Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 699 The Next Step Is To Unify The Plane

"Okay, let's not talk about these things, let's talk about happy things. This time I came back, but I brought back good things. If we use it well, then our development will be faster. "

Fang Jie took out some materials, two of which were directly included, and then they could be constructed.

Although the price of the two teleportation arrays is higher, the convenience brought by them is even greater.

As long as you have these, the traffic will be much more convenient in the future. Seeing this, Qin Lan and Anya's eyes lit up. Even two little foxes know how valuable these things are.

Lulu fluttered her little wings and lay on top of it, as if she wanted to study what was special about this thing.

During this time, Lulu, who absorbed a lot of elemental gems, has grown to the gold level. Just because of Racial Ability, it is very difficult to continue Ascension.

But Lulu has always been that big, never getting bigger or making other changes.

Speaking of change, that is, when he activates his own magic power, he himself becomes a little brighter.

"With these, the foundation of unifying this plane is completely completed. And the floating fortress made before can also play a very big role."

Fang Jie nodded: "Yes, that's how it is used. Before our overall strength was not enough, so we couldn't just have a conflict, because the loss would be too great, but now it's different."

That's right, the biggest difference is Fang Jie himself, Fang Jie has a strong fighting power at this time. With his own combat power, Fang Jie can easily crush any other demigod on this plane.

Just push it all the way and knock them out before they react.

"So, what you have to do this time is to prepare to unify the entire plane." Anya whispered.

Fang Jie nodded, he really needed to control this plane. The own territory wants to continue to upgrade, the original conditions have been completely satisfied, and there is only one condition left.

As long as this plane is completely controlled, the territory can be Ascension above the main city.

What changes will happen at that time Fang Jie doesn't know, but it can definitely bring great benefits to himself.

Every time there is an upgrade that requires special conditions, the changes after the upgrade are not small.

"We can't be in a hurry now, our troops must be prepared first. Destroying the empire is not just your own business. You can defeat their high-end combat power, but you must keep up with it."

Qin Lan didn't want to look at the land that was hard-earned down, and then be ravaged by a large number of Devils.

Even if it can be controlled in the future, it will be in ruins, and I don't know how long it will take to recover. The most important thing is that at that time, owning the people was equivalent to a lot of losses.

Fang Jie didn't want to exterminate all those orcs and Pokémon, what he wanted to do was bring them under his command.

Even if you are disobedient, you only need to go through the cycle of life and death a few times.

Among the new news Fang Jie got, population is very important to the gods, especially for their demigod lords, it seems to have a great effect. But the specifics are not mentioned in the data.

It can retain a large number of people, and it is still useful, isn't it?

"Let's integrate the undead soldiers who were sent back first, and don't let them run around."

At the end of the battle, a large number of undead were sent back to their own territory. But they were just sent to the territory, not sure where.

Nowadays, a large number of undead have suddenly appeared in many places, and the movement is not small.

Fortunately, they all know that these undead do not attack themselves, and they are likely to be undead in their own territory, so they did not attack randomly. Otherwise, the loss will be huge.

Such a big movement, I believe the two empires will know it at the first time.

"Just use this matter to attract the attention of the two empires. We secretly built a teleportation array inside the two empires, and opened them during the battle to control the two empires as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Fang Jie's eyes lit up, Qin Lan started a lot more than himself.

Originally, I just wanted to gather some troops to press it. But think about it, it's faster and more maneuverable, but you must consider carefully when choosing a location.

"Then follow the principle of secrecy, and then determine the location. After all, it will be used for traffic in the future."

"What's there to worry about, even if it is a poor mountain and a remote area, as long as the skeleton laborers clear it up and find a new way." Qin Lan has a deep understanding of the construction capabilities of those peasant arms.

After the command was given, the entire territory began to move. Those undead troops went to the nearby military region one after another.

It is just too many, which has attracted the attention of the two empires. But it didn't take long before they didn't think there was anything wrong with it, because they also knew about the mandatory missions before.

Fang Jie didn't plan to hide the news and let them know that he was going on a mission. Now it's normal for troops to drop everywhere. After all, they have heard of this kind of thing even if they have never encountered it.

It was just another mission, and Fang Jie got a lot of benefits, and the people of the two empires were quite resentful.

"It's really Damn it, he actually let him come back, why didn't he die there."

Exploring the Otherworld is also dangerous, especially in this mandatory mission, where the death rate has always been very high. They don't know the conspiracy of the gods, but after living for so long, they know some things.

Every time this kind of mandatory mission, there is always a large number of demigods in the camp.

"Yeah, it's really a blessing from the gods to let him come back alive. It's a pity that we didn't know it before. If we knew that he was going on a mission, we should have done something."

It's too late to say anything, Fang Jie is back.

Not only is he back, but the movement in the territory is so big, obviously there is no benefit.

Fortunately, they didn't know that Fang Jie's strength had broken through to a demigod, otherwise it wouldn't be so easy. Fang Jie has always been the biggest weakness of his territory, because he is too weak as a lord.

If you don't protect yourself well, it's not impossible to accidentally be assassinated.

This kind of person who is born with territory has this problem. Fang Jie has not exposed the matter of own for the time being. This is the trump card of own, and he is waiting for his first appearance.

Under the circumstance that no one else knows, some special points, the army of undead began to gather.

These places are far from the two empires, just inside Fang Jie's territory.

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