Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 710 The Black Flame PokéMon

After putting away the things, Fang Jie looked at the others around him. "How's the action these days?"

Fang Hao stepped forward and said, "Report to the lord, the orc empire has lost its resistance, but local resistance continues. According to the strategy formulated by the cabinet, these will be left to people of various races to solve."

Fang Jie expressed his understanding: "Give them a chance to make a contribution, and if they are honored, they can make full use of all their resources."

After all, for the undead, most of the territory is useless at all, it is better to let other races use it for development.

And the development of other races can also provide a lot of help to the undead. Whether it is special minerals, or basic corpses and spiritual points, these require normal creatures to manufacture.

"The Pokémon side has also been suppressed. After hearing that the Queen of Pokémon died in battle, they have already expressed their intention to surrender."

"Is this surrender, no, it should have been prepared long ago, just wait for the end."

Fang Jie knows that some people may still have some expectations in their hearts, expecting the Queen of Pokémon to explode and kill herself.

Although the leader is dead, and there are still many undead demigods, at least the situation can change. At that time, they may still have the opportunity to continue to save themselves, after all, it is difficult for the undead to surrender to each other.

Even if they came out of the same place before, even if they were absolutely loyal. But once the master dies, it is not impossible for the undead to follow the melee.

Even if they belong to the gods, after the death of the main god, they do not belong to each other, and there is no restriction.

"Also, one of our demigods was killed while fighting on the border of the Black Entei country."

"What? Someone actually died?" Fang Jie never imagined that there would be losses in the last foolproof situation.

Looking at some reports compiled by Fang Hao, Fang Jie was depressed for a while: "The background of the black Entei country is indeed much stronger than the background of the orc empire." Fang Jie was also speechless.

Although the orcs are very fierce, they are all on the surface.

The power of Pokémon is hidden in the dark, and there are many means. On the demigod level, Pokémon are not only numerous, but also stronger, and their means are not comparable to those of the Orc Empire.

Therefore, in the previous battle, in a seemingly foolproof situation, several Pokémon demigods broke out abruptly, sending an undead demigod away. This is Fang Jie's first death in action since he had a demigod.

"Really, you all know the lesson this time, so be careful with me in the future."

Everyone nodded, but there was no way, they were all demigods from the military. The conventional method has now reached its limit, and it is basically impossible to improve.

Of course, it's not that there is no chance at all, and then we have to see if we can have better means.

If they can get the ability they want, then they can still improve.

But this is a gamble, betting on what new abilities the territory will have after the upgrade, and now these have nothing to do with me.

"Then next, only the situation on the devil's side is left."

"The demons are now attacking the south in an all-round way. We should consume their power first and then talk about it. It is not easy to push past them now, and the losses are too great."

After all, there are too many demons, and without the advantage of terrain, even the undead will lose a lot.

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