Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 695 Platinum Dragon And Floating Fortress

It has to be said that an alchemy puppet is an alchemy puppet. Because it is man-made, all kinds of things are constantly superimposed. Offense and defense are integrated, and they are superimposed a lot.

Long-range attack Flying ability, as well as various other abilities, have all been blessed on it.

It can be said that the combat power can be weaker, but all aspects of the puppet's capabilities must be comprehensive. This is the case with the ancient guardian in front of him, and there is basically no weakness. If there is, it is an enemy whose strength is not as strong as himself.

Although the price of alchemy golems is high, if they are made into arms in the future, the price will drop a lot, and the strength will also be Ascension. Fang Jie is still very satisfied with this kind of troops.

"Then, the next second is this platinum dragon."

Fang Jie looked at a white giant dragon behind him, yes, it really looked like a giant dragon.

"It was made by the goblins after the dragon. According to them, they wanted to make a dragon that was stronger than the dragon. In a sense, they succeeded, but the cost was too high, and it was legendary in the end. grade."

Dragons have demigods, so these goblins did not rebel.

If they can make demigod-level dragons in the future, they will definitely betray those dragons. Needless to say, those goblins must have coveted dragon treasures for a long time.

"Then try it out and see how strong it is."

As before, there is still a fight. I have to say that this alchemy dragon is definitely not weaker than the real dragon, and it has more means. The most important thing is that the defense of this thing itself is too strong.

The giant dragon is already hard enough, and the hardness of this platinum dragon is significantly higher.

Compared with the comprehensive strength, this platinum dragon is stronger than the ancient guardian.

In the case of breathing Dragon Breath, it can also complete a wide-area attack. However, in comparison with the price/performance ratio, it is worse than the ancient guardian. The advantage is also obvious, that is, Flying is significantly faster.

"At that time, it will be able to produce some, and sometimes more combat power is really needed on the battlefield."

Fang Jie is less satisfied with this than the previous Elder Guardians, but it doesn't mean it's useless. And it can continue to improve in the future, some useless abilities can be removed, and useful abilities can be strengthened.

This reduces the price and increases the price/performance ratio.

Those goblins are too greedy for perfection, always thinking that their own puppets have all abilities and are the strongest.

Fang Jie set his sights on the last alchemy puppet. This thing is big enough. It is a huge diamond-shaped structure, like a flat pyramid, with a length of more than 100 meters.

"What is this? A defensive building." Fang Jie looked at the thing and said.

At this time, the diamond-shaped thing flew up, and it was actually deformed to a certain extent. In the air, it is more like a block, just suspended in mid-air.

"This is a floating fortress, a combat unit that can fly in the air."

The man looked at the information and said, "But now it's just an empty shell, and there are many things inside that can be added. If all are added, the cost will probably be more than ten times higher than on the bright side."

Fang Jie glanced at the cost, and the original cost was already high.

Among the three units, the cost of this thing is the highest. But the cost is high, and it should work.

"Let's look at the combat ability first." Fang Jie waved his hand.

Then the floating fortress opened an energy defense Barrier, which actually made other legendary powerhouses useless to attack. Just defending this one is very terrifying.

As for the attack, it is basically done with energy cannons. These energy cannons can also reach the legendary level, and there are not one or two energy cannons. Under the intensive attack, the legendary powerhouse will feel a headache.

"It's very good. At least the attack and defense are very strong. It's enough to be a fortress. But the price/performance ratio doesn't seem to be very high."

"Lord Lord, this is a fortress, similar to a sea fortress. There is a compressed space inside, and some buildings can be built, but only for alchemy buildings, and the number is not very large. And the energy cannons are not fully arranged."

There are still many places where energy cannons can be arranged, but they are not full now. If it is full, the attack power will definitely be much stronger than before, Fang Jie glanced at it, and roughly understood.

However, in this case, the energy consumption will definitely be greater.

Originally, the energy consumption is large enough, otherwise Fang Jie would not say that the price is not high.

And the ability to build buildings inside may be the real role. In this way, it can be used as a mothership, and the battle basically relies on those alchemy arms or even other arms stored in the interior to fight.

"Wait, this thing may be used in conjunction with the floating city."

Fang Jie had originally felt that the Floating City itself was too weak to attack and defend, and it was easy to be used as a live target to gather fire.

Although it is a very convenient base, its own protection ability is too poor. If you take the floating city as the center and add these floating fortresses as combat units, it will be completely different.

These floating fortresses are very powerful in defense, and they can actively help the floating city to resist attacks when it is critical.

In this way, the price/performance ratio is instantly high. Or rather, their role has grown.

Even if you take it out alone, because you have the production capacity, you can still exert a good power. Sometimes just such a building can cause huge trouble to the enemy.

If used well, it can even pose a certain threat to the demigods.

"If that's the case, then continue to improve and try to come up with a finished product plan as soon as possible. I don't want that kind of greedy thing, try to give me the Ascension for the cost-effectiveness."

The things made by this technology are even less comprehensive.

It looks very good across the board, but only reduces the price/performance ratio. It is best to develop one or several aspects as much as possible while making up for weaknesses, and complement each other through different units.

Sometimes it doesn't matter if there are obvious weaknesses, the important thing is that there must be obvious strengths.

"Lord Lord." His subordinates bowed and saluted, and then left. He needed to convey Fang Jie's meaning to the people behind him. No matter what they do, Fang Jie's orders and preferences are what counts.

Fang Jie looked at the distant battlefield and felt that this mission was about to end. The passage of the space channel is getting shorter and shorter, which means that the final swallowing is getting closer and closer. Once the swallowing is completed, they will have nothing to do.

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