Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 689 Legendary Puppet Arms

They couldn't allow them to think too much about things, because the battle had broken out, and the demigod at the front had already contacted at this time.

However, they did not dare to go all out easily, because they were also worried that they would die at the hands of the other party. Various demigod skills were released one after another for testing, but soon there was no need for testing.

Because the follow-up people came into contact with more and more people, and then their battle broke out completely.

Fortunately, because the scope is relatively large, the influence of everyone on each other is not very large.

Otherwise, they all gather together, and the effect is definitely not the one in front of them. During the battle, the blows gradually separated, and it was impossible for them to be crowded together, but the impact would be even greater.

The demigod battle was turned upside down, and the huge fluctuations had a very large influence on the surrounding area.

Those who are not strong enough, under the devastation of this aftermath, can't even protect their own power.

It didn't take long for people to die like this, causing many places on the battlefield to instantly quiet down. Everyone dared not continue to find each other to fight, but instead looked for a place to hide.

But the undead troops who are not afraid of death will not take this into account, and they are still rushing forward.

This kind of rushing and killing does not have much effect, after all, they are no longer the most lethal at this time.

But they were able to hold back the enemy, and the result was that everyone was devastated by the aftermath. Under this model, their own losses are large, but the other party's losses are equally large.

Killing 800 enemies and losing thousands of them, this kind of thing is probably only manifested in them.

At this moment, Fang Jie also encountered a demigod team. However, the other party has only one beastmaster family, and the rest are other races. Fang Jie's expression changed and let the others fight.

At this time, Fang Jie was looking at something special.

That's right, the people who came here to support did not come by themselves. They also brought their own subordinates and various powerful troops. But the puppet troops, speaking of Fang Jie, is the first time I have seen it.

But the puppet troops in front of them are different, because this is the legendary level.

The own alchemy faction has already reached the main city level, but at most it is the army that produces the gold level. No way, because the Laboratory has not researched the legendary level of arms and buildings.

Although I have been researching and investing a lot, but after all, the time is here.

If there is a real thing in front of you, you can speed up the research if you think about it.

Thinking of this, Fang Jie's eyes became hot. As for the battle at the demigod level, let the subordinates do it well. Anyway, when the war started, no one could stare at him at this time.

Fang Jie quietly restrained his breath, and then approached the puppets.

These puppets are very large, and they are also more than ten meters in height, and they look like giants. But the body is very precise, and there are basically no obvious gaps.

If you didn't look closely, if you couldn't feel the breath, Normal people would not know that this thing is a puppet and not a living thing.

The huge puppet's head looks like an orc, and there are two short wings behind it, and it can be seen that it can't fly. But and the wings are not decorations, but can speed up the speed and reduce the weight of the puppet.

After all, such a big one, if you can't reduce the weight, it is easy to sink into the ground.

Likewise, there's little point in not speeding them up. The speed is too slow, even if the strength is strong enough to reach the enemy, it is useless, so Ascension is still required.

Fang Jie didn't do anything, but based on these things, he slowly approached the back.

These puppets left some breath on them. This kind of breath is very secretive, but Fang Jie is very sensitive, just can feel it, otherwise there is really no way to track it all the way.

"Is it this place? I didn't expect it to be hidden underground. But here, it seems that there are no demigods."

Fang Jie felt it, and his own perception ability is still very strong.

If it wasn't for the other party's ability to hide beyond his own perception ability, then it really didn't exist. Many life breaths below are busy going back and forth, but they are all very weak and not very strong.

Fang Jie entered quietly and quickly determined what was below.

It turns out that this is a group of goblins, goblins who are good at technology and engineering, and the miracles they can create are very terrifying. These goblins are only bronze rank at most, and most of them are ordinary people.

However, under the influence of their minds, a legendary battle puppet was created.

If it weren't for the fact that there was no power against the demigods in the group, they would never be so attached to others.

Fang Jie knows how daring goblins are. As long as they think they can threaten the gods, then these guys can definitely challenge the gods.

At this moment, a white goblin was yelling at the other goblins.

The entire underground space is busy, and everyone is constantly producing various puppet troops.

It didn't take long for Fang Jie to find the assembly of that large puppet at the bottom. "Very good, the real thing is there, and there is still a lot of information here. Although some details are somewhat different, it is enough to take it back for research."

Fang Jie's eyes flashed with light, and a special power quietly spread out.

There are many special magic circles and runes set up here, as well as various devices. Normal people can't attack them at all, but Fang Jie is the one who can, he is not Normal's demigod.

Mental Energy forced these goblins into Hypnosis, and Fang Jie began to look for various materials.

After all, he himself is not completely ignorant of these things, and every mage is a scholar. Fang Jie spends a lot of time studying every day, which plays an important role at this time.

He is not the kind of person who only relies on skills to force Ascension's combat power, but a normal mage.

It didn't take long for the data to be collected, along with a large amount of other data. A goblin who can make this kind of thing, who knows how useful these materials are, so he just keeps them all.

Fang Jie did not start until everything was collected. The surrounding matter was directly transformed and turned into white bones.

Then the bones extended a lot of spikes around, and the entire underground factory was destroyed in an instant. All goblins, in a stupefied situation, have no painful Death in an instant.

And such a big movement immediately alerted the hidden protector on the ground.

The half-dragon man never thought that under the protection of his own, someone could sneak into it. But now is not the time to think so much, these puppet troops are very important to them.

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