Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 686 Ranking In The 1,000Th

Fang Jie has more and more bright war bears in his hands, and he quickly broke through the number of 10,000.

However, most of them are small, and the powerful ones have not caught so many for the time being. Because the Bright War Bear Master has a special ability that can burn his own vitality in battle.

Until the moment before Death, Bright War Bear will keep fighting at its peak combat power.

If not, there will definitely be more Bright War Bears in Fang Jie's hands.

This question made Fang Jie a little speechless, but it didn't matter, as long as he could catch some. After all, the Bright War Bear is also an animal, so the pasture in its own territory can be cultivated.

If you can't cultivate it directly to adulthood, it will be close to adulthood. When your own territory continues to be upgraded, the special construction ranch will naturally be upgraded accordingly. At that time, it may be possible to directly cultivate the bright war bear of the gold level.

"The space channel is almost stable, and now the time to pass through the space channel is compressed to less than one day."

After thinking about it, Fang Jie made a decision: "Then, let the light Pokémon and those bright war bears retreat one after another. It's better to leave a few here to guide the newcomers."

Fang Jie looked outside, but Guang Pokémon and Guangming Bear were playing well.

I don't know if it's because both are light attributes, or because both have been transformed by themselves.

In short, the first time the Bright War Bear was caught, Pokémon was already familiar with them.

This time, because of the danger, Fang Jie did not let anyone in the territory follow him. After all, they are not undead, who knows if following them will have any effect.

If you are stared at by some gods who don't like you, it is really dangerous.

It is true that own is the power of cultivation Death, and it is true that it is a demigod itself. But many undead gods are very unwelcome to other creatures, and now those gods are on top of their heads.

At this moment, a grand voice suddenly exploded in Fang Jie's mind.

"Has it stabilized? The leaderboard is open so soon, and I can still build a base here. This time is very fast. It seems that the pressure on the gods in this world is not as great as last time."

Of course, it is also possible that the preparations are sufficient this time, or that there are more gods joining in.

After all, there is a conspiracy of the gods in it this time, so they must do a lot of preparations.

But anyway, this time the speed is really fast enough. It seems that it will not be long before this world will be completely swallowed up by the hunting grounds of the heavens, and their mission will soon be completed.

Fang Jie was not in a hurry to build a base in this place. In fact, the spirit of mountains and rivers is a base itself.

However, it is also beneficial to build another one here. Some buildings that can only exist one can earn another one. Those buildings are of no use to the current Fang Jie.

Fang Jie opened the leaderboard and was surprised to find that his own ranking was already 989.

Before I knew it, my own contribution actually entered within a thousand.

"It seems that our strength is not as bad as I thought." Fang Jie thought silently in his heart. Originally, he thought that he should not exist on the leaderboard at all.

It's not that Fang Jie is arrogant, it's just that there are too many demigods doing missions.

These demigods don't know how many years of power they have accumulated, and they certainly cannot easily catch up on their own. Although Fang Jie is very confident in himself, it is impossible to think how powerful he is.

"Yes, this time the plan is quite special. Although it is a mandatory task, in fact those geniuses did not join. So if I remove those people, I can reach this ranking."

"There is another important reason, that is, many of the people who came to this world this time did not come to complete the task, so the power of those people was not fully exerted."

Fang Jie somewhat understands, but his own strength is obvious to all.

After all, Fang Jie himself did not go all out to destroy this time.

In order to protect himself, Fang Jie has been stubborn in the early stage, not going anywhere.

It wasn't until he broke through to a demigod that he allowed his subordinates to attack the outside world. This took the initiative to attack for a period of time, and took down a lot of land, although they were mainly for destruction.

In other words, their purpose is to destroy the beliefs of indigenous gods.

"Forget it, no matter how much, continue to maintain the Ascension contribution, and then I can get some of the things I want." Fang Jie determined the next step.

As for hunting and killing demigods, you can do it if you can, or it doesn't matter if you can't.

Anyway, Fang Jie will not pursue these things deliberately, it will only get himself into trouble.

Through this exercise, Fang Jie at least has a certain understanding of his own strength.

This time, it is not like the previous world, which is directly divided into different planes. Because his own plane is relatively weak, his own ranking is so high, but that is only on his own plane.

This time there is only one plane in this world, and everyone participates in the same ranking.

In this way, he can still enter the thousandth place, and it also makes Fang Jie know more deeply about himself.

The strength is not weak, but it is far from the peak, so it is still necessary to continue Ascension.

Fang Jie quickly made new plans according to various plans. As for Ascension's own strength, let it go for the time being. After all, it takes time, and with Fang Jie's current situation, there can be no obvious Ascension in a short period of time.

There is too little information and knowledge about the demigod level in the own territory, and the Ascension is also lacking in background.

When the time comes, talk to people in the discussion area, or trade some things. Anyway, with his current strength, other people want to entrain some special items in the transaction, and he can find it.

As time passed, Fang Jie had completely cleaned up the Bright War Bear. The number of Bright War Bears obtained exceeds 300,000, and the number of Light Pokémon is even more.

In this world, although there are many bright creatures, the proportion of normal bright creatures is still larger.

Although there are all kinds of Pokémon, Pokémon alone is also very common here.

After this period of fighting and plundering, Fang Jie's light Pokémon has exceeded 500,000, and it is about to reach 600,000. This was captured, after all, they were much easier to capture than the Bright War Bear.

With these, the light Pokémon seeds under his hands are completely perfected, and there is no need to worry about extinction.

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