Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 718 Bully Me, Don't You Understand?

Fang Jie stopped and looked at the people around him. There are actually three demigods who came here this time.

Of course, they were just some ordinary demigods. In Fang Jie's opinion, when he faced these three at the same time, the opponent was definitely not his Rival. To kill them, they can't even run away.

"Who are you? Why are you blocking my way, please get out of the way."

"Hahahaha, this is our site. If you want to pass from here, you must leave enough travel expenses."

The other party was very Power Trip, as if they had ordered Fang Jie. However, Fang Jie felt that there was a sneaky tall figure behind him. Because it was too big, it was not easy to hide.

However, Fang Jie can't see this position, but he can feel it.

One's own soul perception, can clearly feel the other party's soul breath. Isn't this the one who competed with the little skeleton for the right to guide when he first came to this plane?

I really didn't expect that this zombie is really courageous. After he rejected the other party, this guy actually dared to find someone to block him. But they should be an organization, otherwise it will be difficult to invite so many people.

If you admit that you are cowardly, you will definitely be cramped and skinned by them.

"Really, why haven't I heard of it? This is the city of death, right? When did the city of death become your gangster's territory." Fang Jie's tone revealed sarcasm.

That's right, in Fang Jie's view, these people are just gangsters, the kind that are not in the mainstream at all.

But the other party is a demigod after all, and they are called gangsters, and their mood is not very good.

"Boy, what are you talking about, we are demigods, don't you want to fight with the three of us alone?" These people walked forward slowly, increasing their sense of oppression.

But Fang Jie is a little funny, these guys are trying to bully themselves and don't know how to do it.

Back then, Little Skeleton told himself a lot of similar incidents, and many locals used this method to count outsiders.

As long as they look like they want to attack, many outsiders will directly attack them. And once they do it, they will recruit people from the law enforcement team, and the outsiders will be unlucky.

Entering the prison of the law enforcement team, it is difficult to think out.

Just because these people are not too noisy, there are more places that the law enforcement team can control.

They should all be related to each other, and in the end the benefits can be divided up. Otherwise, the law enforcement team would not be able to allow these people to exist, after all, these are the source of chaos.

Fang Jie didn't care either. With a wave of his hand, a magic wave appeared around him.

"Are you going to do it? Are you going to do it?" These people were very happy.

But then they discovered that Fang Jie was not using an attack spell, but a summoning type spell. This summoning spell can be used in the urban area, and this is not prohibited.

As long as the summoned objects are not attacked, many people have to use the summoned undead to help themselves carry things.

Fang Jie summoned a lot of low-level skeletons in one breath, some of which only had Tetsu level. It is impossible to make trouble at this level, and no one will believe it.

Then Fang Jie let these skeletons go forward, and these people really wouldn't put the skeletons in their eyes.

But if they were pushed directly by the skeletons, they didn't step back, nor did they stop in place. Stopped in place, surrounded by so many skeletons, even hands-on, how could they bear it.

Even if you can bear it, your reputation will be ruined, and who will follow you in the future.

But if they attack, they are out of luck. The law enforcement team is very strict. Although they cooperate with these people, the laws of the City of Death must be strictly enforced.

If they attacked, in the end, the law enforcement team wouldn't care about their filth and their own filth, and took them directly.

And if there are excuses, the law enforcement team may not let them survive, and they will definitely use them to warn other gangsters. At the same time, it is also a kind of silence, proving that these people have nothing to do with themselves.

They never thought that the person in front of them would actually use such a trick.

"You, you bastard, do you think these things can deal with us? If you have the ability, let me see how good you are." Seeing the stern and reserved appearance of these guys, Fang Jie laughed.

The law enforcement team here is really very deterrent.

But it is, after all, even if ordinary gods are in this place, they will be arrested for committing crimes. I am afraid that there are only some powerful gods who will not care about places like the City of Death.

But at that level, they wouldn't make trouble in such a place, it's really a bargain.

Moreover, making trouble in such a place does not give face to other gods, and it is not good for oneself.

Fang Jie said indifferently: "I just want to carry some things, I'm sorry, let me."

Fang Jie had the skeletons carry other skeletons, and then moved forward like a porter. Because there are too many skeletons, the surrounding streets are full of piles. At this time, those gangsters have nowhere to go.

However, with their physical strength, if they were squeezed directly, they might crush those skeletons.

In that case, Fang Jie's insistence that they were attacking was not entirely unreasonable. In the end, although they can come out by themselves, the law enforcement team will definitely let them lose a layer of skin.

No way, these people can only keep retreating, even demigods are no exception.

"Damn, is this guy really Rookie? Why is he so familiar with the rules of the City of Death?"

"It must be that kid who is lying to us, we must concoct him well."

Everyone nodded one after another, and the zombie who tipped off the news also felt bad, and quickly turned around and ran away. In the bustling area, they can't do it themselves, but this plane has many places where Solaceon can do it.

Besides, even in a prosperous area, it is not impossible for them to clean up themselves.

Watching these people leave, Fang Jie finally breathed a sigh of relief. After all, it is on the territory of the gods, and his own strength is not enough. Fortunately, I found a more reliable and responsible guide before.

If it weren't for this, I might have really made a move before.

Even if the strike is relatively light, it is very possible to use Fang Jie's character.

And once the shot is made, the law enforcement team won't care what's going on with it. Thinking of this, Fang Jie was terrified for a while. "Forget it, forget about it, anyway, I won't come to this kind of place too many times in the future."

This is true. Although it is prosperous here, there are not many things that are really useful to Fang Jie, most of which are knowledge.

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