Call of the Scourge (Legendary): Consolidate the power of Death, awaken the bones of the dead, and form a powerful undead army. The undead legion can communicate with the plane of natural disasters with its own death energy, and summon the natural disasters of the undead to come. The summoned undead natural disaster will be under the control of the summoner for a certain period of time, and it will end after 1 month. The undead natural disaster will remain in the world, and the remaining part will no longer be under the control of the summoner, but it has certain effects on the summoner. of awe. Consumes 100-10000 mana points.

When Fang Jie saw this skill, he felt that it was very suitable for him.

It's not that Fang Jie will use it himself, but Fang Jie is going to let his own men explore.

This skill is very useful whether you are improving yourself through tests or occupying Otherworlds in the future. Think about it, as long as you find a battlefield to use the natural disaster call, you can directly form a large-scale force.

As long as a few battlefields are summoned, the whole world may be in chaos.

After this skill is summoned, a part of the undead will remain. Although they may not obey the command, they will develop on their own, summoning new undead by themselves, and making the whole world a mess.

I am afraid that the reason why the plane of natural disasters accepts the call is for this purpose.

This is estimated to be notorious if used in the own world. But when exploring Otherworld, it's nothing to use in Otherworld, as long as it doesn't kill your own people, it doesn't matter.

After these hours of training, Fang Jie will also choose the optimal solution for his own development.

Those races that you can see and meet your requirements will be preserved. Otherwise, even if they are all dead, the current Fang Jie will not care, after all, he is not a person with a clean mind.

If this skill is not improved, cultivation is very slow and the effect is not good. But if it is improved, it will be different. I have many mages under my command, and I can completely modify it.

As for the plane of natural disasters, Fang Jie own plane, as long as a large number of undead gather together, this condition can be completely satisfied.

That is to say, when the time comes to use this spell to summon the undead of one's own plane, it is really perfect.

It didn't take long for Fang Jie to see what he wanted again. This is a special architectural drawing, but they are not made by themselves, they should have acquired it from somewhere.

This drawing is a training ground, not an undead building, but a building of a human camp.

In the territory of some creature camps, it can be built. It is not easy to sell this kind of thing here.

The real function of the training ground is training, but it is useless for the troops, only useful for the natives. The natives train in this training ground and can quickly improve their own strength.

However, the upper limit is only the gold level, and only those with Talent can reach it.

If you don't have any Talent, you can only train to the Silver level at most. This training ground is aimed at the warrior type, not the mage type. Any law system cultivation in this will not get the slightest bonus.

However, the price of this training ground is not high, and there are a large number of indigenous people in their territory.

This thing can also be used as a benefit for the indigenous people. It is a kind of merit collector, and there are a lot of credits distributed recently. It's not good that these credits don't give them a chance to consume them.

"Let's add this as well." Fang Jie calmly continued to put things beside him.

"This, it seems useless, are you going to sell it to others or use it to win over someone."

Fang Jie glanced at it: "This is my own business, it has nothing to do with you."

The other party closed his mouth, and he just wanted to take the opportunity to inquire about some news. After all, being able to take out the fragments of the Light Attribute Godhead is definitely not something that a Normal person can do.

Some time ago, although they organized a special plane war.

As a result, there have been a lot of fragments of the Godhead of the Light Attribute recently, and the price has dropped a little, but it is still much more precious than the Death Attribute.

They can't use it themselves, but the Light Attribute Godhead, as a restraint type, can be stimulated in a special way, and reversely enhance their understanding of the power of the Movement Technique.

But these are only known to the upper-level people, only they can use them, and the Normal people can't.

Fang Jie continued his search and soon found an equally very special skill. Speaking of this skill, it may be more difficult to learn, but this effect makes Fang Jie very satisfied.

Ghost Town (Legendary): Summon on a city or ruined city and the whole city will become a ghost town. The wraiths of Death will return, and the living souls will become sacrifices. When the resentment concentration reaches its peak, the ghost town will give birth to powerful resentful spirits of legendary level, and the resentful spirits will be controlled by the caster to a certain extent, consuming 3000 mana points.

"I remember that there are many ruins in many worlds, and many cities are built by special groups. If this skill is used well, it can completely allow a person to quickly have a large number of legendary men in other worlds."

"Although it may not be easy to control the resentful spirits, it is no problem for them to do some damage."

Fang Jie thought about it, and put this skill away. The other party didn't ask anything this time. When Fang Jie settled the bill, the two of them finished all the transactions.

"It's really cheap, so many things don't even have the price of a godhead shard."

Fang Jie took the things away while thinking. But he didn't go back immediately. He remembered what the little skeleton said to himself. These things may have some special marks on them, and they must go to the notary office to Purify.

Fang Jie had already inquired about the location of the notary's office, so just walk there.

Just walking, Fang Jie realized that something was wrong, because there were more and more people staring at his own. "What's going on, is it a black shop, you can't prepare to eat black."

Fang Jie continued to walk forward while thinking about it: "No, they should know that they can't do it in the city. Once they do it, those law enforcement officers won't care what their identities are."

The law enforcement officers in the City of Death are very domineering. As long as there is a fight, no matter who makes the first move, no matter who is right or wrong, people on both sides will become their targets.

And once they are targeted, then the result is basically only a dead end, or it is difficult to die.

After walking around a corner, Fang Jie found that the people around him suddenly sped up and rushed out. Fang Jie stopped, and he was surrounded by these people.

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