Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 712 Communication Terminal Earth Vein Bone Tree

Fang Jie also found a problem, that is, the Earth Vein Bone Tree seems to be too big, and it is not so easy to pass through the space gate. If you want to transport, it is not very simple.

And for such a big man, even if the bones themselves are relatively light, the weight of the Earth Vein Bone Tree is still very exaggerated.

After the final experiment, Fang Jie found that it takes four or five flying units to fly with a Leyline Bone Tree for a long time. If using an armed airship, two are needed to do this as well.

"Lord Lord, since this is a soldier rather than a plant, can you control your own activities?"

Hearing this, Fang Jie's eyes suddenly lit up: "Yes, it seems to be the truth." This Earth Vein Bone Tree has a high IQ anyway, otherwise, how can it transmit information.

Besides, the gold-level troops themselves have extremely high IQs, so it is impossible for such a large body to have too low IQs.

So Fang Jie tried to communicate with the Earth Vein Bone Tree, and found that although this guy doesn't like to communicate actively, he does have a high IQ. Under Fang Jie's order, the Leyline Bone Tree began to move.

The branches and leaves gradually converged and contracted, and finally turned into something like a pillar.

Although it is still very large, it is no problem for this form to pass through the space gate.

At this moment, Qin Lan suddenly came to this place. "Fang Jie, what happened, why did I suddenly hear that you made something up again."

Qin Lan arrived at this place as soon as he received the order, worried that Fang Jie would find something else to do for them.

After all, the two empires have just perished, and there are many things. Although the small things have been explained to others to do, there are definitely a lot of big things.

Now even Qin Lan, a workaholic, doesn't want to continue to increase his workload.

"Oh, it's this thing, the Leyline Bone Tree, which was opened by opening the treasure chest. Because it can transmit various signals through the Leyline connection, I plan to try it and see if it can be used as a signal tower."

"The signal tower, that means it will be more convenient to transmit messages in the future."

Speaking of which, even Qin Lan didn't like the method of using the subsidiary base to transmit news.

This will cause many commands to be difficult to pass, or information to be distorted, which are very troublesome situations. Especially some people, I am afraid that they will deliberately hide something for their own benefit.

Fortunately, Fang Jie planted a large number of undead and became the lords of various places.

Everyone knows that these undead-born acting lords are absolutely loyal to Fang Jie, and they cannot win over them. In addition, the time for the establishment of the territory is not very long, so everyone has not done too much.

However, if it continues like this, one day it will cause some trouble due to the inconvenience of information transmission.

"If this thing is really useful, it will really play a big role." Qin Lan nodded.

"Okay, you are here to transport, I'll find some people to help with."

Some preliminary work can be done, Fang Jie made things, and they are produced in the territory, basically there will be no problems. Communication work is a big project, and it really needs to be busy next.

Qin Lan thought silently in his heart whether he should add some more manpower. It seems that the current manpower is not enough.

Forget it, let the council handle this matter, anyway, the little things are the council's. Their cabinet presides over some big things, and now there are enough people, and it is not appropriate to continue to increase the number of people.

If it goes on like this, the lords of various places will have too much power to impeach them.

It didn't take long for Fang Jie to send a Leyline Bone Tree to the far north of the Orc Territory through the space channel. This orc territory is the orc empire, and it is no longer appropriate to call it an empire.

On the other side, outside Fang Jie's territory, there was also an Earth Vein Bone Tree, and the two Bone Trees took root one after another.

The rooting process was smooth, but it took a day to get used to the leylines. "It seems that this Earth Vein Bone Tree can't move randomly."

Fang Jie said, some broken bones appeared in his hands.

This is the Bone Control of the Earth Vein Bone Tree itself, which is different from Fang Jie's own Bone Control.

Although they are all about the same skills, even the names are the same. However, Fang Jie found that his bone control, the main development direction is fighting, the control of the bones is relatively rough, but the bone hardness is very strong.

The Leyline Bone Tree is different. The bones of the Leyline Ancient Tree are controlled in a delicate way.

Even if there is only a gold level, the degree of control in this detail is not much worse than himself. The most important thing is that this is a large range of control from the body, not a simple one or two.

"Look at the range." Fang Jie waved his hand, and immediately someone ran away with the bones.

After a long time, someone flew back. "Lord Lord, it has been tested. The limit control range of the Leyline Bone Tree is 100 kilometers." Fang Jie nodded.

"One hundred kilometers, although it is not too small, it still feels a little insufficient. If one hundred kilometers is within a range, it is really not an easy task to cover the entire plane."

Suddenly Fang Jie shook his head: "Forget it, why do you want to cover it all? It's just to pass some news. It's enough to have such a tree in every place." Fang Jie gave up the idea of ​​covering the entire plane.

Then Fang Jie found that the bones in front of him suddenly changed, and gradually formed a line of text.

"Have you started the experiment, not bad, and there are pictures."

That's right, the bones in front of you make up words, make up pictures that can move, and come alive. In any case, being able to deliver messages synchronously has been impossible before.

"Very good, tell the opposite side that the test was successful, and then proceed to the next test."

Fang Jie's words were immediately passed on to the other side, of course in the form of words.

Communication is a very large siege, and it cannot be completed in a short time.

At this moment, Qin Lan appeared again: "Fang Jie, this is an application sent by the mechanical department, I hope to conduct research on the Earth Vein Bone Tree." Fang Jie was stunned, and they ran out.

"What research are they going to do? This thing has nothing to do with machinery."

With this time, it is better to study the operation of those mechanical weapons and stay away. Those things can be solved, and maybe it can make the human territory go further mechanically. I didn't expect them to be eyeing the Earth Vein Bone Tree so quickly.

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