Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 707 The Sudden Outbreak Of Border Conflict

Fang Hao said without thinking: "Three from the Orc Empire came to support, eight from the Black Flame Empire, and one Magical Beasts demigod, the total number is twelve."

Fang Jie nodded: "A lot. Even after the sneak attack, I'm afraid there will be several left."

"There are indeed many, and this place is very close to the king of the Elf Empire. If we can't solve it as soon as possible, then reinforcements will arrive later. It's on the Devil border in the north, and we shouldn't get news so quickly."

"That's right, so how many people are there on our side, haven't they been discovered by the opposite side?"

"Please rest assured, Lord, we have already made preparations here. Although the Black Flame Empire thinks they are earlier, we are actually the fastest."

After all, they had already made adequate preparations around here before the action started.

"We have now gathered 20 demigod-level powerhouses here. It can be said that they are all out. There is a housekeeper left on the territory, but if needed, reinforcements can be transferred from the Orc Empire at any time. ."

Although there are ten demigods left on the border of the Orc Empire, this is mainly for deterrence, especially those who face the entire Orc Empire. So many demigods can at least stop them.

But you can always call in if you need to. But forget it, twenty is more than all the Black Flame Empire can come up with.

Of course, some of them just came back from the test a few days ago, and their control of their own power is not so perfect. So it's alright to follow along, but it's still unable to exert all of its combat power.

In the face of those powerful demigods, if they intervene, even if they are besieged, they may die at any time.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, there are many people here.

"Then go ahead and don't give them time."

My side is a floating city, and if the personnel inside are transferred, as long as they are not deliberately exposed, the other party will not be able to find it for a period of time. And these mobilizations all happened just now.

Fang Jie was too fast before, from attacking the capital of the Orc Empire to running all the way to the border to fight. The whole process actually took less than a day.

In such a short period of time, even if the orc empire had any special way to transmit messages, it was not enough to send it over.

Not to mention, the Orc Empire is still in a state of chaos.

If the news was sent so fast, the opposite side would definitely not be in that quiet state now.

Fang Jie's heart moved, and a force spread out, and all the demigods were covered up by Fang Jie's power. With Fang Jie's powerful ability, it is impossible for the opponent to discover their existence.

Then, everyone quietly approached the opposite side, and then, as before, suddenly launched a sneak attack.

Several black flame elves who were relatively weak and good at long-range and magic attacks were cleaned up immediately. Instead, it was those powerful plants and Magical Beasts demigods, as well as orc demigods, Fang Jie let them go temporarily.

"Someone attacked, Damn it, those undead demigods."

They never thought that the undead on the opposite side would suddenly attack them, and it was so secretive. In one face-to-face, three demigods died on their side, and the rest were all injured, and some were seriously injured.

An orc demigod shouted loudly: "Are you going to fight us? Even if you can win, it will never be easier." Originally wanted to say that they couldn't win, but the orc demigod changed his mind halfway.

Because he found that there were too many demigods around. This amount, the two empires cannot win without sincere cooperation. As for cooperation, there is no need to think about it, there is a lot of filth between the two empires.

Fang Jie smiled: "Haha, someone has said something similar before."

Before waiting for the other party to ask anything, Fang Jie said, "But now we are not afraid anymore, because the orc empire is gone." Fang Jie's attacks didn't stop at all, and there was no need to hide anything now.

Before, I was worried that the Orc Empire has a special way to quickly pass the news.

Fang Jie was worried that the demigods on the other side would all gather together, and it would be easy to cause casualties even with their own strength.

But I didn't expect that they didn't know, so it didn't matter. Fang Jie released all ten dead soul bone dragons, and used these dead soul bone dragons to protect those relatively fragile newborn demigods and prevent them from having accidents.

Anyway, the dead soul bone dragon can be resurrected after death, but these undead demigods have no such ability.

Seeing the dead soul bone dragon released by Fang Jie, everyone's eyes widened.

"Quasi-divine art? How can you quasi-divine art." A treant demigod's voice was full of inconceivable, and it was a little deformed. The treant demigod who has lived for so many years, of course, knows what quasi-divine magic is.

And if it is not a quasi-divine technique, it is impossible to exert this effect. This thing is basically impossible to get on my own plane, even the legendary skill temple cannot get this kind of thing.

But how did he get it? Could it be that he has any special relationship with the gods?

"You actually know each other, but it doesn't matter." Fang Jie was also a little surprised.

But today he came to kill, but he did not intend to recover these demigods. Even if it was a plant demigod, Fang Jie never thought of leaving the other party behind. With a wave of his hand, all the dead soul bone dragons launched an attack in coordination with the other demigods.

The attack came so suddenly, I was still busy negotiating with the other side, but suddenly this attack broke out.

The elves on this side of the border were suspicious of what life was like, what the hell happened.

Those who responded quickly had already begun to flee from this place, while those who responded slowly could only resign to their fate if they stayed where they were. The aftermath of the battle of the demigods is not something that ordinary people can resist.

In just a few seconds, the frontier on the elves' side was turned into ruins.

The once lush forest has now become like the surface of the moon. And it's getting worse.

What frightened these elves the most was that some of their demigods had already died. The demigods they knew had always been the pillars of their empire, but they didn't expect to die here suddenly today.

This happened so suddenly, many elves were completely stunned and at a loss.

"Damit, how did it become like this, hide it from me, and report the news immediately."

The number, the number is the most troublesome, so many undead demigods launched an attack together, what are they trying to do. Although this is the border, a battle of this level is definitely the level of a war to destroy a country.

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