Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 690: Discovering The Traces Of The Dragon Race

"Damn it, how did you get in here. Damn it, it's ruined, you bastard."

A cover on the ground was suddenly opened. After the cover was lifted, the entire base was opened by a small amount. Fang Jie looked up and saw a young girl staring at him.

That's right, she really looks like a girl. Although she looks like a Pokémon in her ears, she doesn't look weak like a Pokémon. On the contrary, the girl gave herself a very powerful feeling, and she was also vaguely cute.

But the breath on his body belongs to a demigod and is very tyrannical.

"No, not Pokémon, what species are you?" Fang Jie felt familiar.

"Damn undead, die for me." The girl clenched her fist and punched Fang Jie. Just halfway, the punch was blocked by the bones, but the bones were also smashed into pieces.

"What a powerful force, this is not a normal demigod, it is very powerful."

Fang Jie's eyes were one meter wide, and sure enough, with so many demigods gathered together, how could they be ordinary types. Even the indigenous demigods are definitely very powerful ones.

Later, Fang Jie saw the image of the girl on the opposite side after the bones were broken.

At this time, sharp horns grew on the girl's head, scales appeared on her body, and there was a tail on her back. The small hand that originally looked weak, now completely turned into a claw, and the scales were still white.

"Dragon clan, it turned out to be a half-dragon person."

Fang Jie understands what race is in front of him, it's a dragon man. Judging from the degree of dragon transformation and its powerful strength, I am afraid that this dragon bloodline is very rich, at least more than 80%.

If it exceeds 90%, it is not as simple as being a dragon, but it can become a dragon, but it cannot be maintained forever.

Discovering this, Fang Jie is happy, because there are dragons on behalf of this world with dragons. Although he already has some dragon races, it is not comprehensive enough.

Fang Jie's collection habit broke out again, and he wanted to collect some dragons that he did not own in this world.

Anyway, this will not affect Ascension's own layout and strength. When it comes to his own strength, this is just a little hobby. Fang Jie won't go for it deliberately, but if he finds it, he won't let it go.

These guys actually came here, which means that they should not be very far from here.

At this moment, the girl dragon and Rage's eyes were all red.

These goblins were cultivated by themselves, not only representing themselves, but also the ethnic group behind them. Only when they achieve breakthroughs through research, can their own groups have stronger power.

With these, the own voice will be higher, and the ethnic group will be able to get a higher status.

Otherwise, even if it is himself, there is no way for the group to gain too much benefit, after all, they are only vassals of the dragon tribe. All in all, the dragon has the final say.

Speaking of which, their days were not easy.

But this time, Fang Jie directly destroyed so many, which was equivalent to half of the goblins under his own clan. And there are many elites among them, and the elimination of these goblins represents the loss of a lot of knowledge.

Goblins don't record everything, although they value gold coins more.

But for their own technology, they also hide it very well.

Goblins are not stupid, they will settle accounts, knowing that these technologies will bring them more gold coins. This point, even if they were forced to use their lives, it was impossible for the goblins to compromise.

At this time, the girl Ryujin has completely ignored others and attacked Fang Jie frantically.

"Is there only one attack mode? As a dragon man, I don't even know magic. It's a shame."

After fighting for a while, Fang Jie shook his head in disappointment. Although the strength of the girl dragon is very powerful, the method is too simple. Fang Jie, who lost interest, started to speed up.

Those bones are like flowers in Fang Jie's hands. The girl dragon is like a fly, constantly avoiding the Spider Web from all directions, but after all, there are times when she is surrounded.

Suddenly, a phantom came into contact with the girl dragon, and the girl's expression changed instantly.

Touch of Death, Fang Jie unleashes a different skill. The dragon man, who has been guarding the bones all the time, never thought that the other party would have such a strange attack, and he was directly hit.

The terrifying explosion of Death's power made the dragon's shape become slow, and there were many gray lines on his body.

At the same time, a lot of life force on the body was transformed into Death breath, which aggravated the injury.

Fang Jie was rude, and the bones changed several positions, turning the girl dragon into a sieve, and his whole body was pierced, leaving only one breath to die.

"You, how can you be so strong?" the girl said with difficulty.

Fang Jie didn't answer, just stretched out his hand and captured his soul.

The girl felt that she was getting more and more tired and her consciousness became more and more blurred. It didn't take long before her eyes were completely dark. After a while, Fang Jie had a godhead shard in his hand, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Not bad, the distance is not very far, as long as the breakthrough is a place, you can go directly. And there are some goblins, since that's the case, you can't let it go."

Yes, Fang Jie wants to collect dragons, but he values ​​goblins more.

Those dragons are just the icing on the cake, to satisfy your own collecting fetish.

But the information in the hands of the goblins is different. They can let themselves get more alchemy blueprints, the power of Ascension's own alchemy system. These things can still play a huge role at some point.

It seems that this time, this world is very suppressing them.

If you can have a powerful puppet army, you can greatly reduce losses.

At least, at the legendary level, it can reduce a lot of losses. At the level of Fang Jie's cultivation of legends, the ability of undead fission cannot fully play a role, and many people who have no way to continue fission have made breakthroughs.

In this regard, the cost of creating a legendary golem is not much higher than the cost of a legendary undead.

Fang Jie doesn't value low-level puppet troops, but legends and legends above are different.

Putting away the corpse, Fang Jie had just rushed out of the ground when another demigod-level powerhouse approached him. No, not one, but two, both belonged to the Beastmaster family.

It's just that the strength of these two is far worse than that of the dragon man. "Is it also protecting from the rear? It's a pity that it came a step late." Fang Jie laughed, and a lot of bones began to explode under his feet.

From a distance, it looks like a forest of bones.

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