Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 694: A Further Alchemy Puppet

Fang Jie looked at the information with an inexplicable look in his eyes.

"There's no one to stop it. Instead, there are people who are helping to fuel the flames. Wait, is this what they want to do?"

Originally, Fang Jie thought that the information he got out would cause some confusion, and someone would stop it. It's just that Fang Jie didn't expect that, not only did it not stop, but the situation intensified.

Even he suspected that this was probably acquiesced by the gods, and it was not as simple as one or two.

But after thinking about it carefully, Fang Jie also knew some things.

For the gods themselves, they certainly don't want so many evil organizations to damage their own heritage. After all, some of these organizations may be controlled by themselves, but most of them are not, maybe they were created by others.

What purpose they have, it is not necessarily, maybe it is to harm their own.

Now that something has happened, it's better to make a big fuss.

Anyway, this time they were originally hunting for godhead fragments, and this was a feast. Assist is an opportunity to clean up those orgs, so you don't have to worry about anything going wrong if they get messed up.

It is also rare for them to unite with so many people this time, and basically there is no need to worry about any accidents.

Although some people may have established a lot of organizations outside themselves, they will never admit it at this time.

And if you suffer a loss, you must also make others suffer. With this mentality, they will only increase the strength, not weaken it.

In addition, under this chaotic mode, the hunting that had been gradually difficult to carry out became easier again.

Because of mutual distrust, the number of lonely demigods began to increase again, and this was their chance.

Many demigods died at the hands of their own people. As for the blame, it must be those evil organizations. Anyway, as long as you find the wrong person, you can press Heisha's head.

Fang Jie heard that many organizations originally named Heisha have begun to think about changing their names.

Forget it, what do these things have to do with me. As long as you stay calm, you'll be fine.

Although there are people looking for trouble from time to time, own is not a joke.

After a while, the space channel has become more stable, and now it is stable enough to reach the opposite side within a day. And the passage has reached a level that allows demigods to pass through.

This time it's even easier, because there are some new demigods in Fang Jie's territory, which can be brought over and used. Whether it's exercise or anything else, you can perform better.

The increase in the number of demigods on his side made it even more reluctant to provoke others.

"What? Has it been researched." On this day, a skeleton hero came to Fang Jie.

"Lord Lord, it has indeed been researched. Although the new arms buildings and arms have not yet been formed, the samples have been manufactured, and only some adjustments are needed in the follow-up."

"It's not bad, it's not in vain that I have collected so much information, and it's finally useful."

The alchemy camp is an affiliated camp developed by Fang Jie in the early days. Although it was only used to cover up their own identity and used for layout, their strength is not weak.

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