Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 684 Indigenous Demigods Also Appeared

After two days of rotation, Fang Jie is still full of wonder when he sees the Pokémon who have grown up a lot.

He never imagined that this sudden appearance of Talent would have such terrifying power.

To this day, Fang Jie still feels that this ability is terrifying. "If you had this ability earlier, it would be too easy to develop power." Yes, it is too easy to use this method to control others.

Don't say that controlling others is not suitable for development, it is all used to fool people.

Mandatory control is indeed vulnerable to backlash yes, but it is not. In this way, people can be willingly controlled, and all talents and talents can be brought into full play.

Fang Jie also appropriately Ascension gave these light Pokémon's potential Talent.

Now these released light Pokémon no longer have the previous disgust for the undead, but are full of curiosity and goodwill.

One by one, they kept observing the undead around them, and from time to time they wanted to run over and touch them.

Fang Jie has written some rules into the blood and soul of these light Pokémons, and so will their descendants in the future. Although the coercive ability is not as powerful as the racial exclusive contract, it is definitely not to be underestimated.

In the future, under his command, he truly has a powerful light attribute race.

Fang Jie didn't change the attributes of these light Pokémons. If the attributes were changed, would it still be called light Pokémon?

"For the time being, let's focus on Ascension's strength. When the passage is completely stable, you can go back."

After Fang Jie gave the order, he continued to test his own ability. It is not easy to fully develop this Talent ability, but Fang Jie believes that this Talent can not only be used to transform species.

A few days later, Fang Jie himself did not know how far his subordinates had developed.

But every now and then, some undead demigods take the initiative to come over to ask for trouble. For these people, Fang Jie was not polite, and solved them on the spot, extracting their godhead fragments.

With the ability to steal souls, Fang Jie's godhead shards are extracted 100%.

Now there are more than a dozen in their hands, because they are not active attacks by themselves, so they are not indiscriminate killings.

But this day, Fang Jie suddenly received a message that when he expanded his power, he finally encountered some troubles. This time, it was the indigenous army, led by the indigenous demigods.

When Fang Jie arrived, he happened to meet his own demigod who came back from the fight.

The aura of the demigod on the opposite side is of the light attribute, and Fang Jie felt it very clearly. But at their level, there is no absolute restraint.

If he is still restrained as before, Fang Jie will not let his demigods act alone.

"What race is this? Bright chameleon?" Fang Jie looked at the opposite race with curiosity.

I thought it was a kind of lizardmen, but then Fang Jie found out that it was not. These races were not as strong as the lizardmen, but they were more flexible and their bodies were very soft.

When fighting, they can always make some incredible moves.

At the same time, even if you are injured, your body can automatically control it without bleeding a lot.

Eventually Fang Jie found out that these guys would change their colors, like chameleons, it was too similar. But they themselves will never use this title, at least it should be like this.

When he came to the army, Fang Jie discovered that his subordinates had been injured.

"Is that guy so powerful, you will get hurt."

"See Lord Lord, it's not that she is powerful, it's just that I didn't expect her to have such a strange attack method. She used her tongue to attack in the previous battle, and I was injured by surprise."

with tongue? Just some weird way of attacking, Frogman.

But forget it, since he came here, he can't let the other party continue the Power Trip.

"Okay, you heal first, and I'll go to Retaliate for you." For a demigod, Normal's army means nothing to him, especially for a very special person like Fang Jie.

Before they could meet, Fang Jie turned the other party's military camp and the surrounding area into a forest of bones before the other party could react. The bones pierced into the opponent's body, instantly absorbing a large amount of blood.

This is Fang Jie's understanding of other law fragments in the past few days. Although it is not many, it can already exert a certain lethality.

"It's you goddamn undead again." A weak-sounding voice recalled. On the surface, it was really difficult to associate the voice with this person.

Fang Jie is also polite: "Yes, it's us again, but I'm not an undead."

"You aggressors will definitely not end well."

"I admit that we are aggressors, but the end is often good, and you may become the same existence as us in the future." Fang Jie is not talking nonsense, he is actually the same.

But although the earth was swallowed up, Fang Jie didn't have any idea of ​​Spite.

After all, it was the hunting grounds of the heavens that gave him a broader vision, and it was also the hunting grounds of the heavens that allowed him to have the current development. Otherwise, if he is still on the earth, then he is probably just an ordinary social animal now.

"Impossible, it's absolutely impossible."

The chameleon man Rage on the opposite side shot a beam of light towards Fang Jie, but unfortunately it was completely blocked by the bones.

She never thought that her enemy would have such strength. Obviously they are all demigods, why is this guy acting like those gods, and he has only felt this level of pressure from those gods.

But this time it wasn't as simple as just making her feel, Fang Jie's ultimate move was merciless.

For things that do not conform to their own aesthetics, human beings have never been too light. The difference in strength between the two was very obvious. In just a few minutes, Fang Jie completely suppressed the other party.

In less than half an hour, the opponent's entire military camp was in chaos, and Fang Jie finally took the opportunity to create a few holes in the opponent's body. A large amount of law power was injected, and it was beaten to death on the spot.

"Don't resist, this is your destination."

Fang Jie flew over, repeated the trick, and pulled out the opponent's godhead shards.

"Although the composition is different, it is indeed a fragment of the godhead. Unfortunately, before this law has been assimilated, it is a bit out of tune with the hunting grounds of the heavens. I can't let my people absorb this godhead in the future."

Fang Jie understands after a bit of feeling, but this bright attribute has no reference to him now.

In the future, it can be given to other people in the territory, so that they can assist the godhead fragments to understand the law of own.

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