Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 713 Prepare To Reproduce The Phone

In fact, many of those people in the mechanical department were researchers on Earth at the beginning, or people with some interest and talent in research, and they gave full play to their abilities here.

Who made Fang Jie's men less talented? They don't have a chance on Earth, but it's different here.

Of course, the people who really want to do research are mostly elderly people, except for a few young people. These people do not like to change their lifelong habits.

There are also people who want to get credit through mechanical research in exchange for the opportunity to become an undead or a vampire.

The temptation of longevity is not something that anyone can resist.

"What do they want to study? Although communication was really convenient in the past, this thing is obviously different from those things." Fang Jie looked at the huge leyline bone tree.

No matter how you look at this thing, it is also a fantasy side, which is different from their research style.

In this world, some previous scientific research is basically useless, and all that can be used are actually some goblin technology. This is a technological product that the goblins have evolved and slowly adapted to this world after many years of evolution.

And those in the mechanical department use these goblin technologies as the basis to perfect their theories.

Many people also want to reproduce various technological products on the original earth, but Fang Jie doesn't care much. After all, many people in the technological world want to do this kind of thing after they come to the hunting grounds of the heavens.

But up to now, there is not one that can be realized, because the laws themselves are different.

Demigods can master laws that are incompatible with the world, and rely on their own strength to fight, but not dead things.

"They said that your research is too rough. Not to mention other things, even if you use very thin bone fragments to vibrate, you can restore the sound, so you can make sound."

Fang Jie's eyes lit up: "It's a good idea, but it needs to be designed well, so don't waste this idea."

This is not a creative idea. In fact, it is similar to the method of vocalization on the earth, but the basic principle may be somewhat different. But there shouldn't be much difference in the use of this common rule.

"Also, they said that letting the Earth Vein Bone Tree perfectly control all the bones would be too inefficient and waste its own computing power. It's better to design a program for the Earth Vein Bone Tree, just run it according to the program. "

Qin Lan continued: "Elder Liu's observation suggests that the Earth Vein Bone Tree is probably equivalent to a large server unit."

Fang Jie was stunned for a moment, is it that powerful? Only this thing can compare with the server. Although the server is not a living thing, in terms of computing and storage, it is not comparable to ordinary things.

"It is indeed comparable, although I am not very clear about the specific principles. If you like, you can study together."

Fang Jie's cultivation base is strong, and his mental ability and learning ability are unmatched by others. Many people have said more than once that if Fang Jie is involved, he may become a top scientific researcher.

Fang Jie, who is just a lord, how could he really do these things.

"Okay, well, since they have such ideas, let them study it. But what are they trying to do." These guys seem to want to get too many things in.

What worries Fang Jie is that so many things can be integrated into it.

"Listening to what they said, it seems that they are preparing to manufacture mobile phones, and they have to restore the earth's mobile phones step by step."

cell phone? These guys really dare to think that that kind of thing seems simple, but it is actually supported by a large number of basic scientific and technological forces. Without these things, it would be impossible to manufacture them.

And it is not a small project to restore all these things to find a substitute.

"Looking at their appearance, they seem to be very confident. They should have some ideas."

Fang Jie patted his head: "Okay, as expected of doing scientific research, he really dares to think about anything. Well, since they like to toss, let them toss and have nothing to do all day."

Anyway, it is just an earth vein bone tree, and there are many gold-level troops in his hands.

It is impossible to affect his own development, even if it breaks some, Fang Jie will waste it.

After getting Fang Jie's permission, Qin Lan's mouth curved up.

After all, even Qin Lan wanted a mobile phone. With this thing, all kinds of things can be much more convenient.

You must know that when they were originally on earth, many people could not live without their mobile phones. When I first came to this world, if it weren't for the pressure of survival, God knows how many people would have gone mad.

Even now, life is better, but many people still miss it.

"With this thing, we can vigorously develop the entertainment industry in the future. You know, many people do some very dangerous actions because they usually have nothing to do."

Fang Jie was stunned, as if that was the case.

When you were on Earth before, many people were unwilling to do something you asked them to do. Isn't it just because everything is in entertainment? Maybe, these things are really very useful.

"Okay, let them figure it out. If it really succeeds, it will be a great achievement."

After thinking about it, Fang Jie continued: "Also, organize some people who used to be entertaining and let them exercise first. Even if they can't get this thing in the future, it can enrich their spiritual life."

Fang Jie let go, and there was a lot to do next.

And this aspect does not need too many professional people to manage, just find some similar ones. A small department can easily guide everyone in the entire territory, which is a good thing.

There is also to attack other planes in the future, and maybe you can use these things to do something.

It is a pity that the leylines can only be connected to the leylines on one's own plane, and there is no way to connect with other leylines. If the signal problem is not solved, there will never be a way to transmit the signal to other planes.

However, these things need to be solved in the future. For the time being, they haven't even done the things in front of them.

Fang Jie himself had never imagined that such a Leyline Bone Tree could bring such a big change to the territory. Although the change has not yet appeared, the signs have come out after all.

"I hope they can research something. Speaking of which, I miss it very much." Thinking of the life on earth before, it is impossible to say that you don't miss it at all.

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