Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 714 Going To The City Of Death

Although Fang Jie is looking forward to things like mobile phones, there is no need to pay too much attention to it.

The most needed thing now is to improve one's own strength, and the other is to develop one's own territory. To improve his own strength, he basically still needs to rely on absorbing the power of the origin of the world.

Although Fang Jie can improve himself, the training speed is too slow.

The power of the source of the world can be absorbed without the slightest side effect, and it can be quickly improved. Of course, Fang Jie will not let it go. It would be a little more dangerous, but what does it matter.

After all, if you want to take shortcuts, you always have to pay something. Or its own potential, or risk.

As for why they started directly from mobile phones, rather than making other electrical products first, that is not something Fang Jie can figure out. Fang Jie is not a professional after all.

In this regard, Fang Jie doesn't know much about it, so he doesn't get involved.

This is the best way to leave things to professionals.

At this time, Fang Jie had to prepare for another thing. The interplanetary teleportation array has already been manufactured, Fang Jie just hasn't used it.

That large teleportation array can open the space door if both planes agree.

But this is very risky. The opening of the space door requires a lot of energy consumption, but it is not so easy to close. Once the person on the other side has any other thoughts, it is very dangerous.

Therefore, Fang Jie did not plan to use this function in a short period of time.

Even Fang Jie has closed his plane coordinates, not opening it to anyone, and not connecting with anyone.

While doing so is somewhat like a turtle, it minimizes all risks. The only coordinates marked by Fang Jie are the coordinates of the city of the dead.

This place is the public coordinates of their area. Not only the undead system, but even people from other systems can come. Whether they will come or not is uncertain.

After all, only people from the undead system who come here will not be attacked.

If people from other systems come here, to a certain extent, they can all be attacked. It is said that a lot of other system powerhouses die in the city of the dead every year.

But exactly how, Fang Jie doesn't know. The information Fang Jie got was from a long time ago.

The undead powerhouses that Fang Jie killed this time, although they also searched their memories, they were all useful to him. These didn't look like much, and Fang Jie didn't waste time searching.

After explaining it, Fang Jie came to the teleportation array.

He himself has also made some disguises, disguising as if he was an old necromancer.

Many necromancers maintain this image, and I don't know why. Always in this lifeless look, Fang Jie found that he and the other necromancers were not very at odds with each other.

After all, a very young and handsome necromancer is a rare breed among necromancers.

Often the stronger the undead system member, the less likely it is to grow like that.

If it becomes like that, most of them are still zombies, and that's because the species of zombies grew and evolved on their own.

"Okay, I don't know how long I'm going to go. You guys take a good look at your home. If those demons are cleaned up and I haven't come back, you will start attacking north and try to recover as many places as possible."

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