Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 727 New Features Of The White Lotus God Domain

Fang Jie continued to look down, and sure enough, something interesting appeared.

"After becoming God's Domain, various functions have really increased a lot." Fang Jie said to himself.

White Lotus God's Domain: Integrate the entire plane to form a complete God's Domain. God's Domain is the cradle of gods and the strongest foundation for the birth of gods.

God's Domain can integrate other planes to enhance the heritage and power of God's Domain. A layer of World Barrier is formed on the edge of God's Domain, which has a certain defensive ability against God's Domain itself, and God's Domain's own evolution and improvement speed up. Internal territory buildings, you can spend a certain amount of Faith Solaceon to transfer the location. All building construction costs are halved. For territorial arms, legendary prices are reduced by 20%, gold arms by 30%, and other arms by 50%. Territory buildings create a variety of items for 30% less price. The research success rate is increased by 5 times. Manufactured arms have a certain probability to directly become hero units, machinery and alchemy products, and have a certain probability to become arms units. The indigenous people in the territory will be assimilated in their thoughts and gradually become the believers of the lord. Indigenous talents have been improved, along with algebraic optimizations.

Comes with Tower of Faith, Legendary Abyss, Tower of Legendary Advancement, and the Center of the World

The realm of the gods is the cradle of the gods, Fang Jie was shocked. I had already looked at God's Domain very highly, but I didn't expect that I would still underestimate it. But Fang Jie understands that this cradle is definitely not as simple as an ordinary metaphor.

Although it is possible to become a god in other ways, it cannot be compared with this.

It is not easy to become a god who has been promoted to rely on the realm of the gods.

These things can only be understood later, Fang Jie continued to look down. It is found that God's Domain can integrate other planes and enhance its heritage and strength. It seems that this is the way to enhance God's Domain.

Fang Jie already had the means, such as those bone tentacles.

Bone tentacles can pull other planes over, but they can be quickly integrated into them after they are completely occupied.

Now with the strength of the territory itself, it should be able to speed up this fusion speed. After the fusion, their own territory will also gain more and more powerful heritage.

This background Fang Jie does not know what it is used for, but it is definitely very important.

"I originally planned to focus on other worlds in the future, but now it seems that it should be tilted. Some planes inside the hunting grounds of the heavens also need to be targeted."

In the planes inside the hunting grounds of the heavens, the source power cannot be extracted by itself.

Once you do this, you will be attacked by the hunting grounds of the heavens, even the gods are not good, let alone yourself.

So to ascend quickly, Fang Jie has to keep his eyes out and stare at those other worlds.

However, in order to enhance the background of one's own plane, it is necessary to absorb and integrate other planes. This is the instinct of the territory itself, and the territory is the evolution of the rules of the hunting grounds of the heavens, so this is allowed by the hunting grounds of the heavens.

After all, no matter how it is merged and swallowed, it is a change in the hunting grounds of the heavens themselves, and their power has not been lost.

Later, Fang Jie discovered that there was indeed a layer of Barrier on the edge of his God's Domain, but Fang Jie didn't know the specific defense power of this layer of Barrier, and he couldn't really experiment.

In the event of a problem, the one who suffers will be the Lord of the Divine Realm.

However, this layer of Barrier can quickly evolve itself, which is not bad. Fang Jie even found that this layer of Barrier can also increase the hidden ability of his own divine domain, which is not written in the data.

If there is no special plane artifact, Fang Jie really can't feel this.

It seems that sometimes there are some things that are missing from the data. There are some in the data, there must be some, but what has not appeared in the data, sometimes it may not be absent, and these need to be researched by yourself.

Fang Jie then looked down, and the buildings inside the territory could spend Faith to move, which is a good effect.

At this time, the faith has gathered a lot. After all, his reputation here is still good, and there are many people under his command. Especially those undead, it is 100% belief.

The only problem is that undead creatures are simple-minded and therefore offer little faith power.

Compared to other creatures, even diehards don't offer much faith. If it only relies on the undead camp itself, it really can only be accumulated by time and quantity.

Sure enough, relying on a single camp to develop, there are too many defects.

However, Fang Jie thought about it, and it seems that there is no need to transfer buildings now.

Even if the main territory is transferred to the center, what can happen, now that his core has become the core of this plane, not the original main territory, it is meaningless to transfer.

However, in the future, the construction price will be halved. This news makes Fang Jie happy and annoyed.

The happy thing is that the prices of those miracle buildings and plane artifacts are too high now, and halving them can save a lot of resources. Annoyed is that he has created too many plane artifacts before.

If you put up with it at first and build it again now, you can directly get double the harvest.

But all these have passed, Fang Jie has no way to regret it.

Along with the reduction of the building price, the price of its own troops has also been reduced. Of course, Fang Jie also found that the price of the troops of his own faction and affiliated factions will be reduced.

Those who do not belong to their own camp, the price does not mean to decrease, it seems that this is also a restriction.

It is no wonder that it was said that it was very important to build the main cities of various factions in advance. It turned out that this is also the meaning here. "Why can't I say it clearly, so that people have nowhere to guess."

Fang Jie was speechless for a while, it is also possible that this aspect was banned from publicity, and someone secretly said something.

Forget it, I am also a beneficiary, and there is no reason to scold others.

Fang Jie continued to see that the production of various items in the territory can also reduce the price. This is not very useful to me, after all, most of my arms have their own weapons.

In addition to the beginning, Fang Jie did not manufacture weapons and equipment to equip his own arms.

However, in addition to the undead arms, other arms have been researching weapons and equipment. With this function in the future, I believe that equipment and various items can also be developed rapidly.

The last thing is research, which is mainly aimed at various equipment and alchemy items. Of course, it also strengthens the undead arms that you study in the abyss of the undead.

It's just that the special arms are not very useful to me now, and even if the research is successful, the effect is not very strong.

Unless a unit with a very special role can appear one day, it will not have any meaning to itself.

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