Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 721: Fully Entering The Demon Region

Seeing the effect is good, the training ground has also begun to be fully rolled out. Although it is not everywhere, there are many training grounds where people gather.

And Qin Lan also directly incorporated the training ground into the five regular systems and made it a part of it.

After entering the training ground, you can not only use the merits, but also use the contributions from the major guilds. It's just that the exchange method is different, so that it can meet the needs of most people.

As for the few who don't like this model very much, that has nothing to do with them.

At the same time, two special skills have been continuously improved under Fang Jie and a lot of high-level efforts. The two skills were originally very difficult to learn, but they are different after being disassembled.

At least many of these techniques can be used in other spells.

In this way, the overall strength of the high-level undead in the territory has begun to be improved, especially in large-scale wars, it has improved a lot. In a short period of time, the two skills could not fully meet expectations.

In order to be able to study better, Fang Jie, who did not intend to learn two skills, also learned two skills.

And after he deduced to Ultimate, the two skills automatically became demigod-level skills.

Although Fang Jie has learned more, he can't do anything if he wants to go further. He knew that this was because his level was not enough and his knowledge was not enough, so he could only accumulate it slowly over time.

In other words, when you have risen to the level of a god, you will be able to improve it to a certain extent.

At the same time of research, Fang Jie also took time to transform some elves and orcs.

Although nothing can be seen on the bright side, after the race of life and death, Fang Jie has been branded deep in the blood. This stigma cannot be eliminated for many generations.

And after waiting for so long, these races have already completed a complete transformation.

"Is the impact of the devil over, and now so many people apply to hunt demons?"

Fang Jie saw today's new report that the demonic onslaught in the north is over, so now it's time for them to start the last step of planning. However, the faster ones were the indigenous armies and adventurers.

Some are powerful enough to find that they have few merits in the area of ​​orcs and elves.

After all, many have surrendered, and these cannot be attacked. Attacking those who surrendered would not be credit, but guilt. After all, after surrendering, in theory, they are the people of Fang Jie.

The best way to get more credit is to hunt down demons.

After all, although demons are bullying the weak and fearing the rudder, they really won't surrender.

Unless you can communicate with them, it is basically impossible to communicate with those low-level demons who are irrational. So hunting these demons, how much you hunt is all credit.

In addition to the territory, Fang Jie has also sprinkled many lord huts.

Many caring people are very coveted for the lord's hut. Even if they can only act as agents, the benefits they can bring to themselves are unimaginable. Of course they want to get one.

"Since they're all here, let them join in. It's better to be spies."

After thinking about it, Fang Jie said again: "Let the troops on the border leave half of the defense, and the rest will go to the demon area to sweep for me. The subsequent troops will continue to be mobilized and all sent to the north."

With Fang Jie's order, the long-planned northern expedition was completely inspired.

The huge legion was continuously surging to the north, and it looked like a white wave from a distance.

This is a huge wave formed by the gathering of mortal power, which is extremely spectacular.

At the same time, Fang Jie and others secretly followed the army into the north.

Their goal is simple, those demonic creatures who have reached the level of demigods. Follow along all the way, if you are not found, you can sneak a sneak attack and get a bigger result.

Because both empires have perished, their demigods are all dead. Therefore, the demigods under Fang Jie don't need to keep so many in one place, which will cause a lot of waste.

Although many demigods have been injured, Fang Jie still used eighteen this time.

With his own words, the combat power almost doubled.

What Fang Jie didn't expect was that, as he pushed forward, he didn't see any demon demigods. Wherever they go, all the demons will be annihilated by the undead, and the corpses will be brought back for use.

In some areas in the rear, the lord's hut appeared in some places, and construction has begun.

Few of the natives really liked this area, so Fang Jie simply turned it into a lord-level territory. The acting lords under his command are also the undead under his command, and they can be assigned at will.

As long as you can use it, you don't need to care about the so-called merits and the like.

And the first time after these lord huts arrived, there were only two things built. One is defensive buildings, and the other is farmland. A lot of farmland is used to transform the ground.

The environment here is full of the breath of demons, and the ground is a rocky ground solidified by a thick layer of lava.

The further you go inside, the thicker the stones on the ground and the more lava. There was a smell of sulfur in the air, and there was a strange smell that ordinary people couldn't feel. It belonged to the devil.

"The breath is getting stronger and stronger, it seems that we should be approaching the end."

Fang Jie felt the strength of the surrounding power and said. At this time, the army in front rioted again. Every time this happens, it means encountering a large army of demons.

Only this kind of conflict can have such obvious movement across such a distance.

"What is this time? A few legendary demons." Fang Jie asked.

"It's not a legend, it's a demigod. Or, we should have found their lair, the inside of the crater in front is, and there are not one or two demigods."

Fang Hao, who appeared beside Fang Jie, said vigilantly.

Although Fang Hao is not the most powerful demigod under Fang Jie, he is still the most comprehensive one. Fang Hao was the first hero to follow Fang Jie, and Fang Jie was the most willing to devote himself to his training.

As far as the various resources invested after the demigods, Fang Hao was more than twice that of the other demigods.

Hearing Fang Hao's words, Fang Jie knew that it was time to completely unify the entire plane.

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