Master Fang Jie, who masters the law of the soul, captured Cao Yun's soul with a single soul capture.

After all, he destroyed his body and his soul ran out, and it was very easy to catch him.

If it is against other people, with the Self Destruct before Caoyun and the speed of soul escape, it is easy to escape. But what Cao Yun met was Fang Jie.

The prudent Fang Jie will lay out layers of bone defenses around him every time he fights.

Although the explosion was unexpected, Fang Jie's own defense still blocked the explosion. He was not injured, and his own perception ability was not affected.

At the same time, Fang Jie himself has mastered the law of the soul, so Cao Yun's soul cannot escape at all.

In an instant, it was perceived that he was directly robbing his soul, and Cao Yun couldn't escape at all.

Fang Jie didn't care about Caoyun's begging for mercy, and directly activated the law of the soul. After a long time, Fang Jie opened his eyes. "Although the memory obtained is incomplete, I can still get some news."

Fang Jie is a bit regretful, this Cao Yun himself doesn't know much about the Heisha organization.

There are many organizations named Heisha. This is a very common name. They also use this common name to hide themselves. This is a common method. But most of the people with this name are not a good number.

The same is true for them, their main business is low-end demigods, attacking other planes.

And the high-end ones are hunting demigods everywhere. They will extract the fragments of demigods and sell them to others who need them. Even those who buy, become their targets.

Killed again and sold again, that's one of their businesses.

Although Cao Yun didn't know much, and they practiced with each other on a one-line basis, there was no way to know some things about other members, but Cao Yun knew a lot about some things inside the organization.

These people offended a lot of people, and many of the descendants of big people and important figures of big forces were secretly killed by them. In fact, they are not the only ones doing this kind of thing.

Even this kind of thing, many people behind those organizations know about it, and they even planned it themselves.

After all, the big organization is not monolithic, and it is not uncommon to rely on external forces to solve Rival.

But these things can only be done and cannot be said. Once they are said on the surface, it is not the case. Even if it's for their own Face, those big organizations won't let Heisha go.

"If that's the case, then I'll give you some trouble."

Fang Jie is going to sort out the questions here and post them anonymously via the discussion forum.

As long as these news spread, I believe that this Heisha still has many organizations called Heisha, and I am afraid it will be unlucky.

The enemy of own was eliminated, and the other Fang Jie didn't bother to pay attention to it. Anyway, he didn't provoke own. As for making trouble for them, it's just a worry to solve.

Who knows if Caoyun will use other methods to Lock On himself after he is killed by himself.

This can be regarded as a kind of first strike, Fang Jie then looked at the eagle on the ground.

This unfortunate guy was still recovering, but suddenly the body exploded, this time the injury was even more serious, and he was not far from death. Despite the constant Struggle, the injury is still deteriorating.

"Not bad, Bai picked up a corpse, just to make up for the loss."

Before Cao Yun's corpse Self Destructed, Fang Jie could only get a godhead fragment. But this eagle is different, and the corpse will also be left behind. Fang Jie stepped forward and easily extracted the soul of this guy.

After wiping away the aura left here, Fang Jie quietly left.

As for whether other people felt something, that Fang Jie had nothing to do.

The battle went on for several days, and with the number of people and people like Fang Jie hunting everywhere, the indigenous army finally collapsed completely. Of the more than 200 demigods originally gathered, it is said that not even 30 escaped.

The others were left in this place, and even those who escaped were not seriously injured.

If there is no special method for treatment, I am afraid that these people who go back will not know how long it will take to recover.

Entering the hunting grounds of the heavens under this Contest Condition is really uncertain.

But if you think about it, you should still be able to survive, after all, there are few Attribute demigods. Moreover, most of the demigods of Light Attribute are good at healing, whether it is for others or themselves.

At this time, there are more undead demigods than before, because there are new ones joining later.

Fang Jie just stood in the corner and didn't speak. Anyway, his own performance was not so eye-catching on the bright side.

"Everyone, the Beastmaster family has been wiped out. We have captured a lot of prisoners. Anyone who wants to make an offer will bid. We will evenly distribute the bid to all the demigods who participated in the past."

Although the price is not much, it is necessary to have a meaning.

It didn't take long for the prisoners to be divided up. As for what they are going to do when they are captured, whether to become an undead or let them reproduce, that is their own business.

"Okay, then, the road here has been opened, and we can continue to expand in this direction. We need to discuss the direction of everyone's expansion to avoid conflicts with each other."

This time Fang Jie was very excited. After discussing it for a while, his own direction was determined and he didn't go to Snatch.

After all, in their view, these are just some directions, and they are all random.

It's just that Fang Jie is different from them. The direction Fang Jie chose was based on some things preserved in the dragon girl's memory. In this direction, I can meet the dragons and the dragons and goblins they raise.

These things are what Fang Jie values ​​most and wants to gain.

"Then next, I'll trouble you. Just notify me when you encounter a target. Also, these materials must be sent back as soon as possible, and the test must be completed as soon as possible." Fang Jie handed the materials to a person beside him.

His purpose is to return to his own territory through the space channel, and then send the data to the alchemy city.

Through the alchemy city, after researching these materials, I am afraid that I will be able to produce legendary puppets.

Speaking of which, Fang Jie still values ​​this very much. All the arms that can reach the legendary level are very useful. Although the undead is the most cost-effective, other arms are not completely useless.

After arranging all this, Fang Jie returned to his own rhythm again, studying new spells.

As for things like fighting, so many undead have already opened up in that direction, and there are countless undead traveling with them.

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