Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 720 The Huge Role Of The Training Ground

After a little talk about his own experience, Fang Jie took out all the things he got this time.

"This is the most important gain this time, the plane shield. After this thing is manufactured, it directly shields the entire plane, and our security will be very high in the future."

Anya was a little curious: "Can this really block the entire plane, so miraculous?"

Fang Jie nodded: "Each one can cover an area, and more can be shielded naturally. But it's not absolute. Some high-level planes can still find us."

There is an introduction to this thing, they don't dare to fake it, Fang Jie still knows it.

But once you use the plane shield, you can still find their powerful planes, and you will never be interested in them. Because of this low-level plane, those high-level planes can't be looked down upon.

Instead of trying to locate it to attack, it is better to find some other unshielded ones.

After all, even if they were able to discover the shielded planes, it would take a lot of time and energy to find them, and they would consume a lot of resources themselves.

"It just so happens that those people want the Earth Vein Bone Tree to cover the entire plane, and this thing should be arranged on the Earth Vein Bone Tree."

Fang Jie thought about it, and it seems to be the same, but if you want to cover the entire plane with the Earth Vein Bone Tree, plus the plane shield, this is really a very big project. Not to mention the consumption of human and material resources, the key is that the consumption of financial resources is also very large.

This is the Earth Vein Bone Tree, which requires the consumption of corpses and spiritual points. This thing consumes a lot and affects the production of its own troops.

"Here, they made it, although it's less than a day, I don't know how they did it."

Qin Lan took out a boxy thing and put it on the table, then adjusted it. A voice immediately sounded inside: "Welcome to the news on the hour, it's nine o'clock in the morning..."

"Is this a radio?" Fang Jie didn't expect their movements to be so fast.

"It's been restored so quickly, it's only been less than a day." Fang Jie found that he underestimated these researchers. The research ability of these people may be much stronger than their own.

At the very least, I only have the hardware configuration, and the scientific research foundation is far behind them.

"Yeah, I didn't expect them to do it so quickly. They say most of the time is just adjusting the sound transmission." If it weren't for the sound transmission, they would have done it even faster.

"What's going on with this station?"

"We made it at the same time, and there were some people working in this area, and they didn't give up during this period. So they were called in the first time they were made, and they could also be trained in advance."

Fang Jie understood, this was probably an order from Qin Lan.

After all, scientific research and entertainment seem to be two different worlds.

Those researchers will not take the initiative to propose such things, and they may not have any views on them.

"They also said that according to their calculations, the mobile phone can be realized. However, it can only be used as an ordinary mobile phone at the beginning. If you want to restore a smart phone, it will take a period of research, but you should be able to harvest within a few months."

"It's really amazing, since that's the case, then this signal tower is really going to be covered."

Fang Jie understands that this money cannot be saved now. However, he also knows the huge effect of this signal coverage after the coverage, not to mention other things, it is much easier to convey some ideas by himself.

Fang Jie then took out another blueprint: "This is the blueprint of the training ground. I'm going to make it and give it to the indigenous people for training. If you want to train, you can exchange it for merit."

"I didn't expect that there is such a thing, but this time it can consume their merits."

This is also a headache for Qin Lan. Most people have merits, but there are too few merits. Too big rewards can't be redeemed, and small ones can't be seen, which has caused many people to seem to be complaining.

Although there are proxy lords all over the place, in Fang Jie's style, for the convenience of management, they all create very large territories. There are not too many small pieces, so it is difficult to bear so many small proxy lords.

It is true that it is convenient to manage, but many people are very dissatisfied with this structure.

Now that there is a training ground, this problem can be solved.

"I'll arrange this." Qin Lan got up and prepared to leave.

Fang Jie quickly grabbed Qin Lan and said, "Wait, wait until tomorrow, and stay with me today. You haven't been with me for a long time." Fang Jie's eyes were fixed on Qin Lan's.

Anya next to her blushed, and hurriedly packed her things as if she hadn't seen it.

Anya is envious, but she knows that she is not old enough, Fang Jie will not accept her, so it is good to do her own thing for the time being. At this time, Qin Lan also had some strange feelings in his heart.

After tossing for a day, Qin Lan woke up early the next morning.

Although there is no one to host, but after Fang Jie ordered yesterday, there are still many places where training grounds have been built.

After Qin Lan found out, he rolled his eyes at Fang Jie and went to the nearest training ground. At this time, many people were already lining up here, and many people came out excitedly.

Although the training time is not long, the improvement of his own strength is very significant.

"Great, now my strength has improved, and I'm sure to get more credit."

"It's really so powerful, that's great," an adventurer shouted.

A person next to you said, "Forget it. Your potential is too low. You haven't tested it just now. You can only train to the silver level at most. You are not talented enough. Unless you have high-level resources, it is impossible to continue to break through."

"Hmph, I don't have enough talent, but my son is very talented. My credit is enough for him to cultivate to the gold level. Gold under the age of 20 has more potential for future development than me."

Hearing this, many people looked envious.

After all, there are not even a thousand people with gold-level talent that can choose one.

Most people rely on their own cultivation methods, and are barely talented in this area. This person doesn't seem to have a very high background, so his son's talent is really very high.

Indeed, so young has such strength. In the future, if you make merit and exchange for some high-level cultivation methods, you may have the opportunity to become an advanced legend in this life. Once in the legend, it's not the same thing at all.

Even indigenous legends have a very high status within the territory, no wonder they are so envious.

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