Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 706 We Have Been Prepared For This

Fang Jie's movements were too fast, there was no sign at all in advance, and he used the floating city to attract everyone's attention. Therefore, although the Orc Empire was vigilant, it did not play any role at all.

When the frontier received the news, Fang Jie and others had already arrived at the frontier.

"It's really quite a lot. There are actually four demigods sitting in the border area."

Fang Jie gave an order, and everyone went out directly. Without receiving the news, Fang Jie made another sneak attack with his hidden ability. After the sneak attack, the two demigods were killed on the spot.

Speaking of which, it is very unbelievable that a demigod-level powerhouse can be killed so easily.

This also shows that Fang Jie's strength is getting stronger and stronger, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to have this ability.

Even if Fang Jie's own dead soul bone dragon hadn't been released yet, the two orcs and demigods surrounded by a group of demigods looked at the Beat Up own people around them in disbelief.

In the sneak attack just now, although the two did not die on the spot, the injuries were not light.

At their level, although they are all killer moves, they are all top-level abilities. But they basically have nothing more than their own ultimate move.

Even if some demigods have this ability, it is not something that ordinary demigods can have.

So in the face of these guys, Fang Jie and the undead under him can let go of their hands and feet.

"What are you going to do, attack our orc empire, do you want to start a war with all of us?" All the people he said were not only the orc empire, but also the black Entei country.

There might even be some Magical Beasts or some other racial demigod or something.

Although it may not be possible to work hard with them, this situation is also possible. Not all demigods are among these great forces, and there should be a few in the outside world.

Fang Jie said indifferently: "Yes, it is to deal with all of you, otherwise why would I do it at this time."

Fang Jie stood beside him with all his time, and had no intention of doing anything in the face of this battle. Anyway, even if he brought his subordinates, it was enough to kill all these people.

"Damit, if we die, these Devils will go straight south, and even you won't be better off."

The destructive power of the blocked Devil and the directly scattered Devil is not the same level. Especially for those civilians, and the fertile land, it was catastrophic destruction.

"Don't worry, we have already prepared for this."

Fang Jie glanced into the distance, and at this moment, a large number of undead troops that he had mobilized had already rushed here.

The first to come is naturally the Flying unit. Among these Flying units, a large part is the poisonous bone Soaring Dragon, which is most suitable for this kind of large-scale slaughter.

There is also the Pluton dragon that came with the army, which is not something that Devil can wreak havoc at all.

On the contrary, the orc soldiers caught in the middle were very depressed. Because there were enemies on both sides, they were flanked by both sides, and their morale began to fall crazily.

In other words, the two demigods in the air can still give them some support. By the time the two demigods Death, they will completely collapse.

"Don't wait, the demigods in your imperial capital have been cleaned up by us, and now the only one who can help you is the black Entei country. Do you think the black Entei country has time to take care of you?"

Such a big floating city flew over, and this time it has always been the focus of everyone.

As demigods, how could they not know about this.

It is because Fang Jie's speed is too fast, so I am afraid that there is no news here. Thinking of this, the two orc demigods suddenly became even more desperate.

After the last frenzy broke out for a while, the two orc demigods were all wounded and unable to Revolving Heaven.

"Give them a treat." Fang Jie said to the demigods under him.

Just now, it was because they didn't want to hurt themselves, so everyone fought vigilantly. Otherwise, how could the two severely injured demigods persist for so long in the hands of so many powerful people of the same level.

Demigods are indeed very powerful, and under normal circumstances, there is no problem in fighting for several days or even longer.

But at this intensity, they can also be injured. After an injury, the persistence time will naturally shorten. Even to a certain extent, the power they use themselves will be weakened.

Just like the two in front of them, the power they can use at this time is not half as good as in the heyday.

Although this kind of strength is still a demigod, it is basically no threat to other demigods.

The surrounding undead demigods nodded and used their ultimate moves to completely drown the two demigods. In the end, only two broken corpses were left, as well as the fragments of the godhead that Fang Jie took out.

"Speed ​​up, don't waste time." Fang Jie said to the army.

The army quickly cleared an open space, and then issued a special signal. This signal was sent directly to the rear using the plane artifact as a transfer station. Then, a lord's hut appeared here.

This was prepared by Fang Jie before, and even the coordinates were marked in advance.

A lord's mansion that had been upgraded to a town, teleported to this place at once. The surrounding skeleton laborers stepped forward for the first time and began to build around them. The building was a material warehouse.

It didn't take long for the material warehouse to be built.

"This is the fastest way to move. You leave ten people to maintain this place, and the two of you follow me. Everything here is temporarily controlled by Coster."

Fang Jie left ten demigods in this place and entered the material warehouse with the only two demigods.

Through the transmission mode in the material warehouse, the three material warehouses just sent three people away at the same time. When he came out again, Fang Jie had already come to the floating city.

That's right, the floating city is also a territory, and there are also warehouses here.

"Lord Lord, is the plan going well?" Fang Hao came up and asked quickly.

"It went very smoothly. It's over there. It's exactly the same as what we planned before. This place is next. How many demigods are there."

The demigods are the backbone of the major empires of the major races. As long as they are eliminated, it will be much easier to accept their empires.

Without the demigods, no matter how many troops there are, it is impossible to cause them any trouble. Especially in the eyes of the imperial people, this is the truth. Therefore, none of these demigods, Fang Jie, are going to stay, and they are all dealt with.

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