Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 688 Attacking The Beastmaster Clan

Seeing the messenger leave, Fang Jie showed a weird smile.

"Caoyun? I don't know if it's a person. If so, we can talk about it."

The reason why Fang Jie uses a pseudonym is actually because he saw a name called Caoyun. After all, with their strength, it doesn't matter what name they use.

It's not the kind of world where names can still be influenced by people, that kind of thing doesn't matter at all.

But this grass cloud is different. When I first entered the high-level discussion area, I met this guy.

Because he revealed that he was a newbie, this Caoyun wanted to give him something. And it's not enough to not do it by myself, and I actually want to make myself accept it by means of threats.

You don't have to think about it to know that this guy definitely wants to send the coordinates.

If someone can't stop their threat, the final danger is very great.

This time I met this guy, if it is really the one I am familiar with, then I really have to retaliate.

Of course, Fang Jie didn't act rashly at this time, but kept waiting. A day later, the Alliance was basically complete, and all the semi-Celestic forces here were invited.

Some people didn't join, but that's just a minority.

Of course, after those who didn't join knew they were going to clean up, most of them left voluntarily.

But there are still some who are unwilling to leave, so it can only be cleaned up. This cleanup isn't to get rid of them, it's to let them go. If it really doesn't work, it's not impossible to do it.

Fang Jie himself also received such a task, but Fang Jie did not come forward by himself, just let his subordinates come forward to solve it.

"Basically, they all come from professions such as necromancers. This is considered a certificate of honor."

Fang Jie took a look and found that those who came out to perform this task were basically those who did not transform into undead, but directly became demigods. Such people seem somewhat unwelcome in the eyes of the undead.

There are also some undead who came forward directly. It should not be because of a bad reputation, or the same situation as himself.

In short, Fang Jie also knew what these people were worried about.

My side was relatively smooth, and when two demigods came forward, they retreated.

There are also some who just don't want to go. This kind of thorn is everywhere. Especially all the way from Ascension to the demigods, these people are full of confidence and Haki, how can they listen to others.

As a result, there were sporadic battles in some places, and the fluctuations spread slowly.

In the opposite plain, Fang Jie also felt some battle fluctuations, but it was not intense.

It's supposed to be some half-Celestic local half-god conflict from outside, so let's learn from each other. All in all, both sides are making final preparations, and a war could break out at any time.

The ordinary army below has already collided many times.

On the third day, the battle started, Fang Jie explained it to the others, and then went to the battlefield.

"This is the Beastmaster family. It's the first time I've seen it here for so long."

Fang Jie looked at the beastmaster clan on the battlefield. This thing is similar to the orcs, at least in terms of breath sensing. But they look different, like apes walking upright.

His whole body was covered in white hair, and he seemed to be born with a coat.

Nearly two meters in height, it is taller and stronger than humans. However, their auras are all bright attributes, something similar to fighting qi.

But their power is not the softness of the Light Attribute tradition, but full of rage.

Speaking of which, it is rare to be able to make the Light Attribute so violent. This should also be a secret technique.

These beastmasters have very strong attack capabilities, and their defense capabilities are also not weak, but their own healing capabilities are gone. Although own has a good recovery ability, it is obviously impossible for the violent light force to release healing spells.

But even so, the restraint of the power of light on the power of Death allowed them to still have the upper hand when facing the undead.

It's just a pity that this time they were beat up by a large number of undead.

Although the undead suffered heavy casualties, they were indeed more numerous. More and more undead, enough to drag them all to death. Even if a strong person appears occasionally, there is no shortage of strong people on the undead side.

"It's a pity, it looks too ugly, otherwise I really want to get it back."

I have to say, Fang Jie values ​​the talent of these guys, but it's still a little too ugly.

It's a little better than ordinary orcs, and those special types of orcs can't compare at all. And seeing these guys take out a prey and take a bite to replenish their stamina, Fang Jie doesn't like it even more.

Although these guys are full of light, they are similar to beasts themselves.

This kind of bloodthirsty personality, I am afraid that normal humans do not like it very much.

Looking at the sky, the powerful auras on the opposite side broke out and began to fly towards this side. And the same strong men on their side also burst into breath, even the demigods under Fang Jie.

Fang Jie knew that someone must be recording at this time, so he also burst out his breath, but not all.

"A lot. Both sides exceeded expectations. It seems that there is something hidden."

Fang Jie's face became serious, because he found that there were more than 200 demigods on the opposite side. However, I don't know whether the undead are more hidden or because there are many people who have come to support these days.

The total number of breaths here has exceeded three hundred. In the absence of absolute restraint, it is obvious that one's own side has a higher chance of winning.

At the same time, the people on the opposite side also felt this breath, and their faces gradually became solemn.

I thought I could stop these undead, or even clean them up. But they found that they were wrong, the other party was stronger, and they had already completed the encirclement, and there was nowhere to run if they wanted to.

At this time, many demigods faintly gave birth to a little Spite for the Beastmaster family.

If it wasn't for their invitation, I wouldn't have come to this place.

Even if they are bright creatures, even if they are open-minded, they still have Grudges.

"It's too late to say anything now. Let's do our best. If you have a chance to escape, then leave. I'm not all the way to observe these undead. If we unite, we might have a chance to defeat them."

I gave them a step in front, and I said my own idea in the back, but it changed everyone's mentality at once. Many people began to think about whether this battle should be done first.

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