Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 701 The Power Of The Dead Soul Bone Dragon

Too much preparation exceeded the limit of his skills, Fang Jie didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

But since there are only ten, then ten. The skill rune is condensed, but Fang Jie can't use it directly now, because he needs to summon the undead bone dragon first.

So Fang Jie first found a place without people, and then started to condense.

A large amount of magic power condensed in front of him, and rune differentiated into a phantom to replace himself.

This is why Death can be re-summoned after, after all, rune itself will not be damaged. At the level of divine art, all skills are no longer released in the same way as before.

There is no rune or other things that are carried, I am afraid it is not a skill at this level.

It's just that this is a quasi-divine technique, so rune itself still has some flaws.

Maybe I can make up for this defect after I become a god, or I may not be able to make it up. After all, there is too little own knowledge, and the knowledge of the demigod level is not enough, let alone the knowledge of higher levels.

For people at their level, every bit of knowledge is often extremely precious and powerful.

It didn't take long for the rune phantom, which mixed its own magic power and law power, to gradually begin to distort and grow larger. This does not use bones to make up the number, it is completely composed of its own magic.

A huge figure with a body size of more than 200 meters slowly emerged.

The whole looks like a bone dragon, but if you look closely, you will find that those bones are not real bones, but a translucent spar-like thing.

It just looks like a bone dragon from a distance, but it is not actually a bone structure.

It was supposed to be a mix of soul power and death power, but there was actually no skeletal structure at all.

Because the skill is Fang Jie's own, Fang Jie can roughly feel the Contest Condition. Just want to use it well, it is impossible, because Fang Jie does not understand this structure.

"Okay, let's experiment and see how strong you are."

Fang Jie gave an order. Although this bone dragon doesn't look as big as the Dragon King, the aura that erupted from his body is no weaker than those of the Dragon King. Just don't know how to fight.

Compared with the giant dragon, this bone dragon has no inherited memory, so the various methods may be much worse.

The dead soul bone dragon's thinking is still normal, although it is not as sharp as a normal demigod's thinking. Among the demigods, the Death Soul Bone Dragon's fighting Talent is slightly weaker, which can be seen from the Death Soul Bone Dragon's attack.

But this should be the reason for the skill itself, because rune is not perfect enough.

This is how quasi-divine magic is, compared with real magic, there are always various flaws.

However, the combat power is good, and the bone dragon can Spit Up Dragon Breath as well.

This Dragon Breath is mainly composed of Death power, but mixed with power that can damage the soul. In terms of lethality, it is much stronger than the regular Dragon Breath.

And some common fighting methods are also available, and the melee methods are not bad, they should not be weaker than Dragon King.

In terms of spells, there are only a few special spells. And of these spells, only one is a ranged attack spell, and the other is Death, which is a spell that affects the enemy in a large area.

The remaining few spells are of the kind that fight alone, which makes the dead soul bone dragon not weak.

"It still looks a lot worse. If you fight normally, I'm afraid it will take two to suppress a Dragon King. That is to say, this thing is stronger than ordinary demigods, and it is equivalent to ordinary old demigods."

Fang Jie calculated silently in his heart, although it did not meet the requirements of owning, it was not bad.

After all, this skill is not just summoning one. I have polished this skill to the limit and can summon ten.

"Then the next step is the defense experiment."

Fang Jie did it himself this time, and then he discovered that the dead soul bone dragon is very resistant to force attacks due to its own composition. After all, it is composed of soul and death energy, so it can be said to be illusory.

If there is no attack mixed with the law, the dead soul bone dragon can ignore it.

Ordinary physical attacks are passed directly from the body. Even some magic attacks can only make the dead soul bone dragon consume a little, so that it can ensure that the existence of low-level is basically impossible to threaten the dead soul bone dragon itself.

In the face of demigod-level attacks, the Dead Soul Bone Dragon has good resistance.

But if it hits directly, it is still a little worse than those demigods.

If you add the defense skills of the bone dragon itself, it is almost the same. It is completely incomparable with the terrifying defensive ability of the real dragon family. This is the defect of the skill itself.

Fang Jie has no way to make up for this defect.

After all, this skill is constructed of bone dragons, and things like bone dragons have such shortcomings compared with living giant dragons.

However, the dead soul bone dragon has the ability of Hollow, just like Ghost. After Hollow, it was hard for others to notice. Even Fang Jie himself would be hard to find if it wasn't for the ability of soul perception.

It's not impossible, it's just easy to ignore. So whether it is used for exploration or assassination, this skill is good.

The dead soul bone dragon belongs to the divine art and can be very far away from him. Fang Jie found that as long as they were on the same plane, even if Fang Jie stood on one side of the plane, the dead soul bone dragon could fly to the other side without being affected.

But if you want to cross the plane, you can't. The own skill rune can't be controlled and will spread directly.

After the experiment, Fang Jie is also very satisfied with this skill, after all, the price itself is not very high. And with this skill, the combat power in the own demigod level is directly Ascension.

One after another, the dead soul bone dragons were condensed, and it didn't take long before there were ten.

The current Fang Jie, his fighting power is stronger than all the demigods under him combined.

I never imagined that one day I would grow to such an extent. "Okay, come back." Fang Jie shouted, and then the dead soul bone dragons rushed towards Fang Jie.

The closer you get, the smaller the figure becomes, and finally falls on Fang Jie's arm, forming a tiny bone dragon icon.

Although the icon is not big, but a closer look reveals that it is vivid and the details are so perfect. Then Fang Jie's heart moved, and the ten icons gradually dimmed and finally disappeared.

"In this way, even if I don't pay attention, this skill can protect me to a certain extent." Fang Jie thought.

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