Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 723 Devil's Passage In Lava

Fang Jie and others have no shortage of experience in dealing with demigods.

Demons without special skills have no chance of Struggle in front of them. After a while, all the demon demigods were killed. Continuing Struggle's, there are only some legendary demons.

The air is now basically dominated by the undead. The original few Flying demons are either dead or not far from death. In this environment, the legendary demigods don't even want to rush out.

Fang Jie winked, and the demigod made his move.

The target of their hands is those legendary demons. Hunt legendary demons and send them to the rear.

The biggest role of these demons is to add some legendary evidence to their own side. As for what the devil will think, whether other people will have vile thoughts, these have nothing to do with Fang Jie.

As long as it can increase the strength and heritage of the territory, then do it, it is not a bad thing anyway.

At this time, the undead army has spread in, and the battle has entered garbage time.

"According to the current situation, it would take a month for a normal war to completely clear this place."

Fang Jie nodded: "Then use normal warfare methods, at least add some heroic units and legend certificates. As long as the middle position is reserved for me, I can send more troops here."

With such a large Volcano mouth, it is not impossible to completely defend with just a few of them.

Just doing that would be a waste of time and energy. And if Normal is not careful, it is possible for some demons to rush over. In the face of a large number of demons who are not afraid of death, no matter how strict the defense is, it is impossible to completely guarantee that there will be no problems.

"The army doesn't need it. Our floating city has already arrived here, and it will be there in about half an hour."

Fang Jie nodded, he forgot about that thing.

Because the floating city was too noisy, Fang Jie didn't take it with him. After all, he wanted to sneak attack on those demons, so how could they have discovered the floating city in the first place.

If the demons think that they have no resistance at all, what should they do if they use any special means.

Demons have many evil means, and Fang Jie knows this very well.

But it's no problem to send it now, Fang Jie looked at the center of Volcano's mouth. "It seems that this is the place. I didn't expect the space channel to stay in this kind of place."

Then Fang Jie shook his head: "That's not right, it's not just the power of space, but the power of space mobilized by lava. It seems that without these lava, this space channel could not exist."

This should be a means of the devil, but it is a pity that Fang Jie himself is not a space attribute, so he can't see through it at all.

Even if he hadn't reached a demigod, he wouldn't have discovered the relationship between this lava and space power.

"Destroy it directly. As long as the space channel is destroyed with powerful force, it is impossible for them to find our location. We still have a bone tentacle, which is enough to protect our location from exposure."

Fang Jie thought about it and seemed to be the same, but then shook his head: "If we disconnect like this, it will be difficult for us to find each other in the future."

They have attacked their world for so long, and now the plane is theirs, of course they want to Revenge to go back. After all, this is considered a feud, Fang Jie is even more reluctant to give up the opposite plane.

An excuse is still needed.

"In this case, this space channel must be kept. But this space channel is not under our control. Once the other party wants to cut it, then we have no choice."

Fang Jie stared at this passage, and suddenly said after a long time, "It's not entirely without problems. If a city is built here, it will be able to take the initiative."

Fang Jie is not talking about an ordinary city, but a city that can reach the level of a main city.

"Demon type, other types, it's hard to build in this kind of place."

"No, I still like the undead type. There is no need for us to develop the type of demon. The development of this thing is not good for any creature. The key is that it is not easy to control."

Demons are not undead, and can easily control the behavior of all subordinates.

Devils, when you can't see them, they often break the rules, at least they often do things like edge balls, and then the hidden dangers will be very big.

"That's what I thought. You guys shot me to temporarily suppress the lava here, and I'll build a city in this place. In a few days at most, it should be able to build to the main city level."

The others nodded directly, even if they were very tired, they would not object to what Fang Jie meant.

At this time, the floating city has arrived. With the protection of the floating city, the surrounding area is absolutely safe. It is impossible for any demon to penetrate the protection of the floating city and reach it.

Even if the floating city is willing, it can easily wipe out all the demons here.

However, the demons here are still useful and can help Fang Jie to cultivate an army, so it was not eliminated. After checking the information, Fang Jie thought it was too late, so he directly ordered the construction to start.

The surrounding demigods released their power one after another, forcibly suppressing the lava inside the Volcano mouth, and also suppressing the space forces inside. Even if the other party finds out, it is not easy to break open.

This method, looks like Imprison.

However, there is no way for others like Imprison to have a space channel, and Fang Jie is prepared to keep it and call back at any time.

As the power was suppressed, the never-solidified lava finally began to solidify. A special platform appeared in this place, and the construction territory finally had a foundation.

Fang Jie's heart moved, and a lord's hut appeared in this place.

At this time, a large number of skeleton laborers who had been prepared for a long time ran over and began to build various things crazily. Under the command of Fang Jie, the lord's hut also began to be upgraded step by step.

As the lord's hut became more advanced, the surrounding environment became more and more stable. Two days later, the lord's hut was upgraded to the city level, and the pressure on the demigods suddenly eased.

However, after reaching the city, it is not so easy to continue to upgrade.

Although this is only a sub-base, it still took Fang Jie more than half a month to upgrade to the main city level.

Half a month later, Fang Jie himself was fine, but the spirits of the other demigods were very lethargic. It was too stressful to keep releasing power for so long.

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