Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 708 Killing All The Way To The Capital

As the demigods began to attack, so did the floating city and those floating fortresses.

Before those Pokémon could react, they were attacked by the opposing army. This time, Pokémon's army is even more chaotic. Although they are all elites, this thing is a little too big for their Psyshock now.

After all, there are now a large number of troops on the border. If you want to completely conquer the black Entei country, then these troops must be weakened to a certain extent. Otherwise, even if there are no demigods, they will still resist.

Fang Jie didn't want to have so much trouble, so he attacked directly.

After eliminating some of them, these Pokémon will naturally be honest.

True, they will hold grudges, but what does that have to do with Fang Jie. If it really doesn't work, then use the rotation of life and death to transform it. Anyway, after the transformation, they will definitely be obedient.

At this moment, a black light suddenly erupted, and the two undead who could not dodge were instantly divided into two from the middle.

Looking at the two demigods who were cut in half, Fang Jie was frightened for a while, but fortunately, he just felt the danger and avoided ahead of time. Otherwise, the person who was just attacked might be himself.

Although the demigods won't die from this kind of attack, they won't be able to recover in a short period of time.

After all, that kind of attack is also issued by a demigod, with the law of demigod level.

The one who attacked was the demon demigod, like a grown-up rat. After this blow broke out at this time, the aura of this old mouse-like monster was wilting, and it was about to die.

Fang Jie took control of the bone to pierce it, and then turned into the shape of a hedgehog.

"I didn't expect that there are demigods who can master such desperate means. Sure enough, no matter how remote the place is, demigods can't underestimate it." Fang Jie himself was taken aback.

It is no wonder that this demonic demigod can survive in nature and has not been cleaned up by the two empires as materials.

It turns out that with such a powerful ability, no one wants to fight this guy desperately.

If the opponent is given enough preparation, the opponent can definitely die with at least one demigod with this move.

But at this moment, the situation on the battlefield also became clear. A demigod who was able to force a demigod desperately, one can imagine how far the situation has reached. The most capable of carrying it are the two treants demigods.

At this time, the other demigods were all dead, so the two treants demigods could still resist with their powerful bodies.

This is a racial talent. Although the demigods are not as exaggerated as before, they still retain more strength than ordinary demigods.

Under Fang Jie's attack, he cooperated with the other demigods and quickly wiped out the two demigods.

"It's finally over. Next, the black country of Entei is nothing to worry about."

Fang Jie waved his hand and left five demigods, three of whom were protecting the two wounded and continuing to preside over the frontier battle. The next ten were sent directly to the Pokémon border by Fang Jie.

Because the population of Pokémon is small, the material warehouse has been built in advance, and the attack can be launched directly.

And Fang Jie took five and went directly to the Pokémon capital. Anyway, there are ten dead soul bone dragons by his side, which is equivalent to the combat power of fifteen demigods.

Not to mention, there is Fang Jie himself, who is out of specification.

The previous battle allowed Fang Jie to fully see the power of the dead soul bone dragon. Although the attack is slightly worse and the means are few, the defense and life-saving are indeed very powerful.

On this kind of battlefield, he is still protecting others, helping to block an attack from time to time.

But just like this, these dead soul bone dragons didn't suffer much injuries, and they seemed to be able to resist more than others. Fang Jie felt very satisfied with the performance of the Dead Soul Bone Dragon.

It didn't take long for Fang Jie and the others to stop near the Black Entei King's Capital.

"Looks like I got the news." Fang Jie looked at the demigods in front of them, the one headed was the Queen of Pokémon, who didn't expect all of them to be dispatched. Part of the power of the Pokémon queen is based on inheritance, so her strength is far superior to other demigods.

In Fang Jie's opinion, although the Queen of Pokémon can't compare to the Dragon King, it's not too bad.

Especially with the equipment on his body, the real combat power is probably not much worse than that of the Dragon King.

"Why do you tear up the agreement and take the initiative to attack? How do you make the public feel like this?"

"It's good to make excuses after those things. As for why you attacked, isn't it obvious. If it wasn't for our strength, you wouldn't have signed an agreement with us."

Fang Jie knew very well that if he hadn't brought out the demigods by himself, the two empires would definitely try their best to destroy them after they figured out their realities, and at worst they would have to separate them.

It is absolutely impossible for them to allow someone to threaten them, even if it is only a force.

"Anyway, there is only one outcome today, and that is you die, and Pokémon surrenders."

Fang Jie waved his hand, and his subordinates started directly, showing no politeness at all. Fang Jie himself summoned a large number of bones and attacked the Pokémon queen. The people present, only they can suppress the Pokémon Queen.

If it was someone else, even Beat Up wouldn't be safe in case someone was killed.

So far, there are not many demigods under Fang Jie, and one who dies is the kind that suffers heavy losses.

The Queen of Pokémon is good at spell attacks, and a simple wave is a powerful attack, Fang Jie's bones will not be able to get close for a while. In the sound of the explosion, bone scum was everywhere.

But these bone scum fell, but quickly grew and connected, and soon the surrounding area became a forest of white bones.

"What will happen to my people if you win."

"I will let them join my men, just like the South. If anyone resists, they will be killed without mercy."

Sure enough, Queen Pokémon sighed in her heart, but at least her own race won't perish because of it.

"In that case, let me see if you have the strength." Queen Pokémon closed and opened her eyes, her eyes changed. At this time, his eyes were full of determination.

Fang Jie can feel that the opponent's attack is more decisive, more violent and desperate, and the fighting style is a lot rougher.

"Have you completely let go of other things and concentrate on fighting? That's fine. I just want to try my true strength." Fang Jie has experienced too few battles, and even most of them are crushed by strength, or It's a sneak attack.

Although the Queen of Pokémon is still not her own Rival, she can bring some pressure to Fang Jie.

Fang Jie can't ask for someone like this to help him detect and improve himself.

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