Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 683 The Terrible Cycle Of Life And Death

Although the channel is a channel, it is not stable enough to allow the demigods to pass through.

With this level of passage, demigods can't get through, and it takes a lot of time, so Fang Jie is ready to wait. When the territorial demigods can come over, the ritual of receiving the gods will be carried out.

But you can do it yourself, and I think the same goes for those gods.

If it has been cultivated for a long time, there are probably many of those gods who belong to the gods.

I don't know if anyone has even been sent to be a bodyguard for other people. Fang Jie secretly made up his mind that the arms here are demigods, if he can, he will try not to do it.

After doing all this, Fang Jie felt that a big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

For a long time, controlling those demigods with insufficient strength made Fang Jie feel nervous. Fang Jie's attitude towards these demigods can no longer be described as gentle.

Even Fang Jie takes a look at their panel every day to make sure the loyalty is still there.

I'm afraid that one day a demigod can't think of it and will do it directly, the success rate is very high. Now finally don't have to worry, because they can't betray themselves in the future.

Unless you are willing to take the initiative to remove the relationship with God, but this does not create pressure, why do it.

Fang Jie began to arrange their work, and with his current strength, he no longer needed their protection.

These demigods have a very high command ability, and a large number of troops that have been piled up began to rush to different places under their control, destroying everywhere.

The next most important thing is the destruction of the world itself.

His Ascension strength has been achieved, but Fang Jie doesn't want to give up that reward.

With the dispatch of the demigods, that kind of destructive power is not comparable to normal people. As for Fang Jie himself, he was still inside the base, but he was experimenting with his new abilities.

Although it has been understood and can be easily controlled, the actual effect still needs to be tested.

In this experiment, Fang Jie found a huge surprise. The reason is that own new Talent turns life and death. It is not a useless Talent. On the contrary, this Talent is very scary.

When Fang Jie used this Talent to experiment on his own undead, he found that he could easily transform the opponent's death energy and vitality, turning the undead into a living skeleton, which was very weird.

He can even use it on some creatures, turning them directly into undead.

And this kind of undead can't see anything on the surface, and the inner strength of Death cannot be easily discovered.

When Fang Jie was experimenting, he gradually discovered a problem. That is, every time he performs the cycle of life and death, he can perform some special transformations on the creatures in front of him at this moment.

You can easily transform the opponent's thinking, and even transform some of the other's physical abilities.

For example, changing attributes, changing some talents, and even increasing some potentials, you can actually do it yourself.

As the transformation is carried out again and again, the own brand will also penetrate into the body of the creature in front of him. Without the power of law to resist, if there are too many times, the transformed creature will be branded by itself from the bloodline and soul.

This kind of branding is impossible to see on the surface, and even if it is probed with the law, it is difficult to find out anything.

But the own command, the other party is unable to resist. And it will gradually tend to oneself, which is the kind of closeness in the deep soul of the law, which cannot be changed at all.

"With this, I can make those shadow Pokémons with less potential Ascension up."

There was a glint in Fang Jie's eyes, this thing is used well, and the effect is not weak. Although there is no way for me to transform the potential of these subordinates to the demigod level, it is still possible to transform them to the legendary level.

As long as some resources are added to cultivate, maybe a legend can really be cultivated.

When you go back, find Shadowmoon to experiment. Now Shadow Moon's strength is completely unable to keep up with its own development.

Suddenly, Fang Jie's eyes lit up: "Yes, there are also those light Pokémons, it's better to try them out. If it can be successful, then I can really get a light Pokémon subordinate, and even I can get many other types. subordinates."

Fang Jie does what he thinks, and directly finds a stubborn light Pokémon to test.

He simply ignored the other party's Rage's eyes and directly transformed his life and death. As for the scolding, because the scolding was too ugly at first, Fang Jie had already blocked the mouth of this Pokémon.

It didn't take long for Pokémon's entire body to dim, and his blond hair and eyes looked a little dull. But it didn't take long for this darkness to disappear, and it changed back again.

After going back and forth a dozen times, Hikaru Pokémon's eyes gradually changed.

From the beginning of Rage and hatred, gradually calmed down, then became curious, kind, and finally full of dependence.

This feeling, like a pet that he had raised since childhood, made Fang Jie feel very novel. At the same time as the transformation, Fang Jie also slightly increased the talent of this guy and gave this guy some growth acceleration.

He was only a teenager, but now he seems to be a complete adult.

Even ignoring the age to check, it can be found that this light Pokémon is indeed an adult.

After letting go, Hikaru Pokémon got up and saluted Fang Jie respectfully, his eyes full of enthusiasm.

"Not bad, really good, this skill is really scary." Fang Jie himself felt extremely scary, because this transformation can make people completely different from themselves.

This is not the kind that changes the memory. On the contrary, the memory of the other party is very clear without any modification.

And no matter how you check it, this is the same as normal growth, and this is the most terrifying part.

Fortunately, I have never met such a person before. Imagine if I were transformed into such a person, it would be more uncomfortable than death. Although, at that time, I may not feel uncomfortable.

"Very well, you go back first and help me prepare something."

There are a lot of Pokémon captives, Fang Jie is not interested in transforming them one by one. Therefore, this matter must be transformed in batches, so it is necessary to assist some magic circles.

Fang Jie quickly completed the construction of the magic circle, and then these light Pokémons will be needed to prepare.

Transform them silently, and save yourself the duck-like Uproar sound of these guys. Within a few days, Fang Jie had transformed several light Pokémons.

Because of their cooperation, Fang Jie completed the circle with ease, without causing any suspicion from Pokémon.

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