While walking Fang Jie, I learned about the situation here, but after all, the little skeleton is only a gold-level person, and he can't run around in this world.

What the little skeleton usually knows about is limited to the area where he is.

Although this area is very prosperous, it is not the only place that is prosperous. On the contrary, there are everywhere around here, and even the teleportation array is actually not the only one.

There are many cross-plane teleportation arrays in this world. Every time I come here, I am afraid that the place I come to is not the same place. It's just that the coordinates are all this plane, and I don't know what kind of technology was used.

"Okay, you tell me where the big stores are, and then you go."

Fang Jie said something to the little skeleton, and Fang Jie didn't even ask what the little skeleton's name was. It's so dangerous here, Fang Jie doesn't want the little skeleton to encounter any harm with him.

I have done a disguise myself, and I am stronger, so don't worry about those things.

As long as it's not surrounded by people in some remote place, there's no problem. Besides, even if surrounded, Fang Jie's current strength is basically not afraid of other people's attacks.

Although the little skeleton was a little worried, he himself knew this.

It's impossible to get any benefit by staying by yourself, on the contrary, it will only cause trouble for the other party. If there was a real fight, Little Skeleton didn't think that the other party would protect him, and it was not easy to let him leave early.

So the little skeleton didn't say much, quickly finished some store locations, and then bowed to leave.

When Fang Jie found out that the little skeleton left, he also made some disguise on himself, and it seemed that he didn't want to expose himself. Yes, after all, he had given him two soul crystals in front of others before.

"It seems that this so-called undead Sacred Land is not a place of kindness."

Fang Jie walked towards a large store, where there is the most comprehensive variety of things.

As for the darkness of this place, Fang Jie doesn't care, even if he is in the light camp, don't these things disappear. No, it's just hidden deeper.

Walking into it, a person in front of the counter said to Fang Jie, "If you want something, see it yourself, or ask me."

But what surprised Fang Jie was that the person on the counter was actually a demigod.

Although the breath is very unstable, it should be the kind of demigod who breaks through by merging the fragments of the godhead. But after all, this is also a demigod, this shop is really not simple, Fang Jie thought to himself.

"I want a plane shield." Fang Jie said.

"Those are, pick them yourself, you need to say how many times, we need time to make them."

The zombie in front pointed to the side, and there were many things that looked like pillars, but the models were different.

"What I want is the manufacturing method." Fang Jie said again, without even looking at those things. After all, he already knew before that there was something wrong with these things.

"It's easier to buy the finished product outright, and it's not more expensive, isn't it?"

Hearing this, Fang Jie didn't say a word, just stared at the zombie. For a long time, the two of them did not make a sound at all, and the surrounding atmosphere became more and more strange.

At this time, the zombie nodded: "It seems that I have met an expert. Well, these are the manufacturing drawings. You can see for yourself and choose the one you like."

Knowing that there is no way to trap the person in front of him, the person on the opposite side also gave up.

There is no need to hard steel with people who know the insider, they can't count everyone. If it was really like that, they would not be able to grow and grow, and they would have been wiped out long ago.

Fang Jie nodded, and then began to look at the drawings.

Each drawing is a very special territory drawing, but these territory drawings seem to be somewhat different.

Fang Jie knew in his heart: "It seems that these are territorial blueprints made by myself. Maybe the next upgrade will be able to have this type of ability." This is not from the treasure chest, but made by himself.

Although the ones made by yourself can also be used, they are definitely not the same as those from the treasure chests.

What comes out of the treasure chest is the evolution of the law, which is perfect, without the slightest flaw. As for self-research, there will always be various problems, and the only benefit is to be able to evolve in the direction you need.

Of course, the time required and the money invested are probably not a small number.

"That's it." Fang Jie chose something that he was more satisfied with.

"Two godhead fragments." This kind of high-end goods, Normal uses godhead as trading items, soul crystals are basically useless in this level of transactions, after all, they themselves are not lacking.

Of course, if there are other high-level items, they can also be traded.

Fang Jie took out a fragment of the Light Attribute, and the opponent's eyes suddenly lit up. "Just this, use this to trade, I'll just count you as one."

Fang Jie stopped and continued the movement of the godhead shards, feeling a little unbelievable in his heart.

I didn't expect the price of light attributes to be so high here. I thought the price of this kind of thing would be very low here.

When the other party saw that Fang Jie didn't speak, he said helplessly: "Okay okay, if you win, I will find you a Death Attribute godhead shard." Fang Jie finally recovered after hearing this.

I didn't want to understand, I didn't expect the price of this thing to be higher than I thought.

With a ratio of almost one to three, one can imagine the value of this thing. It's just that what the undead system wants the godhead fragments of the light system to do, Fang Jie is really not sure.

Is it trading with people from other systems, or is there some other purpose that I don't know about.

But forget it, this has nothing to do with you. Fang Jie did not leave immediately after the transaction was completed, but continued to look for other things. Many things here have a great effect.

Especially some knowledge about demigods, there is a lot here.

There may not be those high-end ones that are directly traded by themselves, but there are more comprehensive categories here. It is also very good to take it back and not to use it for yourself, but to learn and use it for your own subordinates.

"Summoning of natural disasters? It's a good skill. If it is improved, it is a very good skill to use to test or occupy otherworlds." Fang Jie saw a legendary skill.

Unobtrusively, Fang Jie added this skill to his own purchase list.

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