Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 703 Floating City Lifts Off

"Then use the floating city. Although I'm not ready, my various demigod abilities have not been increased, but it should be no problem to use it to contain their attention."

Fang Jie had already reached this level. Although there is no other way, it is not impossible to study.

For example, research higher-level formations and runes, which are used to Ascension the ability of various buildings.

This, they can do, but it will take some time to study. Who made Fang Jie have little accumulation in this area before, very weak, and did not buy perfect planning skills.

"Floating City? It should be fine, but I think it should be discussed first."

Anya is a little undecided, this is not something she can make up her own. After all, the floating city is an important event within them. Once it is exposed, there will be a lot of supporting problems.

Although they are ready, it does not mean that there is no problem at all.

And even among the cabinet, not many people know about this matter, after all, this is a secret.

"Tell Qin Lan and let her get ready." Fang Jie was determined to let the floating city lift off. This thing can only play its greatest role within the plane.

I am about to carry out the final unification of the plane. If I don't take it out and use it, it will be abolished.

No matter what, at the last minute, pull it out and use it, even if it is just a bright appearance.

In fact, this thing was originally placed in the hands of other people to carry out internal wars on the plane. If used well, it will have a huge effect on the unified plane.

It's just useless to Fang Jie, it's because his own strength is too strong in other aspects.

With a group of demigods under him plus himself, this power far exceeds the floating city.

With an order, the entire territory began to get busy again. Then there were voices of discussion everywhere, and no one knew about it. Floating Void City, you can tell by the name that it is very powerful.

"Look, that is, lift off, lift off."

Someone shouted Soaring in the sky in the distance, they never thought that the floating city project was so close to them.

Some of the spies who were in the crowd also had gloomy expressions, looking at the behemoth, they really didn't know what to do. Unconsciously, let the countries of the South accomplish this kind of thing.

How can the South always hide so much? They don't know anything until they take it out.

In such a big city, when did this come out, how could they not know.

And how the floating ability was achieved, they could only watch a city fly into the air.

The site of the floating city is flat, but there are a lot of stones and dirt stuck on it. Even if it has been flattened, it still carries a lot when it lifts off.

At this time, it keeps falling, but under the influence of Gravity, the dirt falls very strangely.

The descent is slow, and some are even in the air. When the Gravity field of the floating city was not affected, these things fell down quickly, forming a very spectacular and peculiar scene.

Flying from a huge city into the air brings a lot of pressure.

It is an instinct that comes from the creature itself. Seeing very big things always creates some fear and worship. Even if they knew what it was, they couldn't contain the feeling.

"That is the floating city, great, we all have such a powerful force now."

"Yeah, with this, the two empires are not our Rivals at all, we are the strongest. But when will our lord establish an empire? Why hasn't there been any movement."

"Who knows, but even if we don't establish an empire, are we weak?"

At this moment, the pride in the hearts of the people of the entire territory rose uncontrollably.

"No, it must be reported as soon as possible. This is not a trivial matter. If the base above the floating city is a special territory, then the combat effectiveness of this floating city may not be simple. The key is to have a strong ability to build troops."

"That's right, it has to be reported. Wait, what's that?"

Suddenly, a person saw a huge shadow appear next to the floating city. However, because the floating city is too big, this thing seems very small, and they were almost ignored by them.

"It's a special building, but how can this building be separated from the floating city itself?"

"No, it doesn't seem to be a building, it seems to be an alchemy product, just why it's so big."

At this time, someone began to introduce: "Don't be afraid, that is our floating city, and it will never fall. This is the great miracle of our territory and the most powerful weapon."

"Have you seen the floating fortress next to it, it is a powerful alchemy product of the legendary level, and it can fight against several powerhouses of the legendary level by itself. With some legendary level alchemy weapons, the combat power is very powerful. They are the floating city. The most powerful protection, protecting the floating city itself from being threatened..."

The person explaining next to him gave a loud and enthusiastic introduction, and his own mood was also very agitated.

This kind of thing, just looking at the text introduction, makes people bloody. If you see the real thing, the feeling is indescribable.

However, the spies next to it were not so comfortable. They never thought that the thing was actually an alchemy product, or a legendary level. This is not to say that they have mastered the method of mass-producing legendary combat power.

And it is also an alchemy arm, which has always been the most famous for its expensiveness and power.

Needless to say, if this is true, then the legendary powerhouse is definitely not the Rival of the floating fortress.

If you can't directly attack the floating city, it will be troublesome. And if the floating city itself also has the ability to defend, with mutual cooperation, even if the demigod wants to deal with it, it will not be easy.

With the limited number of demigods, every demigod being restrained will greatly affect their combat effectiveness.

It's not enough to not contain it, because this kind of thing, if there is no demigod to contain it, can instantly bring a devastating blow to the battlefield. The lower layers are all dead, and only the demigods are left for what use.

The demigods are just fighting power. As a major force, if they want to develop, they must rely on the middle and low-level masses.

Now everyone has more headaches. With this thing, the two empires may not really be their Rivals under the cooperation. How could this Southern Territory have grown to such an extent before I knew it.

"I'm going to report the news. You stay here, observe carefully, and calculate the Flying route of the floating city."

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