Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 728: Powerful Territorial Ability

Fang Jie continued to look down, but the things below were a little weird.

In the past, there was a certain probability that the units created by himself would become elite units, which already satisfied Fang Jie.

After all, there are not so many elite units, and it is impossible for me to use heroic units all the time. You must know that the difficulty of appearing hero units in the undead armies is much higher than that of other factions.

But now Fang Jie didn't expect that something like a hero unit could appear directly.

"The high-level Bone War Elephant had no way to upgrade before, just because of its own problems. If it can directly become a hero unit, then it can also improve its own level."

It is exciting to think about it. If high-level bone war elephants form a legion, the effect will be terrifying. The pure defensive power of this thing is even stronger than that of a giant dragon.

There are also their own Charon dragons, before Charon dragons had no concept of elites and heroes at all.

Their strength has not changed since they appeared. If it can really become a hero unit, it is very exaggerated. In the future, your own Charon dragon will also be able to grow stronger.

"No, the Charon dragon is no longer a legend, but a demigod."

Fang Jie discovered that the Charon Dragon Graveyard's ability has changed, which is a plane artifact, not an ordinary building. As the level of one's territory increases, the upper limit of Charon dragons also increases.

However, with the increase, the dragon creature corpses consumed to create Charon dragons also increased, and the production speed was slower.

"Forget it, after all, it is a demigod that was created. Although there is no specific level, this demigod should have just entered the level of a demigod, and maybe it can be improved in the future."

Fang Jie had some guesses in his heart, but it was only guesswork before it was made.

Later, Fang Jie also discovered that his various plane artifacts seemed to have improved a lot, but they were not so direct on the surface.

On the other hand, there seems to be no change in those miracle buildings. After all, they are only territorial buildings, not special existences bound to the plane.

It is the plane teleportation array in the plane artifact, which doesn't seem to have changed much.

No matter, continue to look down, Fang Jie is really surprised to see the changes in his machinery and alchemy products.

Originally some mechanical manufacturing and alchemy products, although they can be controlled, they also have a certain ability to understand. But it does not belong to the arms, but an item, a tool.

But now production, there is a certain opportunity to upgrade, become a kind of arms.

Arms are special beings that have their own thinking and can think about problems by themselves. Although because of their special role, even if they become hero units, they cannot improve their strength.

After all, they are all made of machinery, and it is impossible to improve without changing themselves.

But once they can be cultivated, it will definitely be easier for them to control the items they belong to in the future, and they will be able to play the real role of these items and improve the effect of tools.

Think about it, if some alchemy equipment has become a military type, then in a sense, this is equivalent to the birth of a simple artifact spirit. Even in situations beyond the owner's control, equipping oneself can have a certain effect.

Fang Jie has some doubts, this is because there are similar departments in his affiliated faction, so he will only increase the special ability.

However, Fang Jie has no way to be sure. After all, he has no one else to use as a comparison, nor does he have any books that specifically record such things. These things can only be guessed by himself.

But it should be like this, otherwise some people may have this function useless.

And some special arms, these plus Samson did not cover those special existences.

The next function should be the main function of the territory. Being able to gradually assimilate indigenous thoughts and become one's own believers should have this effect in every divine domain.

Those gods value their followers very much. Although Fang Jie has not yet reached that level, he can understand it.

Therefore, this ability to add believers to oneself and increase the level of believers' faith is absolutely useful.

Fang Jie now believes that the domain of the gods is very important and the foundation of the gods.

The last is the improvement of the native talent, which Fang Jie couldn't figure out in a short period of time. But in any case, the talent of the natives has improved, and there will be more powerful people in the territory in the future.

This optimization is not a one-off, but will be optimized every generation, and the effect will continue to improve with the algebra.

Fang Jie suddenly understands why those gods don't value legends, and even some demigods will be sent out for other purposes. It turns out that they are not lacking at all.

After the talents of the subjects are improved, the number of people who cultivate to become legends or even demigods in the future will greatly increase.

Because the number of strong men under him is large, naturally it is not so important.

Just like before, once upon a time, a Tetsu-level unit was very precious. Once, the first gold-level combat power was regarded as a treasure.

But now, the gold level is nothing more than the base of one's own troops, and those who cannot reach it are not eligible to join the army.

I used to use the first legend in my hands to protect myself. After a few more, I used it to calculate the New Moon Kingdom and the Blue Sand Kingdom, which was the combat power of the Trump Card in my hand.

And now, there are so many legendary powerhouses under his command that they are almost ignored.

Of course, although it has not yet reached that level, Fang Jie is not very distressed now that he has lost a few legends. Even when it is necessary, Fang Jie will voluntarily give up a few legendary powerhouses.

"Unfortunately, this promotion is not for all races."

Fang Jie knows very well that this talent enhancement is aimed at the races in his own faction and affiliated factions. Even the undead have been promoted, but those who do not belong to their own camp still have no way to be promoted.

However, those acting lords are different, because they have the support of the territory, so there is no need to worry about their talents.

You don't have to think about it to know how important a territory that can be managed will become in the eyes of many people in the future.

Shaking his head, Fang Jie continued to look at some of the new special buildings. These buildings are all buildings in the realm of the gods, just like the previous lord's mansion and the temple, they are all attached to themselves, and there is no need to look for blueprints.

Or rather, these buildings are also a special bonus.

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