Because Fang Jie is constantly transporting new species to the rear, the busyness of the rear also starts again.

Qin Lan has sent letters many times and asked Fang Jie to control it, but Fang Jie has no choice but to catch it and not send it back. As for direct hunting, at least Fang Jie really doesn't want to do it.

If you don't have the strength, it's fine, but if you have the strength and the ability to control enough, it won't work.

Besides, isn't he just sending back all kinds of Pokémon.

In addition to Pokémon, Fang Jie only sent back the bright war bear, which can increase the heritage of his territory.

It can also be seen from the letter that Qin Lan was just complaining, similar to Charm, not really angry. After all, Qin Lan is also a Pokémon now, and he has completely transformed his blood into a pure blood Pokémon.

Seeing so many Pokémon being sent back, how could Qin Lan be unhappy.

If all these Pokémon were killed, Qin Lan would feel a little sad.

The influence of blood on oneself is actually very large, especially when the strength is not strong enough. Although Qin Lan knew this, it was impossible to change it.

In the past few days, Fang Jie found that his own ranking was difficult to ascend, and it was difficult to maintain it now.

It seems that the appearance of the leaderboard really made many people nervous.

This thing is clear at a glance, there are always some people who want to climb up, even the undead are not exempt.

It was okay in the past, but now they are all marked, and they are also exerting their strength, which has caused Fang Jie to just maintain his own ranking, which has already consumed a lot of energy.

But this day, they finally encountered a very troublesome situation.

"You said, there is a very powerful tribe in front of this, we are not Rival?"

Fang Jie came to the front line and looked forward. The front is a structure of mountains, but there are large plains in the middle, which is a very complex but at the same time very good place.

This plain land is fertile and can support many creatures.

The mountains are also their best Barrier, although the world is full of light attributes, making them very peaceful. But there can be no war, after all, resources are limited.

With limited space and resources, it is impossible to sustain an infinite population boom.

When the number reaches a certain level, of course they will go to war. Therefore, people in this world do not pay little attention to war. On the contrary, because of their strong reproductive ability, they are more familiar with and value everything about war.

"Indeed, after our investigation, we found that there are at least dozens of demigod-level powerhouses on the opposite side. There are other undead forces around here as well, and they have recently put forward the request of the Alliance."

"According to the information they provided, there are at least one hundred and twenty demigods in the Beastmaster family."

"Is that so many? It's actually more than a hundred." Fang Jie was not too suspicious. Basically, no one would deceive himself in this kind of thing, because it was completely useless.

After a few battles, you can figure out whether it is true or not.

"How many undead are gathered here?"

"There are already more than 30 teams, all of which are larger. According to the news, the undead demigods gathered here are actually a lot more than those on the other side, but it is difficult for everyone to unite."

Fang Jie nodded, this is very normal, after all, everyone is pregnant.

There may even be some people hiding around, ready to hunt other people.

"Are they going to drag on like this? If so, we won't be able to defeat the opponent, and we won't be able to move in this direction." Fang Jie directly expressed everyone's concerns.

"It's definitely not possible, because the opposite side is also calling friends and companions. Now everyone in this plane knows the dangers of the dead."

Fang Hao spread his hands, the enemy's slander, that is his best feat. But because of this incident, more and more local demigods have gathered, and the trouble will be even greater.

Because the undead are all scattered, they probably don't want to attack in the end.

After all, I don't want to die. When everyone retains their strength, the loss will probably be even greater. Everyone understands this situation, and what will happen at that time is uncertain.

Therefore, those who want to continue to expand here will definitely try their best to launch an attack as soon as possible.

"My lord, someone outside wants to see you. They claim to be from the Alliance."

Fang Jie thought for a while, then nodded to let the other party in. In the past, Fang Hao negotiated on his own behalf, after all, his own strength was not enough. Now own's strength surpasses Fang Hao, so there is no problem in standing up.

You can't always let Fang Hao help him resist the danger, this is really unreasonable.

Besides, Fang Jie's mentality has also changed with the strength of Ascension.

Soon a skeleton appeared in front of Fang Jie, but it was a legendary level. Being able to let the legendary level pass the word is enough to show their sincerity and show their strength.

"See Your Majesty, this is the agreement of our Alliance."

The other party handed an agreement to Fang Jie. This is not a contract, but because the signers are all demigods, making this agreement has a strong effect and is enough to explain the situation.

"We have joined together to form an Alliance, and we will attack in three days. If you don't join, please leave, or we will clean up first."

After they formed an alliance, their power was indeed strong, but Fang Jie didn't believe that the other party could really do anything to him.

Most of it is to drive away, after all, the strength of their own side is not weak, and they can't be the only Rival like themselves. But Fang Jie doesn't want to give up, because he also wants to continue to expand and continue to destroy.

If they quit this time, it seems that they can save their power, but they can't use this channel for themselves.

In the development of Otherworld, if you offend so many people, you will be able to consume most of your energy at that time. At that time, it was basically impossible to get a good grade.

Fang Jie looked at the agreement, then nodded and said, "I see, if that's the case, then I'll join the Alliance too."

Having said that, Fang Jie wrote the pseudonym "own" on it. Although it was a pseudonym, it left the power of "own", which was effective. Once violated, other people can also find out by virtue of breath.

Looking at Fang Jie's signature, the other party showed a smile, and then he told the detailed plan.

When they were not all along, it was impossible for Fang Jie to know these detailed plans, and there were also tasks assigned by them.

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