With a move in his heart, the surrounding bones naturally deform and grow. The two people who had just rushed over were instantly blocked.

"How is it possible, how is it so hard." The two people's fists were blocked by bones, and they were shocked. Because the hardness of this bone is beyond their imagination.

Although after talking about their level, what they are fighting for is the strength and efficacy of the law, there is basically no restraint.

However, because the Attribute is different, there will still be some performance. For example, after the conflict of laws is over, only the bones of the Death Attribute are still weak under their Light Attribute.

But the bones in front of them are different, and their hardness has exceeded their imagination.

Fang Jie wouldn't explain these things to them, controlling the bones and fighting each other against each other. Finding an opportunity is just a Death touch, killing one of them in an instant.

The person who rushed over was far worse than the previous dragon man, and this time he couldn't stop it at all.

After there's only one left, it's not even a Rival.

"It seems that your situation is really dangerous. I've already killed three of them, and there is no new support for such a big move." Fang Jie looked around, but didn't see anyone continuing to come to trouble himself.

The surrounding battle was chaotic, and the battlefield was full of huge fluctuations.

Just because of the distance, Fang Jie can only feel the fluctuation, but cannot see the specific situation of the other party.

After thinking about it, Fang Jie suddenly changed direction. At this level of fighting, the enemies gathered on this plain are not their Rival at all, and victory is only a matter of time.

But in this level of battle, it is absolutely impossible for the undead to say that there is no loss.

It didn't take long for Fang Jie to come to the position he felt before.

At this moment, a zombie is pressing an eagle to fight. This eagle is also a demigod, but only an animal demigod. I don't have enough background to say, and there is no special bloodline, and the strength is just entering the demigod.

Fang Jie even suspected that this eagle probably used some special means to enter the demigod, otherwise it would not be so weak.

Although that Caoyun has good strength, if he is a normal demigod, he cannot be suppressed so easily.

After all, at the level of a demigod, it is not easy to win alone. If Isshin wanted to escape, it would be difficult for the Normals to keep him.

This eagle can fly by itself, obviously the kind that is very good at speed.

However, they were suppressed without even a chance to escape, which only showed that their strength was very weak.

Suddenly, the zombie punched all the bones that the eagle hit, and almost lost the power to resist.

"My matter here has been resolved, you can go to other places to help those people." The zombie did not take the opportunity to kill the enemy, but looked at Fang Jie and said vigilantly.

As for the eagle, just treat it, it won't recover in a short time anyway.

Besides, own safety is the most important thing, as long as own safety can be guaranteed, less gain is fine.

"Caoyun? That grassy cloud who often fools Rookie."

Fang Jie asked, he was 50% sure that this was the grass cloud that threatened his own before. Because of this time, Fang Jie also knew some people in the discussion forum.

This grass cloud belongs to a special organization and is a member of this organization.

Because they are members, they must have some special methods to prove their own identity and avoid conflicts with their own people.

Under Fang Jie's inquiries, I got some understanding of some of the costumes and appearance of this grass cloud. The appearance of the person in front of him is very similar to what he has inquired about, so Fang Jie is 50% sure.

"Who are you? Do you want to be an enemy of our Heisha organization?" Cao Yun stared at Fang Jie.

"It looks like it's really you." Fang Jie sneered. Although Cao Yun didn't answer directly, Fang Jie was still sure that he was not looking for the wrong person. This kind of organization definitely offends a lot of people.

When asked about such a performance, it proves that they have a lot of enemies.

"My name is Fang Jie. You threatened me at the beginning, but I didn't expect to meet now."

Fang Jie said as he assimilated the surrounding into white bones, and the white bones completely sealed the surroundings, making it difficult for Caoyun to escape. Although Caoyun was a zombie, he was still injured very quickly in the face of this level of bones.

"I don't know you, you remember correctly." Cao Yun relented and counterattacked at the same time.

Because it is a zombie, its physical strength is very high, even if it is a demigod, it develops in this respect.

Every fist attack, there will be a strong corpse aura on it. This corpse aura is combined with the law, even if it is a demigod, it will be eroded, but the grass cloud has no way to attack Fang Jie.

"After all, I'm just a small person, it's okay if you don't know me."

Fang Jie's words made Cao Yun scolded inwardly, "Little people, who can be so easy and right to own demigods. Which of them is a small person?" I have learned some special methods from the organization.

Own attack, it is not easy for a casual demigod to resist easily.

I didn't use it against that eagle before, because the opponent was too weak.

Caoyun is very confident in his own strength, so he will act alone. But I didn't expect that I actually encountered an enemy, and it was such a powerful enemy.

Fang Jie also sighed for a while. As expected of someone who specializes in attacking other planes, his strength is indeed not simple.

The strength that Cao Yun showed was not much worse than the Dragon King he had seen before.

It's a pity that the current self is not Zeng Jin's self anymore. Fang Jie quietly assists the rotation of life and death, transforming the Death Qi on the opponent with each attack, turning it into the breath of life.

The grass cloud, which has no laws of life, directly clashes with the Death energy on his body, and is constantly weakened.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Fang Jie used Death's touch again, seriously injuring Caoyun.

"Damn it, you will definitely be hunted down by Heisha." Cao Yun, who was seriously injured, suddenly exploded, producing a huge impact. Even Fang Jie was caught off guard and was shocked.

The huge force shattered all the bones around him, almost hurting himself.

"If you want to run, it's beautiful to think about it." Fang Jie, who has the law of the soul, accurately discovered the soul of the other party. The corpse explosion was just a cover, and Cao Yun's real purpose was to escape.

This kind of person who attacks other planes all day is of course afraid that he will encounter some difficult enemies. Therefore, they not only held a group to keep warm, but also had a very strong ability to escape.

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