Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 704 Going All The Way To The North, Coercing The Black Flame

The floating city is not an ordinary thing, such a big one, immediately attracted everyone's attention after lift-off.

On Fang Jie's territory, publicity has begun in an all-round way. There are many places for publicity, such as when the construction started, how long it has gone through, and so on.

Of course, some important things are impossible to say, but ordinary things are fine.

This plan came to the table of the heads of state at the first time.

The people of the two empires are very headache at this time. Especially the Orc Empire, they are very bad at air combat. After all, Pokémon are also good at spells, and they are only good at melee combat.

"Damit, why didn't you find out earlier, let such a big thing fly."

"I feel that even early reconnaissance may be difficult to find. I remember hearing about something like a floating city, but I didn't expect it to actually appear." A demigod said with a frown.

Seeing that everyone else was looking at him, the demigod said: "I heard that it seems to be an ability that Ascension can only have after the territory reaches the main city. It is a powerful weapon for a territory to unify the entire plane."

"Unify the entire plane? Hmph, they don't have the ability yet."

Some people snorted in disdain, but also others were more vigilant. Since it is said that it is a very powerful weapon, who is it aimed at? Those who can hinder the unity of the plane, isn't Normal a demigod.

And now, on this plane, isn't it the two empires that have the most demigods?

The dragon clan that had calculated before was destroyed all of a sudden, otherwise, relying on the powerful defensive power of the dragon clan, it would be able to forcibly smack down this floating city, and now it is too late to regret it.

"And I heard that there is not only one floating city that can be built. I don't know how many performances can be built. But if it's just building a base, I'm afraid the cost is not as high as we thought."

The most difficult things are covered by the ability of the territory itself, and the rest of the cost looks terrifying, but it is actually like that.

The crowd had no choice but to watch.

But then they discovered that even if they wanted to do it, they couldn't do it. Because Fang Jie arranged for five demigods to enter the floating city under the watchful eyes of the public, this is the combat power of five demigods at once.

Then on the road, there are floating fortresses that are constantly being replenished.

The route of Floating Void City is all the way to the north, slightly deviated. The ultimate goal is to fly in the direction of Dragon Valley.

In fact, the Flying speed of Floating City is very fast, but Fang Jie deliberately slowed it down.

And the two empires can also analyze something about this situation.

"Why is the speed so slow, is this a show of strength?"

"It should be to increase security. After all, the place where Flying was before was their own territory, and we couldn't do anything about it. Now some demigods have been added, but they may also be attacked."

What is waiting for at this time, isn't that the constant replenishment of the past floating fortress?

Although I don't know the combat effectiveness of the floating fortress, there are definitely not a few legends that can be dealt with.

This Luffy passed, and when he flew to the edge of the Dragon Valley, thirty-six floating fortresses had already gathered beside the floating city. There are also a large number of platinum dragons, ready to fight at any time.

But at this time Fang Jie also had to stop, because this thing consumes too much financial resources.

Even with Fang Jie's current financial resources, it is almost impossible to carry it. After making these things, within a period of time, I will not want to manufacture other alchemy equipment on a large scale.

Even the arms of some other races cannot be produced because of the lack of some resources.

Fortunately, the undead system of its own arms is not affected, and the current undead system is basically self-sufficient. Provide spiritual points and corpses by yourself to meet a certain degree of construction needs.

For nearly a month, everyone's attention was drawn.

"Next, tell them that we will put the floating city on the edge of the black country of Entei."

Fang Jie didn't say what it was for, and there was no need to tell others.

In fact, everyone has guessed that this is to coerce the black country of Entei. Such a floating city system will definitely feel huge pressure in the black country of Entei on the edge of the empire.

Even they have to come up with a lot of demigods to watch here, so the impact is bound to be very large.

Next, if the black country of Entei didn't give something, it would be impossible to live better.

After all, so many demigods were restrained, and the Devil in the north would also make it very difficult for them. But this time, the Orc Empire did not gloat, because the enemy in the south was too terrifying.

If you give your own empire such a thing, don't you have to pay more.

So the two empires began to send diplomats one after another, constantly going back and forth between the empire and the southern territories.

There are still many people who have started to move continuously. Even some small countries on the edge have moved at this time, and the whole situation has become very tense. Everyone is staring at the behemoth in the floating city.

The huge floating city carried a terrifying coercion as Luffy passed by, and there were always people on the way.

Because Fang Jie deliberately slowed down, many people could rush to the advance route of the floating city and look up on the ground. There are also some people who try to Smack Down with some attacks, but there is no chance at all.

The height of the floating city is very high, and Normal's attack cannot be touched at all.

Even if there are occasional ranged attacks, it won't hurt.

Moreover, the floating city is not without any attack ability, and there are a large number of Flying troops in it. In the event of an attack, the Flying units fly out directly, easily sweeping everything around.

Fortunately, those who did not take the initiative to attack were not attacked, which reassured the people along the road a lot.

Even the demigods came to watch in person, just to find the weakness of this floating city. But unfortunately, this is the product of the upgrade of the territory, how can the demigod find a weakness.

If it is so easy to solve, then the floating city will not become the top territorial ability at this stage.

"Is the construction completed? I didn't waste my layout this month." Fang Jie suddenly received news that the Spatial Teleportation arrays in both places had been constructed.

And in the past month or so, Fang Jie has also combed and familiarized himself with his own strength.

Counting his own subordinates, there are nearly thirty demigods under his subordinates now.

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