Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 693 Collecting New Dragons

The undead army is advancing all the way, and without the demigod blocking it, it is simply overwhelming.

No, it should be said that there are no demigods blocking it. But in the previous battle, all the demigods of this generation were beaten and dared not do anything. Their spirits and spirits have been dissipated all at once.

At this time, the people in this area can only keep retreating and fleeing, and there is no other way.

A few people were able to stay, but they still had no power to stop them. When encountering an enemy, they are either killed or arrested. After being caught, waiting for their end is often more miserable than Death.

Those who live in this world do not understand this.

But when they were really arrested, they regretted that they had no chance. The faction of the undead is the best way to deal with these creatures, and it is often uneasy after death.

However, Fang Jie's progress was the fastest. Fearing that the enemy would escape, Fang Jie divided the army into two parts.

Some of them are Flying from the air, going all the way, very fast. The enemy on the ground is not to be dealt with at all. In the face of this huge army system, the people on the ground did not dare to mess around.

In the end, they could only speed up their escape, fleeing in different directions, making the surroundings even more chaotic.

"Finally caught up, don't let them escape." Fang Hao was at the forefront, and finally saw the target Fang Jie was going to deal with. That was the dragon clan, and many dragon clan had already left at this time.

But it's not that easy to move, especially with dragons.

They have a lot of wealth and treasure, and these cannot be carried casually.

So many dragons stayed in this place and followed the team forward. Even Dragon King has one. They did not expect the enemy to come so quickly. So the first time they met, the undead started.

At this time, Fang Jie also received the news, so he put down what he was doing and came.

By the time Fang Jie reached the front line, the battle had basically come to an end. Although Dragon King's strength is strong, they have not dealt with it.

Using familiar methods, the Dragon King was almost unable to hold on.

The reason why it took so long this time was mainly because they were more careful. The last time was in a hurry. In order to kill Dragon King as soon as possible, so many people were injured.

Even now, the two most seriously injured still haven't recovered.

On the other hand, Fang Jie already has a way, because he has the ability to rotate life and death. After going back, give the two demigods a few rotations to basically recover the injury.

This skill is used for healing, and Fang Jie found that it is also very good.

After Fang Jie intervenes, this Dragon King will die even faster. Within an hour, Dragon King was killed.

"It's really bad to have no special ability." Fang Jie gave a comment. Originally, he was worried about the other party's special ability, but that's it.

But it is, after all, when they reach the demigods, they control the law, and they are all big moves.

In other words, the most powerful means are usually used, how can there be stronger means. It was completely different from the previous situation of hiding the key moments of the ultimate move.

Before the demigods, the ultimate move was not so easy to use, and once it was used, the cost was too high.

After reaching the demigods, most of the ultimate moves can already be used as ordinary moves, because that kind of cost is basically nothing for them, that is, it consumes a little more power.

"Not bad, there are so many types." Fang Jie glanced at it, his eyes lit up.

There are many kinds of giant dragons here that they do not have. Golden dragons, black dragons, poisonous dragons, emperor dragons, and the rare Immortal female dragon. There are more types of dragons here than I have obtained before.

"Be careful, take these cubs and eggs back, and don't break them."

Then Fang Jie looked at the adults: "These guys, if you can train, you can train them, and if you can't, just use them as materials."

Anyway, the giant dragon has its own inheritance memory, and there is no need for them to teach the younger generation, so Fang Jie is not worried.

"Lord Lord, the goblins have been found, and their information has also been obtained."

Fang Jie looked to the other side, all the goblins were downcast, as if they had no love for life. "What happened to them?" Fang Jie said strangely.

"These goblins originally transported their own wealth, but they were taken away by the people who counted them before."

Well, for goblins, wealth is more important than life. The wealth in their hearts is gone, even if they are still alive, they are still this kind of dejected performance.

"It doesn't matter, just promise to give them benefits in the future. These people are brought back, and their research ability is not bad."

Fang Jie looked at the loot, many things seemed to be not simple on the surface.

But now Fang Jie doesn't have so much time to sort things out slowly, these must be sent back as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will be known by other people, and God knows what will happen.

After all, a dragon clan was wiped out here. For the undead, the undead dragon is a very powerful unit.

Even among the top undead, undead dragons occupy a large proportion. Those people who know the dragons here will definitely try to get a share of it, Fang Jie doesn't want to share it with them.

Even if it's just a corpse, it can be used to transform a Charon dragon by sending it back.

Fang Jie gave an order, and the team began to speed up, fighting all the way back from here. Departure by direct air freight that can be shipped.

By the time others received the news, Fang Jie had already sent these dragons and materials to his base. Even a large part has been sent back through the space channel.

In order to avoid pressure, Fang Jie quietly told some people the information he had obtained from Cao Yun before.

Of course he didn't come forward, he didn't want to expose himself.

There are also some, Fang Jie posted to the discussion forum anonymously and in a very obscure way. At this time, it is the battle period, and everyone has been able to establish a base here, so naturally you can see the discussion area.

The discussion here is all about the war here, but some people inadvertently discovered the message from Fang Jie. After reading it out, the pan was fried all of a sudden.

Such an organization with great harm is definitely not so friendly to them.

Whether it is a demigod or a demigod, the impact is too great. So many places began to search for Heisha spontaneously, but the ones that were found were not necessarily organizations.

There are many organizations of this type, and under such searches, the entire plane becomes chaotic.

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