Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 702 The Difference Between Demigod Spells And Quasi-Divine Spells

"I finally understand the difference between quasi-divine spells and demigod spells."

Fang Jie felt the disappearing but still present mark on his arm and figured out a problem.

After breaking through to a demigod at the beginning, several spells that he used to condense the germination of the law have Ascension to the demigod level. But the spell that he got this time was a quasi-divine spell.

The same is the demigod level cultivation, but why are there two level marks?

Originally, Fang Jie ignored it, but now he finally understands that these two marks are not the same thing.

Demigod-level spells are actually the pinnacle of spells and the pinnacle of conventional skills. At this level, it is impossible for the spell to continue Ascension, because this is the limit of the skill itself.

This is a common skill, which can be upgraded with the constant Ascension of own.

After you become a demigod, you can incorporate part of the power of the law into it and exert the power of your own demigod level, so this is a spell of the demigod level.

Every demigod-level powerhouse has demigod-level skills, which is common sense.

This is a regular skill leveled to a certain height, that's all.

Quasi-divine spells are different. Quasi-divine spells are not necessarily stronger than demigod spells in terms of power, and may even be weaker. Moreover, there are still various flaws in the quasi-divine technique, which cannot be ignored.

On the contrary, demigod spells are different. A perfectly constructed spell may have no flaws in itself.

The most important thing is that spells are easier to learn, but divine spells are very troublesome to construct.

Just like Fang Jie, he actually needs to use special godhead fragments for construction, and he has great requirements for his own law type.

There must be two laws of Master Soul and Death, and I am afraid that it is difficult to learn with other people.

Perhaps the reason why that skill was not exchanged was because the requirement was too high.

But quasi-divine art has its own great advantages, that is, the upper limit of quasi-divine art is very high, and it has some special abilities. These special abilities cannot be achieved by demigod-level spells at all.

It is a way of using the two laws fused together, and demigod-level spells will not work.

After all, the laws themselves are exclusive, and it is impossible to use the two laws at the same time by means of magic.

Unless you can perfectly fuse the two laws and merge them into one spell, that's fine. But to be able to reach that level, do you still need that kind of ordinary spell?

Fang Jie was fully prepared this time, and as a result, he directly condensed the dead soul bone dragon Ascension to ten.

If it is only one or two, it may not be comparable to some powerful demigod spells. But if there are ten, Fang Jie believes that there are no demigod-level spells that can be compared with this, but there are definitely not many.

The most important thing is the essence, the quasi-divine art is not a spell, but a divine art, but it is incomplete.

Although Fang Jie didn't understand why the magic was incomplete, he knew that since it was incomplete, it could still be completed.

That is to say, after the quasi-divine technique itself has broken through to the level of the gods, there is still a chance to repair it and continue to use it. But those spells cannot be used at the level of the gods.

Even if it is forcibly integrated into the power of the god level, the structure of the spell itself may not be able to withstand it.

In that case, it is more convenient to use the spell than to directly use the Mimic spell effect of your own power.

Unfortunately, Fang Jie really doesn't know much about the level of gods, and many things can only be guessed. If he knew, perhaps Fang Jie would have a better understanding of the situation of quasi-divine arts.

"Forget it, wait until I go to the city of Death to communicate with other people, and maybe I can learn something. Wait, I seem to have exchanged a lot of knowledge of the demigod level, I don't know if there is any in it."

If there is the best in it, after all, when you communicate with people, it’s really not sure whether people are willing to say it or not.

At their level, any bit of knowledge is not so easy to obtain, because knowledge is really too important. In this world, knowledge is power is no joke.

"Now that the spell is completed, I don't know how the preparations are going elsewhere."

Fang Jie waved his hand and let the people around him leave, and returned to the territory himself. Entering the office, Anya is sitting here sorting out various materials.

Qin Lan must be on the cabinet side, but Anya is on his own territory. The two communicated by other means, but the office location was not in the same location, after all, the positions were different.

"Master, this is the information I have compiled, and now the preparations for war have been completed."

Fang Jie looked at the information and nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, everything is ready, so when can we start."

"You can do it anytime, but we still need to build a teleportation array. We have completed the construction on our side, but on the other side of the two empires, we just found a place, but once the construction starts, there will be too much movement."

"Then what are you going to do?" Fang Jie couldn't help it, he wanted to push it horizontally.

However, this method was proposed by Qin Lan, and there should be a solution.

"What we want is to make some movements to attract the attention of the two empires, so that we can use our arrangement to influence their exploration, and strive to build the teleportation array within a month."

Is it a month's time, but also to attract their attention?

Fang Jie frowned, and to be honest, there was nothing he could do. Does exposing your own combat power have an impact on your own plan, it's easy to not count those people.

But even if it is exposed, it is impossible to attract their full attention.

If you want to attract people's attention, you must make big things, preferably very big, and also have an impact on the country and the powerhouse at the top level. "Wait, I seem to have an idea."

Fang Jie's eyes lit up, the thing that affects them the most, hasn't he always had it.

The plane artifact in the world is enough, but that thing cannot be exposed. Then there is the floating city, which has never been seen in historical records, and Fang Jie is very clear about the ability of the floating city.

Recently, the floating city has been built, and there are a large number of defensive buildings on it.

These buildings attacked at the same time, enough to contain three to five demigods. Of course, it's just a restraint. It's impossible to kill a demigod. After all, those defensive building levels are only gold, and it's impossible to kill them beyond two levels.

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