Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 709 Two Empires Are Destroyed One After Another

Fang Jie concentrates on fighting the Pokémon queen, without letting his dead soul bone dragon help.

However, with the help of the Dead Soul Bone Dragon, the surrounding demigods were out of luck, and the battle ended in a short time.

At the same time, on the Orc Empire side, a large number of undead took over the defense line, and also killed nearly half of the Orc soldiers there. In fact, the resistance consciousness of these orcs exceeds that of ordinary races.

Many orcs resisted entirely for the sake of fighting, and death seemed nothing to them.

Although the remaining orc soldiers surrendered, there are still many troubles to manage. After all, every now and then, some orcs would climb up and shout, and then lead a group of orcs to resist, and then be killed.

It seems that this practice is very heroic to them, a kind of heroic symbol.

This kind of thing really gives a lot of people a headache. If it weren't for the complete recovery of the orcs, I'm afraid they would have killed all these idiot-like orc soldiers.

A large number of undead troops went south, destroying the cities and tribes of the orcs one by one.

The chaotic king was surrounded by undead before he could clear his head and took it down in one fell swoop. In the end, both the north and the south attacked at the same time, and with the introduction of naval forces, the orc empire finally announced its end.

However, it is really not an easy task to completely control this vast area.

Later, just as Fang Jie imagined, just make up the reasons for the war casually.

Orcs aren't human anyway, so they don't meet many people's aesthetics. So after some propaganda and packaging, the orcs became heinous, and attacking the orcs by themselves became righteous Ling Ran.

Countless people signed up to participate, after all, this is a good opportunity to make contributions.

Especially those members of the parliament and the cabinet, they want to join in madly. After all, they also want to get a huge territory, and they don't want anything.

Especially after they know that the size of this plane is limited, this place needs to be mastered as soon as possible.

No one likes the demon's territory on the opposite side, because there is no demon there.

Even if it needs to be reformed in the future, only what is reformed will have it. So that area is basically Fang Jie's own exclusive area, there is no need to separate it out and there is no way to separate it.

Immediately after, is the battlefield on the Pokémon side. On the other side of the northern border, the few demigods left by Pokémon were also not Rivals under the sudden attack of ten undead demigods.

All the demigods were wiped out, and then a large number of undead took over the defense line here.

However, Pokémon are different from orcs. Although their resistance is firm, they will not take the initiative to seek death. Because only 30% of the soldiers on the border were killed, and the rest surrendered completely.

At least, they don't dare to resist under such circumstances, but will think of other ways.

Fang Jie doesn't care about this, these soldiers are all strong-willed characters, just look for an opportunity to transform them with the rotation of life and death. At this time, on the northern border of the two empires, someone has already begun to secretly construct a magic circle.

The battle between Fang Jie and the Queen of Pokémon went on for five full days.

For five days, the Queen of Pokémon could feel Fang Jie's combat power increasing rapidly. Although it still seems to be a normal battle, in fact, Fang Jie uses less and less power.

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