Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 685: The New Target Bright War Bear

Through this fragment of law, Fang Jie discovered some other problems.

Although every world that is swallowed will be assimilated in the end, there are always some that are more special.

The power of the laws of the hunting grounds of the heavens is very perfect, but other worlds are different, and some laws will always be incompatible, and the hunting grounds of the heavens will not swallow them directly, because that is a problem for itself.

These laws become small rules for individual planes, lowering them one level.

Only after growing to a certain extent, new laws may be formed to supplement the hunting grounds of the heavens.

But before that, some half-Celestic gods on other planes, it's not too bad.

Although they have become semi-Celestic gods in their own world, they seem to have a high start after integrating into the hunting grounds of the heavens, but in fact, due to their own problems, they are basically cut off.

In this case, these people look good, but the potential for future development is very limited.

If the problem is not big, it can be adjusted, but if the problem is too big, it can only be maintained.

Therefore, the gods of other worlds, although they are gods at the beginning after they are integrated into the hunting grounds of the heavens, they can only be regarded as the gods of the lowest level, and they have no potential at all.

The higher the strength, the more serious this problem will be.

"Forget it, what I think these things do has nothing to do with me."

Fang Jie shook his head, put away the fragments of Godhead, and looked outside. At this time, the screams of killing outside were earth-shattering. When he attacked himself just now, his own army had spontaneously launched an attack to cooperate with him.

Now he stopped by himself, but after those chameleons found their boss Death, their morale plummeted like a slippery slope.

It didn't take long for the army that could have suppressed them to be completely wiped out. After that, the undead army continued to advance, and the country in front would be completely destroyed.

These chameleons don't meet Fang Jie's aesthetics, and they don't have any special effects, so Fang Jie didn't plan to spend time accepting them, and simply destroyed them.

At least destroying these things will leave more room for human development.

As a human being, your own position is always clear.

During the following period, as the scope of the destruction continued to expand, Fang Jie gradually became busy. Because of the expanded scope, more and more troubles are touched.

For those undead, it's okay to say, after all, everyone came out of the same place.

As long as certain rules are met, the other party will basically not attack him casually. Those who go by themselves are all demigods, and they are all demigods of the military type.

I don't dare to attack this kind of person casually, and the same goes for others.

Unless he really has no brains, but such a person will not pose any threat to himself under normal circumstances.

But the indigenous demigods are different, every time Fang Jie has to shoot. During this period of time, the fragments of the godhead that he obtained from the indigenous demigods were more than those obtained from the undead.

However, it is basically all bright attributes here, and it is conceivable how much the influence of the environment is here.

Of course, there are two more life attributes, and one more special flame attribute.

To be honest, it is really not easy to condense the flame attribute in this environment. But this one is also a very famous one among these demigods, because the fire is very aggressive.

With the law of fire, this guy can suppress all other demigods around him.

It's a pity, in front of Fang Jie, the attack power of this flame attribute has no effect. Fang Jie killed the unlucky guy with ease, and then pulled out the godhead shards.

On this day, Fang Jie glanced at the information, but suddenly got an interesting news from it.

"This form, this Talent, seems to be very good."

Many creatures in this world are of the light attribute, so the painting style of this world is very strange.

Fang Jie has also seen a lot of weird things in the past few days, even some originally evil creatures have become bright attributes. A kind of bright creature that looks very similar to Devil, how it looks strange.

But the difference in front of him is that this is a bear. Although there are not many bright attributes, it is not absolutely absent.

It's just that this Bright War Bear's Talent is really good. He runs fast, has strong stamina, and has strong defense. He is simply the Paladin in Magical Beasts. Can use a variety of light spells, offensive and defensive auxiliary treatment.

The most important thing is that this Bright War Bear really learned to comprehend and learn by himself.

Instead of Normal's Magical Beasts, the spell is directly branded to its own core or body. Relying on inheritance to use, oneself has no understanding.

From Fang Jie's point of view, being able to learn spells on your own has infinite possibilities.

Even if there are few spells, go back and let the own mages study it.

"Very good, get this thing back from me, I want as much as I want."

"Lord Lord, you don't need to go there in person. Although this race is very strong overall, it is only a bloodline talent, and there is no top-level powerhouse itself."

Most of these bright war bears can reach the gold level when they are adults, and they are very powerful, but there are not many who have reached the legendary level.

As for the demigods, none of them, at least they didn't see them.

But even so, the talent of this bright war bear is not comparable to the dragon, but it is also the top race under the dragon.

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you. You go to prepare materials and venues for transformation and development, as well as a place to temporarily detain Magical Beasts." Fang Jie instructed a legendary subordinate beside him.

Now Fang Jie's strength, his legendary subordinates have no resistance at all.

Even if the newly cultivated legend has not reached the full value of loyalty, I am afraid that Fang Jie will reach the full value as soon as he sees it.

The mobility of the territorial units is very high, and in just a few hours, a large open space is ready. There are many rooms in the basement, all of which are used to hold Magical Beasts.

On the contrary, the magic circle is depicted on the top, which is the magic circle that assists Fang Jie to use the cycle of life and death.

The key point is that Fang Jie needs to come by himself. It's not that Fang Jie wants to keep a hand, it's really that this thing belongs to Talent rather than spells, so many things need to be prepared by Talent, and others can't help if they want to help.

Fang Jie is here to prepare, and the bright war bears are also sent one after another.

Standing up, the white giant bear with a height of more than 2.5 meters looks so mighty. When Fang Jie saw the real thing, the feeling was even better. Even if you don't need to be on the battlefield, it's good to just keep and play.

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