Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 711 The Treasure Chest That Gradually Becomes Meaningless

In fact, the Orc Empire didn't last long.

After a massacre against the resistance of the Orc Empire, on this day, the only remaining royal family in the Orc Empire found Fang Jie, admitted their failure, and recognized Fang Jie's rule.

From here, the three most powerful local forces in the north were finally uprooted by Fang Jie.

"Now, only the demons in the north are left, and these demons can only be left to me."

Fang Jie doesn't plan to clean up the demons on a large scale for the time being, let's wait until their demon frenzy is over. And the people left by the two empires are not as easy to deal with as those left by the dragon family.

Dragon beasts worship the strong, and as long as they are much stronger than him, they will not resist.

Besides, with the help of the Dragon Nest, the real dragons were almost slaughtered. Therefore, the remaining Yalongs and Dragon Beasts were easily brought under their command, but the composition of the two empires was a bit complicated.

First of all, let's not talk about other things, that is, those light elves that Fang Jie sent to them at the beginning, it is not so easy to surrender.

Can only be caught first, and then wait for Fang Jie to transform.

There are also all kinds of elves with relatively axial brains, and it is not so easy to surrender. This is even more true on the Orc side. Many Orcs have no concept of empire at all, because they have existed in the form of tribes from the beginning.

Now that their tribe is divided into territories, and many different races, especially humans, are to be controlled, how can they bear it. As a result, there is a steady stream of resistance in various places, and it also provides a lot of fighting opportunities for others.

After all, if you can fight, you can get credit, and if you have credit, you can get a higher status and a larger territory.

Therefore, although the interior of the Orc Empire is messy, it is the most popular place for the natives.

Even those earthlings who have joined Fang Jie are very interested in making a career in orc lands. These things are left to the Cabinet to handle.

After Fang Jie was free, he started to clear the treasure chests he got from the war.

After all, the two empires were directly destroyed, and under the continuous war, the treasure chests obtained were not only of high quality, but also very large in quantity. Fang Jie has always had a very special feel to treasure chests.

It was only after this opening that Fang Jie gradually discovered something was wrong.

"Although there are some good things, there are a lot of gold-level blueprints and scrolls, but there is no way to help the territory to develop on a large scale, or even to help the territory to make up for its weaknesses."

Once upon a time, let alone a gold-level harvest, even a silver-level achievement made Fang Jie ecstatic.

But now, looking at these gold-level people, they are really speechless.

There are also some legendary or even demigod-level items, but they are all weapons and equipment types. This thing can only be used by his subordinates, and Fang Jie's own use is meaningless.

After all, the increase that this weapon can bring to you is better than nothing, whether there is or not is similar.

As long as he can fully exert his own strength, it is more useful than these so-called top-level equipment.

Gradually, Fang Jie's mentality changed, so he opened the treasure chest faster and faster. After opening all the treasure chests in just a few minutes, Fang Jie began to organize these things.

With the powerful power of the demigod level, it is easy to classify these things into categories.

"Unfortunately, there isn't a scroll for upgrading ordinary buildings to gold." Fang Jie originally thought that this thing could exist. After all, it seems that this is the only thing that is useful to me now.

Even if the troop building is upgraded, it is just adding a golden troop, and it doesn't make much sense.

The new arms may not be as powerful as they are now, but the upgrade of ordinary buildings may still be useful.

But unfortunately, there is no such gain at all. There are also items that Fang Jie wants to upgrade to the miracle building, it seems that there is no. I don't know if it's true, or just bad luck.

In short, the two wars seem to be so meaningless.

"Hey, what is this? The special arms are still communication types, let's take a look."

Fang Jie sees a new unit blueprint, but it's not a combat type. Speaking of which, Fang Jie might not really be interested if it's a fighting type, but this one is different.

Fang Jie looked at his harvest, and then took out the scroll for upgrading the unit building.

First, the underground palace of death, a building that had never been of much use, was upgraded to the gold level, and then the blueprint of the Earth Vein Bone Tree was included in it. "Okay, make one right away and I'll take a look."

It didn't take long before a very large and strange tree appeared in front of Fang Jie.

Although this thing is at the gold level, it basically doesn't move. The whole body is gray and white, with a height of more than 500 meters. It is the largest species under Fang Jie's men today. Even giant dragons and bone war elephants can't compare with them.

However, from a distance, it is basically impossible to see that this thing is made of bone.

It's just a weird big tree that looks gray and white, that's all.

Leyline Bone Tree Level 10: Level (Gold) Skills: Perception of the Great Emperor's Pulse, Leyline Connection, Bone Control, Information Transmission

Recruitment requirements: 3 units of golden bones, 10 units of silver bones, 100,000 units of spiritual points

"Perceiving the pulsation of the earth, can you sense the position of the leylines by yourself? Even the details can be mapped by yourself. If this transmission signal can really be used, it may be used as a communication device."

In the past, Fang Jie's communication method was to use the affiliated territories in different locations to communicate through the lord's palace and the proxy lord within the territory. This method is very cumbersome, but at least somewhat useful.

If this Earth Vein Bone Tree can also play this role, it will be different.

After all, in the entire plane, all the leylines are connected together, and it is almost impossible to find a place that is not covered by the leylines. That is to say, almost anywhere, the Earth Vein Bone Tree can be connected.

"Then give it a try, first fission."

Fang Jie slapped it with one hand, and the twenty Leyline Bone Trees turned into four hundred in an instant. Looking at it from a distance, it seems like a large forest has appeared here.

Such a big movement suddenly attracted the attention of countless people, and many people looked over here, trying to figure out what happened. The bodyguards of the territory became vigilant immediately.

"You came just in time. Send me all these things. I need to experiment in different places."

Fang Jie's order made everyone a little confused and didn't understand what it meant.

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