Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 719 Comprehensive Purify And Return

This is just a small episode, and Fang Jie doesn't take it to heart.

This kind of thing did not cause the law enforcement team to intervene. Although those people had followed behind him all the way, Fang Jie didn't care, and they were just as capable.

Even if you come to this plane by yourself next time, you may not appear in this teleportation formation, so you need to pay attention.

All the way to the notary office, those people stopped.

After all, if there is nothing close to the notary office, it will be regarded as a challenge.

"The guy went in, it looks like he bought something, it's definitely not local."

"Nonsense, I still need you to say it, but after he comes out, I am afraid he will leave. Boss, should we continue to follow him? It may not be a good thing to follow other people's planes."

"I don't know, who knows the benefits of going to other people's planes. Besides, we haven't prepared it yet. It's not that easy to follow other people's planes, unless it's public coordinates."

Everyone was silent, looking at the guy's understanding of the city of the dead, it was impossible to disclose his coordinates.

Otherwise, if a strong team follows, the consequences will be very serious.

Fang Jie didn't care about that. After walking in, what he saw was a huge altar. In other words, this is a strange magic circle like an altar, and Fang Jie is not very clear about what it does.

"Purify stuff, fully Purify or just Purify the item itself."

"How do you say it? What's the difference?" The other party knew Fang Jie was Xiaobai after hearing this.

But they didn't care, after all, many such people come here every year. "If you just purify things, put things on it, and a godhead shard will do. Full Purify means you go there yourself, plus a godhead."

Fang Jie was a little stunned. No matter how you look at it, it was just one time for Purify, so why should they separate.

However, although the money was spent a little bit, Fang Jie didn't dare to say anything, who let the gods be behind them. If he is also a god, would the other party dare to do this?

Speaking of which, if I was really a god, I wouldn't need them to Purify.

"Then fully Purify." Fang Jie knew that the money could not be saved.

Anyway, it's nothing to me, and it's not that I can't take it out, so why leave some hidden dangers for myself.

"Then go up." The other party took the fragments of the godhead and let Fang Jie go up with the things. The next moment, the other party operated something on the altar, and a special power spread out.

"You're very smart, and many people just want to save money, so it's not very good in the end."

Fang Jie didn't speak, and quietly felt the power around him. This breath of power, Fang Jie can feel the special power that is the fusion of the law of death and the law of soul.

And the law is very strong and perfect, although the strength may not be very high, but this law is probably set by the gods. No wonder they have such a big tone.

That's right, the sign outside says that everything is worry-free. As long as Purify, all hidden dangers will be eliminated.

After a while, Fang Jie found that many of the things he bought had some special marks. If you look deeply, you can find that these traces are all special symbols.

It's just that if you don't look carefully, you can't see clearly at all, and even actively ignore these symbols.

After a while, the symbols disappeared. But suddenly, Fang Jie noticed that a special symbol appeared on his shoulder, which was similar to those symbols, but a little different.

"They actually left a mark on me, when did they do it? Why didn't I feel it at all."

Fang Jie was surprised for a while, because there were definitely not many demigods stronger than himself. Overall, Fang Jie doesn't believe that anyone can compare with him, after all, his laws are all natal laws.

But he never imagined that someone could leave a mark on him so that he wouldn't know it.

It seems that the means of the demigods are indeed more and more bizarre, and I cannot underestimate it.

When the whole body symbols disappeared, the people below smiled strangely.

"Okay, it's all settled, welcome to come again next time."

Fang Jie pouted, next time, there is no next time. If his strength is strong enough, he believes that these symbols will never stay on him, and he can solve it at that time.

After going back, be sure to study some related spell skills.

Fang Jie walked out without saying a word, and found that the people who had followed him before had disappeared. After feeling the surroundings, and no one continued to stare at him, Fang Jie walked forward with confidence.

He didn't want to be marked again just after he came out of the notary office, which would be troublesome.

All the way back to the original teleportation array, Fang Jie immediately communicated with the teleportation array. Then, a special aura appeared in the teleportation array, allowing Fang Jie to sense the teleportation array on his own plane.

After infusing its own power as a priming energy, the space envelopes itself.

A wave of space fluctuations, Fang Jie reappeared, and has returned to his own plane.

"Fang Jie? Why did you come back so soon? It's been less than a day." Qin Lan, who had been waiting nearby, ran over as soon as he saw Fang Jie and left his work temporarily.

"That place is really convenient. I bought what I needed as soon as I went there. I didn't plan to stay there any longer, so I came back." That place is suitable for the undead, but not for me.

The other undead went to the city of the dead, and most stayed until the end.

Every time you go to the City of Death, there is a time limit, which is a special breath that stays on yourself.

Once the breath dissipates, there will be people from the law enforcement team to arrest people. The breath was very obvious, Fang Jie could clearly feel it. And that breath is protected, even Purify can't clean it up.

"What is the city of death like, is it really very prosperous?" Anya asked with great interest.

Fang Jie nodded: "It's really prosperous, but it's all undead, and it looks like a ghost city. But that place is very dangerous, and there are traps everywhere, especially for other species other than undead."

Fang Jie talked about some of the things he encountered there, and the people around him suddenly felt sinister. Sure enough, his own plane is still the best, at least in terms of security.

Maybe for some people at the bottom, everything is the same, but people at this level like Fang Jie are different.

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