it is a territorial army, it can grow step by step through its own training, and this kind of god will take it without any pressure. In other words, that kind of pressure will be directly borne by the own territory.

As long as one can cultivate unrestrictedly, then there is no problem with how much this kind of God accepts.

But if you want to be a god, you have to be at least a demigod. And after reaching the demigods, there will be no more trials and such things, they need to rely on themselves to Ascension.

The next Ascension path is no different from a normal demigod.

However, their comprehension ability is far worse than that of the natives, which is a natural defect.

Arms demigods may be able to be cultivated, but gods born from arms are really rare.

But anyway, at least it's still useful for now. And even in the future, if only a demigod belongs to the gods, it can make the own grassroots very rich.

These demigods, in many planes, also belong to the top-level power.

Fang Jie thought about it as he painted the magic circle used in the divine ritual.

"It would be nice if it was a manufactured altar, and it could be reused. Each of these things can only be used once, and it would have to be repainted once. It's a waste of time and effort."

Fang Jie muttered, while still preparing the magic circle, and at the same time determined to go back to prepare the altar.

It didn't take long for Fang Hao, who was the first to come to accept the ceremony, to stand in front of him. After a series of special rituals, Fang Jie felt another very special connection between himself and this subordinate.

As long as he wants to, he can decide Fang Hao's life and death at any time, and he can easily Punishment.

This kind of relationship is more direct and close than the relationship between territory and arms. However, Fang Jie can feel that Fang Hao basically doesn't have too much complicated thinking, which is also an ability of the undead.

"It's really troublesome. This ability makes it the most difficult thing for them to want Ascension power in the future."

Speaking of which, he still trusts the subordinates from these arms the most. Forget it, think of a way in the future, Fang Jie believes that there is always a way to make his subordinates grow up, it is impossible for them to be so weak all the time.

Now that he has become the most powerful person in the territory, many things will change in the future.

While thinking about it, Fang Jie continued to describe the magic circle, and it didn't take long to collect ten demigods as gods. But looking at the passage behind him, Fang Jie knew that he could only stop for the time being.

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