Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 725: The Territory Has Been Upgraded To A God's Domain

All the conditions have now been completely completed, and the next step is to upgrade the territory again. This upgrade is different from the previous one. No resources need to be consumed, but time is consumed instead.

"Before the territory is upgraded, some special subordinate races are needed to reach a prosperous level, and that's all I can do."

This is what Fang Jie restored from some information in the discussion forum. He said that before the main city of the territory is upgraded, it is best to get some main cities of other camps as subsidiary territories.

However, these subsidiary territories themselves must reach a certain level of prosperity. This prosperity refers to the indigenous race, not the territory itself. But there are only a few races that they can accept and develop.

However, many special factions have been strengthened by Fang Jie, and there are many cities at the main city level.

"In any case, the preparations that can be done in the early stage have basically been completed. If you want more, it will take too long, and it feels like putting the cart before the horse."

Fang Jie has a feeling that it would be good for him to level up early.

And he could vaguely feel a threat, although he couldn't tell the truth, he still had some feelings.

Then Fang Jie explained it and gave everyone a three-day vacation, which was the time for the territory to be upgraded. At the same time, notify everyone to stabilize the entire plane and do not cause any disturbance.

Knowing what Fang Jie was going to do, the cabinet immediately got busy.

This upgrade, everyone has been looking forward to for a long time, knows that this time is probably a huge improvement to the territory. The change of territory will also directly affect everyone present.

If you can follow the trend, you may be able to go further, which is what everyone is looking forward to.

A day later, the mass holiday begins. Countless people were screaming, not understanding what was going on. Except for the demon area where the battle is being fought, all activities have been suspended elsewhere.

"What's the matter, I was going to the training ground today, but it was closed."

"It won't be a problem with the territory, right? With so many training grounds, the territory consumes too much, so I can't hold on."

"Nonsense, that is a territory building. As long as the territory is still in operation, it can consume any resources."

Many people gathered together to chat about family affairs. Speaking of which, many people have not been so leisurely for a long time. Just as they were arguing about what happened in the territory, they suddenly felt a slight tremor.

The vibration was continuous and did not mean to stop at all.

"What's the matter? Is there another plane to be fused? Didn't it just finish merging before?"

They all felt the fusion before, so Fang Jie didn't hide it and announced it directly. Anyway, the two planes are their own, and the fusion is completed, even if they know what to do.

There are indeed some people with ulterior motives in the territory, but after all, such people are only a few.

Their power is too weak, and they don't need Fang Jie to come forward, and these people can't make any waves.

Fang Jie knows that because he has been in this world for too short a time, many things are inevitable. So this time, as soon as the shaking started, someone guessed.

"Fusion what! Can a matter as big as a plane be concealed? We don't know this."

With the development, the news of adventurers can be said to be the most well-informed. There are a lot of new news circulating in the Adventurer's Guild every day, all kinds of news, both true and false.

So they have always believed that there is nothing in this world that they do not know.

Of course, except for some things about the leader Fang Jie, they really don't know and dare not know.

"It's strange, why it lasted for so long, this time it must be a big event."

"I heard that it seems that the territory is going to be upgraded, but I don't know what this upgrade means."

Everyone was arguing again. Although the vibration can't be ignored, it seems to be accustomed to it after a long time. Anyway, this kind of vibration has no effect on them themselves.

Even in the process of shaking, many people felt as if they had gained something, and their bodies were more comfortable.

Before I knew it, three days had passed since this shock.

On the third day, Fang Jie was waiting in his lord's mansion when a voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Congratulations on the promotion of your domain to the God's Domain, please name the God's Domain."

"It's a long-lost voice, it's really kind." Fang Jie hasn't heard this voice since the last reward, and he didn't expect to hear it now.

I didn't know what this voice was before, but now he knows, this is the formation of the laws of the planes of the heavens.

In essence, it is just a piece of information. The reason why I can hear the voice is because this piece of information is expressed in a way that is most acceptable to me, that's all.

Because Earthlings are accustomed to receiving this form, so all people receive this.

It is like its own panel, which is also formed for this reason.

The lords of other races and other worlds may not be in the form of panels, but some other Contest Condition. In any case, the surface is different, but the inside is the same.

"But I have to name it again. Isn't it a city this time, it has become a God's Domain, and the entire plane is the kind of God's Domain."

Fang Jie felt it, and now the core is no longer the lord's mansion, but the entire plane. As long as the plane is not destroyed, he can rebuild his lord's mansion anywhere.

In the past, the Lord's Mansion was the core, and after the upgrade called God's Domain, the Heart of the Plane was the core.

Moreover, Fang Jie also discovered that a plane can only have a domain of the level of the gods.

As long as you become the domain of the gods of this plane, then there will be no next one, and others can only be promoted to the main city level at most. Unless they use special means to move their territories to other planes.

Fang Jie has no way to leave, and wants to break up this relationship, unless the entire plane is destroyed.

And once that happens, the territory will be hit very hard, and Fang Jie, who is already very close to the plane, will also be hit hard. Anyway, the end will definitely not be very good, this is what Fang Jie feels from the territory.

But what about the Divine Realm? It seems that I have heard of it before. Many gods have this thing before they become gods.

"It seems that when I become a god in the future, the advantage of territory is not so obvious to me. But there is definitely an advantage. After all, this is a kind of racial talent, and it is definitely better than the territory obtained by other gods by means.

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