Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 724 Unification Of The Planes

"You guys take a rest, just leave it to me next."

Fang Jie said something to the others, and then released his own power to suppress the fluctuation of the space channel caused by Imprison. The others stopped one after another, standing in place and slowly recovering.

Looking around, at this time, demons still occupy most of the colors, and there are fewer undead.

But that's because Fang Jie wants to make the most of all these demons. Otherwise, if I really let it go, I would have cleaned up all these demons long ago, which would be too wasteful.

Fang Jie suppresses the space passage here, and at the same time assists the territory to control the passage.

That's right, the territory that has reached the main city level can control the space channel in a certain sense. Even if the opponent's control power is relatively high, even if the compatibility is relatively poor, they can still compete for part of the control.

After all, this represents a rule of the hunting grounds of the heavens themselves, and cannot be contested by other rules.

"Although Solaceon can't be mobilized, and Solaceon can't be expanded, but finally the opponent can't open Solaceon."

Two days later, Fang Jie withdrew his strength and nodded in satisfaction.

Seeing that the others still haven't recovered, and feeling his good Contest Condition, Fang Jie is a little apologetic. If I had known this earlier, I should have intervened in advance.

After all, with Fang Jie's own recovery talent, this consumption is not as fast as his own recovery.

Fang Jie didn't say anything, just randomly assigned a demigod to be the acting lord of this place, and then started to build various other buildings around this place.

To turn this place into a real undead territory, various buildings are absolutely indispensable.

The reason why a demigod is placed in this place is because this place is too important.

The connected plane is definitely not an ordinary plane. When he was at Imprison before, Fang Jie had some understanding of the power in it, and the opponent's strength was really powerful.

"Is it a god that fell from a foreign land? It's really hard to deal with."

Fang Jie recalled the power of the law before, which was completely incompatible with the hunting grounds of the heavens, and was very powerful. It is conceivable that it is definitely the gods of other worlds, which fell to this place because they were swallowed.

When the gods enter the hunting grounds of the heavens, they have certain resistance to the local laws.

But unless you abolish your own strength and practice again, your strength will not improve at all.

And after those themselves come in, they will be strongly impacted. If you can't fit your own strength into the world of the heavens, you will be injured at light level, and it will be difficult for you to make progress in your life.

The power that Fang Jie felt, the reason why it was so difficult for Imprison was because it contained the power of the gods.

The gods of demons are incompatible with this world, and they cannot be explored in a short time.

At least you have to reach the level of the gods before you can go and see. Otherwise, even if it is a god who is incompatible with the world, it is not something that a demigod can deal with.

Even if there are tens of thousands of demigods, against a real god, Ba Samson will not end well.

Suddenly, Fang Jie felt a vibration, as if the whole world was shaking.

"What happened, what happened?" Fang Jie looked around in surprise.

Then Fang Hao said: "It should be because of the plane. Only we can feel this vibration, other people can't feel it." Fang Hao pointed to the undead fighting below, and there was no other performance at all.

Among them, the shock that Fang Jie felt was undoubtedly the most obvious, and it could affect himself.

Closing his eyes, Fang Jie felt it, then smiled.

"It turns out that the real fusion is about to be completed." The plane that he had shot down before has accelerated the fusion as he completely occupied the entire plane.

In fact, when Fang Jie killed the six demigods and demons here before, the plane had already tacitly agreed that Fang Jie unified the world.

It's just that the fusion was only accelerated before, so Fang Jie didn't feel it.

At this moment, Fang Jie completely imprisoned that exotic space channel, and the power of the world was finally free.

In addition, Fang Jie was originally the master of the two planes, so this fusion not only increased the speed to the fastest, but also actively accelerated to fit.

According to Fang Jie, the two planes will be completely merged within three days at most.

Fang Jie also discovered that before the fusion of the two planes, his territory cannot be upgraded.

Because this means that although the territory is unified, it is in a special situation. So even if all the conditions are met, Fang Jie still has to wait. But at this time, the troubles inside the plane have been completely resolved.

"The matter here is left to you, let's go back."

Fang Jie explained, leaving the acting lord here, and then left.

Of the other demigods, only one stayed to help, and everyone else went back. After such a long period of suppression, the undead are exhausted physically and mentally, and it will take a while to fully recover.

Three days passed quickly, and three days later, with a shock, the plane fusion was completed.

Even other people can feel the shock, and many people thought it was Earthquake.

But since the fusion, the entire plane seems to be sublimated. The bottleneck of many people was suddenly cleared, and their strength was directly improved, and they entered another level.

Things that many people don't understand, suddenly they completely understand, and their spiritual realm is improved.

Fang Jie can even feel that many people on the plane have increased their potential.

And the closer the person is to him, the more he will improve, and the invisible luck in his body will also begin to improve. It's just that at the level of Fang Jie, this kind of power has little effect on self-improvement, so I can't feel it.

"It's a terrifying change. This is what the master of the plane brought. No wonder many people want to become the master of the plane. If the power of the world can be mobilized, even if it is only a part of Assist, the grasp of becoming a god will be even greater."

Fang Jie then shook his head, although such a method is easy to become a god, but Fang Jie did not want to use it.

Because this method is used, it will be completely tied to the hunting grounds of the heavens in the future.

Although the improvement of strength will speed up and will exert greater power in the hunting grounds of the heavens, he will also become part of the hunting grounds of the heavens, and he will lose the power to control himself in the future.

And the more you improve your strength, the more you lose, and in the end you will even lose yourself.

Therefore, most of the gods will not go on this road unless there is a compelling reason.

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